Proverbs 3:1-12; Deut.28:1-14
people, many Christians would like the blessings of God; to come to Church and
be able to constantly share positive testimonies of what God has done for them. But
unlike salvation regeneration, many other blessings of God are predicated on
obedience. It is clearly set out in the Bible that obedience will bring
blessing. Even in natural family life, an obedient child will always be
showered with the blessings of the parents. God wants to bless us, but we must
note that He requires obedience.
3:1-4; Deut.4:40; 5:29; 28:1-14;
can a child prove to the father/mother that he/she honours them? Simply by
remembering and keeping the parents’ commands. Our Father, God, is saying to us
this afternoon, Don’t forget My commandments/My instructions. If you keep My
commandments, there are blessings attached – length of days, a good life, free
from sickness and disease.
are the characteristics of the Commandments of God (Psalm 19:7-10)?
They result in conversion of the soul
They are for our good (Deut.10:13)
(iii) They impart
(iv) Keeping
them prolongs life (Deut.6:2)
Keeping them results in multiplied
(vi) Breaking
them results in untold curses
is unfortunate that many people do not care for the commandments of God. They don’t
want to go to a place where they will hear, “Do this, or don’t do that”. These
same people do not have any problem when their doctor says to them, “Don’t smoke
anymore or you will get cancer.” But they would not obey the commandments of
God telling them to avoid the cancer of sin.
grace through Christ does not license us to break God’s commandment. The
commandments of God are based on love. Love towards God and love towards man is
the summary of the Ten Commandments. Love is a permanent commandment.
It was love that made Jesus Christ to go to the cross to die for our sin (John 3:16). By laying down His life Jesus was obeying the commandment of the Father (John 10:17-18).
It was love that made Jesus Christ to go to the cross to die for our sin (John 3:16). By laying down His life Jesus was obeying the commandment of the Father (John 10:17-18).
we want to receive God’s blessings, let us keep His commandments. That is not
legalism but loving God and loving our fellow human beings. It would attract favour
from God and from man. It will ensure long life.
3:5-8; Job 11:13-19; Psalm 125:1-5
in the Lord” is one of the simplest and most profound commands in the Bible. It
is positive and direct. But natural man is prone to trusting in himself, in his
abilities, wisdom and intelligence. He goes his own ways. He follows his own natural
wisdom. Little wonder that in spite of the advancement in every conceivable
field, we still have hatred, wars, slavery, and crime against humanity of
various kinds. Peace still remains an illusion.
God’s positive, Fatherly instruction is, “Trust in Me”. When we trust in God,
He will direct our paths. The very first temptation that came to man in the
Garden of Eden was to distrust God. God said that man would die if He
disobeyed. Satan said man would no die. He said man would be like God if He disobeyed
God. Humans have since then been disobeying God, and the consequences of their
disobedience are everywhere around us.
though the society does not encouraging trusting in the Lord, we must trust in
the Lord.
Him with your all your heart. Trust Him with your education. Trust Him with
your future. Trust Him for your provision. Trust Him for your eternal destiny.
Trust Him when you are joyful. Trust Him with your husband. Trust Him with your wife. Trust Him if you are not yet married. Trust Him when you are sorrowful. Trust Him when you are joyful. Trust Him at all times. Trust in the
Lord with all your heart.
4:9-10; Luke 6:38; Proverbs 11:24-28; 2Cor.9:6-10
are commanded also to honour the Lord with our wealth. One thing I am thankful
to the Lord about is that many of us in this Church have understood the
importance of this. Giving to God constantly reminds us that everything we are
and have belong to God. Giving to the work of God opens that door for great
blessings from the Lord.
is will usually precede receiving. The promise of God in our text is that of
overflowing barn. This means plenteous provision from God. Jesus added that when we give we will receive in a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over. When we give, God can stir people to give to us!
When you give to the Lord, give it cheerfully, not grudgingly. Give bountifully, not sparingly. Give according to your ability, not necessarily according to what others have given, unless otherwise specified (2Cor.9:6-10).
blessing of giving goes beyond perishable prosperity. Giving the right way is a
way of building for eternity (Luke 16:9-12).