Saturday, 24 November 2012



1Corinthians 13:1-13
Love is an indispensable ingredient of the Christian life. Unlike other religions of the world, Christianity cannot exist without love. It was originated by love, established by love, propagated by love. You may be a Hindu without love, a Buddhist without love, Muslim without love. But you cannot be a Christian without love. Our Founder is the Originator of  love. He never fought a battle but has won more victories than any other organisation. The  most famous verse found in the Bible is (John 3:16-17) and it is about God’s love. The Bible also tells us that Love is a Person (1John 4:8) love leads our God to great sacrifices even of His only begotten son, a mystery that we cannot still comprehend. This love has been revealed in us (1John 3:16-22). Love is a Gift (John 3:16). Love is a Commandment (John 13:34-35).
The Indispensability of Love, (1Cor.13:1-3)
Love is a gift from God (John 3:16). It is indispensable. It is greater than any other gift of the Holy Spirit – greater than speaking in tongues, greater than prophecy, greater that faith for working miracles. Love is greater than submitting yourself to martyrdom.
The Manifestation of Love (1Cor.13:4-7)
Love manifests itself in many ways. We can see 14 characteristics of love in this chapter
          The first mark of love is that it suffereth long (Patient)
          It is kind.
          Love envieth not. (Not Envious)
          Vaunteth not itself (Does not boast)
          Is not puffed up (Is not proud)
          Doth not behave itself unseemly (Does not dishonour others) i. e., not rude, ill-mannered,
         Love seeketh not its own (not self-seeking)
         Love is not provoked (or angered)
        Love taketh not account of evil (keeps no record of wrongs)
       Love rejoiceth not in unrighteousness (dot delight in evil)
       Love rejoiceth with the truth
      Love beareth all things (never gives up)
      Love believeth all things (Always trusts)
      Love hopeth all things (Always hopes)
     Love endureth all things (Always perseveres)
The Pre-eminence Of Love (1Corinthians 13:8-13)
Love never fails. Prophecies shall seize. Tongues shall be stilled. Knowledge shall pass away. But love will remain. As a young man marries a very beautiful young lady. But when beauty shall pass away love will still remain. A young lady marries a very brilliant and intelligent young man. But when intelligence shall pass away, love will still remain.
Love has many great companions in Scripture:
Grace (Rom.1:7)
Joy (Gal.5:22; Rom.15:13)
Peace (Rom.14:17)
Gentleness (James 3:17)
Goodness (Gal.5:22)
Faith (2Tim.2:22)
Purity (James 3:17)
Holiness (heb.12:14)
Righteousness (Romans 4:17)
Mercy (1Tim.1:2)
Let us pursue love to its logical end that will be when it is fulfilled in the Kingdom and presence of God.



Matthew 19:3-12

We start with some very clear premises: Marriage is an Institution of God. Marriage is between a man and a woman. Marriage is for life. Problems in marriage come from human dysfunction, brought about by the fall. The Fall of Adam and Eve brought sin to all men. “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”. “The heart is desperately wicked, who can know it” So wherever there is conflict in the home, it is caused by sin. That sin could be selfishness, or lack of love or outright wickedness or negligence. The only way to sort out family problems and heal the hurts is to locate the sin, go back to God, confess the sin, look at what His word said about marriage and about the home and apply them to our marriages and homes. Some of the things I might say here today may seem quite hard for some people, but so was it with the Disciples of Christ when He taught about marriage (Matthew 19:3-11). The biblical principles we propagate tend to lead to security, happiness and joy for all those who would apply them.

Functions Of A Family

Types Of families and Functions

Copping Function

Modelling Function

Developmental Function
What is the function of the family? Why is marriage important? (i) To propagate children (Gen.1:28), (ii) to eliminate solitude (Gen.2:18), (iii) to prevent immorality (1Cor.7:2), and (iv) to provide enjoyment (Heb.13:4; Gen.26:8). In this Church we only believe what the Bible says about marriage. Reverend John MacArthur said that two things are vital if a marriage is going to work, (i) A woman characterised by submission she had before the fall and (ii) A man characterised by sacrificial love. His commitment is to love the woman and do for her everything he would do for himself, as he did before the fall.

