Matthew 24:3-39; 25:31-46; Mark 13:24-37; Acts 1:6-10
We are getting close the Easter Sunday, the day that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. It is good that we use the occasion to remind ourselves of what Christ suffered for us. It is equally important to keep ourselves reminded that Christ is coming again. The promise of His second coming was given
very early in the Old Testament ( Deut.30:3). Psalm 2:1-12 details the struggle
and rebellion of man against his Maker. Ps.2:8-9 tell us what Christ will do
with all the rebellious nations when He comes and Ps.2:10-12 warns the nations
to submit to Christ or face the fury of His judgement.
The second coming will also bring with it good news,
especially for the nation of Israel – their re-gathering from all nations of
the world, their restoration as a Kingdom (Isaiah 32:18; 33:20-24; Jer.23:3-6). In May 14; 1948, Israel became a nation again since being scattered abroad from 70 AD (Isa.66:8). The
renovation of the earth (Isaiah 65:17; 66:22; Rev.21:1; Restoration of all
things (Isa.11:1-9; Jer.12:4, 11). God has not abandoned the world. He has a set plan and a
set time to restore all things. As for that time, it remains in the hand of
God. All we can say is that it is imminent. We believe that the second coming of Christ will be in two parts: (1) The Rapture and (2) The Second coming proper. Whatever we believe, let is be ready.
Deceptions (Mat.24:4-5, 11, 24)
False Christ’s (Mat.24:5, 7, 23-26)
Wars and Rumours of Wars (Mat.24:6-7)
Famines, Pestilence, Earthquakes (Mat.24:7)
Anti-Semitism ( Mat.24:9)
Persecution of Christians (Mark 13:9, 13)
Spiritual Indifference (Mat.24:7, 30, 37; 2Tim.3:1-5)
The world is passing through birth pains. We are again hearing the rumours of war - the so called Arab Spring, Iran constantly threatening to wipe Israel off the map, North Korea threatening to obliterate south Korea. World economies are failing. Christians are facing their most severe persecution ever - rights removed in many countries, Christian beliefs trampled by governments. Even in the Church there are many assemblies that are simply not preparing people for Christ's return. They are only talking about things of this world - money, prosperity, blessings, peace of mind. These signs are there to make us to wake up, prepare and wait for Christ.
The world is passing through birth pains. We are again hearing the rumours of war - the so called Arab Spring, Iran constantly threatening to wipe Israel off the map, North Korea threatening to obliterate south Korea. World economies are failing. Christians are facing their most severe persecution ever - rights removed in many countries, Christian beliefs trampled by governments. Even in the Church there are many assemblies that are simply not preparing people for Christ's return. They are only talking about things of this world - money, prosperity, blessings, peace of mind. These signs are there to make us to wake up, prepare and wait for Christ.
John 14:1-3; 1Cor.15:51-58; Phil. 2:20-21; 3:1-4; 1Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1John 3:1-3
The catching away of saints is an event like the carrying away of Elijah in what was described as a chariot of fire (2Kings 1:1, 11-12). Paul understood by revelation that believers who are faithful to Christ will enjoy a similar privilege. This time it will be Christ Himself returning to take us to Himself. There will be no prior warning before this event. it will happen in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, when the last trumpet sounds. Some people believe that all believers will pass through great tribulation. But what does the word of God say (1Thes.5:1-11). Firstly, He has not appointed us to wrath. The great tribulation is the wrath of God poured out unto the unbelieving, not unto believers. Secondly, the Church is called the bride of Christ. It is reasonable to believe that Christ will come as stated in (1 Thes.4:13-18) and take away His bride from the world before His wrath is revealed. Thirdly Jesus is the vine and we are His branches. He is the Head and we are His body even now. He has suffered once and is not going to suffer again in His body. He enjoins us to be ready (Mat.24:44; Luke 12:40)
The Sun will be darkened Mat.24:29; Isaiah 13:10; 34:4
The Moon shall not give her light
The stars shall fall from heaven
The Powers of heaven will be shaken (Joel 2:10)
The tribes of the earth will mourn (Zech.12:10-14)
The Son of Man will arrive in the Clouds (Dan.7:13-14)
He will send his angels to gather His elect (Mat.13:41-43; 1 Cor.15:52
The climax of all these signs is what the bible calls the Great Tribulation. The great tribulation is a time of great trial, wars, great suffering in the world, and the tyrannical reign of the anti-Christ. It is described as a time of Jacob’s trouble, when Israel will be sorely tested. However they will emerge from it still as a nation. God will pour out His wrath upon the wicked nations and forces that oppress God’s people.
Mat.13:36-43; 24:30-31; Mat.13:47-50; Luke 12:4-5
Gathering Of The Nations
Judgement Of The Nations
Judgement of False Christians
Reward Of The Faithful Believers
The Bible makes it clear that there will be a separation of
the good and the bad, of believers and non-believers. All those nations and
people who reject Christ and his message, who persecute His people will be
gathered together to give account of their actions. All those who have heard
the Gospel but refused to heed it will be judged. Now they may feel they have
the upper hand and control government and nations, then they shall weep and
gnash their teeth. Now they persecute and kill Christians at will, then they
will not escape God’s judgement. (Mat.3:10-12; Luke 12:4-5).
In the Church where many people profess to be Christians,
there shall also be separation (Mat.13:47-50).
Mat.24:32-35, 37-44; Mat.25:1-13; 14-30; 1Cor.15:58; 2Peter
Sign of The Fig Tree
Suddenness of Christ’s Appearance
Meticulous Preparation
- The Ten virgins
Christian Duty Till Christ Returns – Parable Of The Talents
Christ is calling us to urgent Christian duty. We are to
occupy till he comes back. The only sign we will be given are the signs already
getting fulfilled by the day all over the world. Any time from now the trumpet
shall sound and the dead in Christ shall rise for the rapture. Then the great
tribulation, then Christ’s return to judge the world and restore all things. He
will appear suddenly. We do not know the time. Do not pay attention to all
these people who predict days and times. Be ready for whenever it pleases God
to let it happen.
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