Matthew 21:17-20
story of the barren fig tree is not a parable but a true story. As Christ
looked for fruit in that tree, He is looking for fruit in Christians – fruit of
repentance, fruit of righteousness, and fruit of godly living. Believers are
likened as trees in the Bible (Psalm 1:1-3; Jer. 17:7-8). When Christ comes
back, He will look for fruit from all believers, not appearance only, but
righteousness, holiness.
The Difference Between Faithful and False brethren
Prov.20:11; 2Cor.11:26; Gal.2:4-5; Mat.21:28; 13:47-50; John 6:25-27, 60,
His teachings Jesus spoke a lot in contrasts: faithful/unfaithful Christians;
true/false believers; genuine/counterfeit followers; deep/shallow followers;
dependable/undependable believers; in every Church there is always the good and
the bad, the saint and the sinner, heavenly and earthly, saintly and sensual.
Faithful brethren are saintly, righteous and holy. But those who publicize
their own goodness are false. False brethren say “yes Lord”, but afterwards
they do not obey afterward. These lack salvation, godliness true holiness, and righteousness.
They will be separated from God in the last day.
there are no provisions, false brethren cannot abide. Sometimes God can
withdraw provisions and opportunities to test those who are true brethren and expose
those who are false. False brethren always labour for things which are temporal.
They never put value on things that are eternal. Such people are in the Church
not because they want to go to heaven but because they want their temporal
needs met
join the faithful band of brethren, you must realize your errors, repent and do
the will of God thus bring forth fruit meet for repentance (Mat.3:8). Faithful
brethren are those who come to Church as sinners but have had their lives transformed
by the word of God, prayer and repentance.
The Danger And Delusion Of False Brethren
23:28, 33; Acts 8:9-13, 18-22; Mat.7:21-23, 26-27
no fruit grow on thee forever”. This is a terrible pronouncement from the mouth
of our gentle Saviour of whom it was said, “A bruised reed shall He not break
and a smoking flax shall He not quench” (Isa.42:3). This would appear as hash
but the Lord was teaching us a lesson here. Fruitless trees are useless and
since Christians are called trees, fruitless Christians are useless to the
Saviour. They are in danger of being cut down (Luke 3:9; John 15:2, 6).
beautiful, outward form of religion is not acceptable to the Master. That is
like having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof (2Tim 3:5).
Remember Simon the Sorcerer, he was a false believer and God’s judgment was
upon him (Acts 8:18-24). Like Simon, false believers are still in the gall of
bitterness and in the bond of iniquity. They need to repent immediately and
seek for God’s mercy.
believers are like the foolish man who built his house on sand. The winds of
adversity, the rain of trials, the floods of persecution blew upon the house,
but it could not stand because it was founded upon sand! How solid is your
Christian life? Is it built on sand or is it founded upon the Rock?
The Decision And Dedication Of Fruit-Bearing Brethren
119:30, 32, 47, 60, 63, 128, 11; Ruth 1:15-19; Mat.7:24-25
is very important if a believer is to be a true believer bearing the fruits of
righteousness and true holiness. They have “chosen the way of truth”.
They have resolved to “run the way of God’s commandments”. To be a true
believer you need a decision, you need resolve.” Family pressure will come, to
divert you from your resolve. Winds of trials and temptation will come to blow
you off course. Your own impatience, lack of discipline, worldly tendencies
will conspire to pull you from your desire to follow the Master.
if you are determined like Ruth; If you are resolved like her, to follow your
master wherever it leads; If you are prepared, if necessary, to suffer for Him,
then you are a true believer. Ruth went with her mother-in-law into a life of “uncertainty”.
There she discovered that God makes uncertainty, certain. You will feel Him
near you. You will receive His help.
you are a Christian with a resolve like Esther (Esther 4:16), you are willing
to go for the Lord even when it is not convenient, you are willing to die for
the sake of the Master, you will do exploits.
do this you will need to seek sanctification of the Spirit, so that your heart
is not divided between the Lord and the world, between the Lord and your
family, between the Lord and your other pursuits. Dedicate yourself to serving
the Lord and bearing fruit in His vineyard.
you do this you will build your faith house on the Rock. Winds of adversity cannot
blow you down. Floods of persecution cannot wash you away! The Lord will watch
over you and preserve you till His coming.
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