I am sure most of us will know that there are different types of families – the nuclear family, where a man marries  woman and they set up a home and have their own children, the extended family, in which the nuclear family maintain relationship with the original families of the husband and the wife. Then you have the Church family, where members of the nuclear family attach themselves to a local Church in which they will live and grow and share joys and sorrows.

(ii) The family therefore is a place where people can cope. The family is protective. It helps both young and old to be equipped to deal with social realities. The role of the family starts from infancy till adulthood. The family is the place where you can be loved, fed, taught, cared for, protected, supported. The Church family also performs similar roles. A new born Christian must be protected by the Church, nurtured and admonished (Ephesians 6:4; 4:11-13).

(iii) We learn by watching and observing others. Those who are more mature serve as models for the younger ones. In a home or in a church where there is always bickering and quarrelling murmuring or complaining will teach young people to be brittle. Hostility will be picked up from a hostile model. If your model is loving and compassionate, you will pick up that characteristic. It is utmost importance that children characteristics from the right kind of model.

(iv) Developmental Function. The family must lead people to maturity. People will grow and learn to take decisions on their own. If they are simply made to memorise some routines, when they get opportunity to get away from the family, they will abandon those things they have learned by rote. The family must lead its members to maturity. The church family must mature people and lead them to become full fledged believers (Heb.6:1-3)


Imperfections In the Family

Marriage After The Fall


Spouse Abuse

Differences In Family Backgrounds

Problem With In-laws and Money

Differences In Temperaments

Sex, Habits and Children

There are no perfect families. All families, Christian and non-Christian are affected by the effect of the fall of Adam and Eve. Wherever there is sin, there will be imperfection. For our first parents, Adam and Eve, Paradise was a happy, blissful place, with trees laden with all kinds of fruits and rivers of fresh water crisscrossing the verdant Garden, with lovely flower and colourful insects producing a heavenly music. Then came the subtle serpent and beguiled Eve and she disobeyed God with her husband. Sin entered the world. Men began to excuse themselves for doing wrong. “The Woman that you gave me”, “The serpent beguiled me”. Is that not what happens in families today? “It is my wife’s fault, she wants to have her own way”. “My husband never listens, he just plays the boss”. “It is not my fault, it is your fault”… All this is a result of human imperfections caused by the fall.

The sin of Adam and Eve brought about several consequences: (i) Pain in childbirth (Gen.3:16; (ii) Strife in marriage – as a result of the rule of the husband (Gen.3:16); (iii) Work – need to work hard to earn a living (Gen.3:17-19); Death – Adam’s sin was passed onto mankind (Gen.2:27). Since the Fall, marriage and sex have been corrupted by Satan, resulting in:

Polygamy (Gen.4:19, 23); (ii) Adultery (Gen.16:1-3); (iii) Homosexuality (Gen.19:4-11); (iv) Fornication and Rape (Gen.34:1-2); (v) Incest (Gen.38:13-18); (vi) Prostitution (Gen.34:24); (vii) Seduction (Gen.39:7-12).

Divorce came as a consequence of the fall.  Christ’s statement concerning divorce is very instructive (Matthew 5:31-32; 19:1-12). In this passage the fallacy of homosexuality is debunked. In verse 8 He showed that God did not support divorce. Divorces is a tragic reality in Christian marriages. Statistics in the US show that half of new marriages fail. 70% of those who divorce and remarry within three years. 65% of the new marriages fail again. Those who marry a third time have 75% chance of failing. 72% of black women and 51% of Latinos have given birth out of wedlock since 2007. 20% of all families are single parent house holds. 25 million children are in those households.

Some areas that can cause misunderstanding:

(i) Differences in family backgrounds. Our family backgrounds are so vastly different that it is practically impossible for two people to act or think exactly the same way. Couples bring what they have learned from their own extended family into the new nuclear family. This very often leads to conflict. Bible instructs the man to leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife (Mat.19:5; Mark 10:7).

Potential areas of problems include – problem with in-laws. Problem with money, problem with religion, problem with temperaments, problem with habits, problem with infidelity, problem with sexual abuse or perversion.

Why do these issues arise? Human dysfunctionality, sin and imperfection. Sin is at the root of most family dysfunctions, whether nuclear, extended or church family. The ever present reality of sin means that we must seek for a theological solution for family problems. Genesis 3:1-24 deals with the entrance of sin in creation. In Genesis 4, we have the murder and from then we have the downward spiral of morality. Because sin is theological, the solution is also theological. We can find answers in the Bible.

What Christ Can Do For Your family (Psalm 23)

Jesus Christ is the Saviour of mankind. He saves from our sins. Since family problems are caused by sin, and Jesus Christ the Saviour saves from sin, we can take our marriage problems to him. He can save all marriages, even those that seem to be beyond help.

Jesus Christ Can Give You Help Outside Of Your Own Resources

You Have His Power To Help

You Have The Holy Spirit

You Have The Power Of Prayer

You Have Assurance Of God’s Help

You Have over 8000 Promises Applicable To You

When you become a Christian, you gain access to the incredible resources that we find in Jesus (Matthew 11:28-30; John 6:33, 35, 48, 51; John 10:11,14, 7, 9)

Answers to prayer (John 14:13-14; Psalm 121-1-8; 55:16-17, 22)

The Power of the Holy Spirit (John 14:15-18; Acts 1:8)

Assurance of God’s Help (Psalm 123:1-6)

Jesus Christ Can Give You A New Look For Your Family

When You Allow Christ To Be Lord Over Your Family

You Get Bible Guidance

Marrying According To Scripture Saves You Troubles

You Get To Know That Marriage Is Permanent

He Helps You Admit You Are Wrong

He Helps You To Bear With Those Who Err

Many of the problems that come in many marriages because the foundation was not right, was not godly (2Cor.6:14-18)

If we seek the will of God, we must be willing to accept what gives. Be not like Balaam (Numbers 22:1-33). Do not let God give you up to your own will, making you think you have got it right (Rom. 1:26; 2Thes.2:11).

When a family member errs…

Godly Priorities For Your Family

Your Commitment To Christ

Your Commitment To Your Spouse

Your Commitment To Your Children

Your Commitment To Work

Emotional Balance Of Your Family
Responding To Members With Intimacy

Providing Adventure For The family

Providing Security For Members

Giving Recognition To Members

Faithfulness To Spouse

Saturday, 17 November 2012



Matthew 24:3-39; 25:31-46; Mark 13:24-37; Acts 1:6-10
We are getting close the Easter Sunday, the day that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. It is good that we use the occasion to remind ourselves of what Christ suffered for us. It is equally important to keep ourselves reminded that Christ is coming again. The promise of His second coming was given very early in the Old Testament ( Deut.30:3). Psalm 2:1-12 details the struggle and rebellion of man against his Maker. Ps.2:8-9 tell us what Christ will do with all the rebellious nations when He comes and Ps.2:10-12 warns the nations to submit to Christ or face the fury of His judgement.
The second coming will also bring with it good news, especially for the nation of Israel – their re-gathering from all nations of the world, their restoration as a Kingdom (Isaiah 32:18; 33:20-24; Jer.23:3-6). In May 14; 1948, Israel became a nation again since being scattered abroad from 70 AD (Isa.66:8).  The renovation of the earth (Isaiah 65:17; 66:22; Rev.21:1; Restoration of all things (Isa.11:1-9; Jer.12:4, 11). God has not abandoned the world. He has a set plan and a set time to restore all things. As for that time, it remains in the hand of God. All we can say is that it is imminent. We believe that the second coming of Christ will be in two parts: (1) The Rapture and (2) The Second coming proper. Whatever we believe, let is be ready.


Deceptions (Mat.24:4-5, 11, 24)
False Christ’s (Mat.24:5, 7, 23-26)
Wars and Rumours of Wars (Mat.24:6-7)
Famines, Pestilence, Earthquakes (Mat.24:7)
Anti-Semitism ( Mat.24:9)
Persecution of Christians (Mark 13:9, 13)
Spiritual Indifference (Mat.24:7, 30, 37; 2Tim.3:1-5)
The world is passing through birth pains. We are again hearing the rumours of war - the so called Arab Spring, Iran constantly threatening to wipe Israel off the map,   North Korea threatening to obliterate south Korea. World economies are failing. Christians are facing their most severe persecution ever - rights removed in many countries, Christian beliefs trampled by governments. Even in the Church there are many assemblies that are simply not preparing people for Christ's return. They are only talking about things of this world - money, prosperity, blessings, peace of mind. These signs are there to make us to wake up, prepare and wait for Christ.


John 14:1-3; 1Cor.15:51-58; Phil. 2:20-21; 3:1-4; 1Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1John 3:1-3
The catching away of saints is an event like the carrying away of Elijah in what was described as a chariot of fire (2Kings 1:1, 11-12). Paul understood by revelation that believers who are faithful to Christ will enjoy  a similar privilege. This time it will be Christ Himself returning to take us to Himself. There will be no prior warning before this event. it will happen in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, when the last trumpet sounds. Some people believe that all believers will pass through great tribulation. But what does the word of God say (1Thes.5:1-11). Firstly, He has not appointed us to wrath. The great tribulation is the wrath of God poured out unto the unbelieving, not unto believers. Secondly, the Church is called the bride of Christ. It is reasonable to believe that Christ will come as stated in (1 Thes.4:13-18) and take away His bride from the world before His wrath is revealed. Thirdly Jesus is the vine and we are His branches. He is the Head and we are His body even now. He has suffered once and is not going to suffer again in His body. He enjoins us to be ready (Mat.24:44; Luke 12:40)


The Sun will be darkened Mat.24:29; Isaiah 13:10; 34:4
The Moon shall not give her light
The stars shall fall from heaven
The Powers of heaven will be shaken (Joel 2:10)
The tribes of the earth will mourn (Zech.12:10-14)
The Son of Man will arrive in the Clouds (Dan.7:13-14)
He will send his angels to gather His elect (Mat.13:41-43; 1 Cor.15:52
The climax of all these signs is what the bible calls the Great Tribulation. The great tribulation is a time of great trial, wars, great suffering in the world, and the tyrannical reign of the anti-Christ. It is described as a time of Jacob’s trouble, when Israel will be sorely tested. However they will emerge from it still as a nation. God will pour out His wrath upon the wicked nations and forces that oppress God’s people.


Mat.13:36-43; 24:30-31; Mat.13:47-50; Luke 12:4-5
Gathering Of The Nations
Judgement Of The Nations
Judgement of False Christians
Reward Of The Faithful Believers
The Bible makes it clear that there will be a separation of the good and the bad, of believers and non-believers. All those nations and people who reject Christ and his message, who persecute His people will be gathered together to give account of their actions. All those who have heard the Gospel but refused to heed it will be judged. Now they may feel they have the upper hand and control government and nations, then they shall weep and gnash their teeth. Now they persecute and kill Christians at will, then they will not escape God’s judgement. (Mat.3:10-12; Luke 12:4-5).
In the Church where many people profess to be Christians, there shall also be separation (Mat.13:47-50).


Mat.24:32-35, 37-44; Mat.25:1-13; 14-30; 1Cor.15:58; 2Peter 3:33-11
Sign of The Fig Tree
Suddenness of Christ’s Appearance
 Meticulous Preparation - The Ten virgins
Christian Duty Till Christ Returns – Parable Of The Talents

Christ is calling us to urgent Christian duty. We are to occupy till he comes back. The only sign we will be given are the signs already getting fulfilled by the day all over the world. Any time from now the trumpet shall sound and the dead in Christ shall rise for the rapture. Then the great tribulation, then Christ’s return to judge the world and restore all things. He will appear suddenly. We do not know the time. Do not pay attention to all these people who predict days and times. Be ready for whenever it pleases God to let it happen.

Saturday, 10 November 2012


Joshua 1:1-11; 2Samuel 10:1-14; 1Cor.9:25-27;  Phil.3:7-16

Life is often described as a journey. The Christian life is also portrayed as a battle. In the battle of life, victory is assured for us through faith In Christ Jesus. However, there are certain elements of character we need if we must win victory.
Faith in God
Obedience to His commandments

Courage is a mental or moral strength to resist opposition, danger or hardship; firmness of mind in the face of danger or extreme difficulty. Many Christians in many parts of the world where there is extreme persecution have shown so much courage both in defence of their faith and of Christianity. Faith in God is very vital if we must win victory. Kings in the Bible, generals, and ordinary people through faith in God have won great victories. Obedience to God’s commandments is the next important element for the Christian in his/her daily battle. With faith in God and obedience to His commandments, we will gain access to divine strategies for victory.

God’s Victory Charge To Joshua (Joshua 1:1-11)

Joshua’s Divine assignment (Joshua 1:1-4)

Joshua’s Path To Victory (Joshua 1:5-7,9)

Joshua’s Divine Order (Joshua 1:8)
God gave Joshua a great assignment. He was to succeed Moses and bring Israel into the Promised Land. But there would be battles on the way with many fierce nations. God promised Him victory.
The seed of Joshua's Victory lies in God's command.

Joab’s Victorious War With The Ammonites (2Sam.10:1-14)

David’s Good Gesture Misinterpreted (2 Sam.10:1-2)

The king’s men Shamefully Treated (2 Sam.10:3-5)

Joab’s Charge/Strategy For Victory (2 Sam.10:7-14)
It is amazing how a lot of people misinterpreted goodwill. King David meant no harm. He was just displaying that sort of kindness that earned him the title, "the man after God's heart". A wicked person only sees wickedness and trickery in the action of other.


Believers Victory Through Christ (Rom.8:32-39; 1John 4:4; 5:4-5; Eph.6:10-18)

Parents Must Strive For Victory

Students Must Strive For Victory

Believers Must Strive For Victory

Satan has unleashed his forces against true Christian families. That is why everywhere you go in the western world, you see a twisted, ungodly and unbiblical definition of marriage. God has a purpose for each family (Malachi 2:15). Parents must strive for victory and stay together and bring up godly children. We must not yield to westernised forms of the family.

Teach your children Christian culture, not western or even African or any other culture.

Forgive them when they go wrong and encourage and empower them to be good and do good. Majority of criminals come from dysfunctional and non-Christian homes.

Help them build confidence in God and in themselves

The weapon of prayer must be employed to overcome any satanic influence over our family.

Students also must strive for victory. They must have a strategy for good success. All our students must develop those virtues that always lead to victory and success – clear cut goals, firm purpose and determination to pursue their studies till they receive their awards. They must also manifest faith in God and in their own ability to succeed.

For all Christians, victory is a must. Christ has already purchased victory for us. He has overcome the power of sin, Satan and death on our behalf. Does nit mean we have nothing else to do? No! (1John 4:4; Rom.6:14; 8:11; 2Tim.1:7)

We must fight Scepticism and Secularism

We must fight Materialism and Self-indulgence

We must fight Satanic deceptions and imaginations (2Cor.10:3-6)

We must also combat Self

We must resist temptations to sin or do the wrong thing.

The weapons of Christian warfare are listed in Eph.6:10-18 – (1) Truth, (2) Righteousness, (3) the Gospel of Peace, (4) The shield of Faith, (5) the Helmet of Salvation, (6) The Word of God (called the sword of the Spirit), (7) Prayer.

1. Introducing the baby and his family.

 2. Pastor explains the significance of Baby Dedication. He leads into the importance of God’s Word being a lamp to our feet and a light to our path as we seek to raise our children in accordance to God’s will.

3. Pastor directs the parents to read the following portions of scripture as a pledge to God as they dedicate their child and themselves to Him.

Almighty God, we give our child to You for all the days of her life. (I Samuel 1:11)

We will show her  how to love God with all of her heart, soul and strength. (Deuteronomy 6:5)

We will teach her about the Lord, both at home and as we go, in the morning and in the evening. (Deuteronomy 6:7)

We will train her up in the way of the Lord so that she will not depart as she grows older. (Proverbs 22:6)

We thank God for our child. He is a blessing from the Lord. (Psalm 127:3)

4. Pastor addresses the church and charges them with the duty of helping these families in growing their children up in Christ. Then, the pastor asks the church to stand as they read the following portions of scripture as a pledge to help nurture these little ones.

Church Reads Responsively:

We will love you as God has loved us. (1 John 4:11)

We will encourage you to love others and do good deeds in the name of Christ. (Hebrews 10:24)

We will rejoice with you in times of rejoicing. (Romans 12:15)

We will help you through difficult times and carry your burdens. (Galatians 6:1-2)

We will pray for you throughout your life. (I Thessalonians 5:17)

You are a blessing from the Lord. (Psalm 127:3)

5. Pastor closes in a prayer of dedication looking forward to the day these children receive Jesus as Lord.

Adapted from Kyle Meadors Script 2008

Wednesday, 7 November 2012



Ask the Father daily in prayer and He will answer.


Christ must be the centre of your life.

Dare to be a Disciple of Jesus.

Even you can make a difference in the lives of others by acting out God’s will in your daily life.

Friends are special gifts from God.

Give to others cheerfully.

Harmony is what you should strive for in your relationships with others.

Interest in others will make you a broader minded person.

Judge others with love and compassion.

Knowledge and wisdom come from the Lord.

Live in such a way that those who know you but don’t know God will come to know God because they know you.

Make sure to always love others as Jesus does.

New life comes to you when you accept Christ.

Obedience of God’s will leads to God’s blessings.

Please God in all of your actions.

Question your priorities often. Make sure God always comes first.

Read God’s Word daily.

Shepherds protect the sheep, and I am grateful that the Lord is my shepherd.

Talk with God often.

Use your heart to show concern for others.

Vent feelings, but always with the love of Christ.

EXalt the Lord always!

Yesterday’s sins are already paid for by the grace of Jesus Christ.

Zeal in living my spiritual ABCs will help me grow in the Lord.

Author unknown

Sunday, 4 November 2012



CALLED TO REST (John 15:1-6; Mat.11:28-30)

We Find Rest In Christ (Jer.6:16)

We Find Rest In His Word

We Find Rest In His Works

We Find Rest In Following Him (Psalm 23)

CALLED TO RENEW (Jn.15:1-7; Heb.12:5-13)

The Father Prunes Us

The Father Purges Us

The Father Refreshes Us

The Father Revitalises Us

CALLED TO REPRODUCE (Jn.15:4-6,8,16)

Called To Bear The Fruit of The Spirit (Gal. 6:22)

Called To Reach Out To Others

Called To Love and Serve Others (John 13:13-17)


Eternal Life (John 6:35-48)

The Holy Spirit (John 14:15-17)

Answers to Prayer (John 14:12-14)

Blessings Of The Kingdom


Christians Will Be Hated (John 15:18)

Christians Will Be Persecuted

But Christians Will Overcome