Sunday, 15 March 2015


1Kings 18:1, 17-21, 23-25, 26-29, 30-40
When the promise concerning John the Baptist was given, it said that he would go before God in the spirit and power of Elijah and turn the children of Israel back to God (Luke 1:17). Elijah was a man passionate for the Lord of Hosts. He was troubled by the apostasy and idolatry of the children of Israel. At a point it appeared to him that Jezebel had wiped out all the prophets and righteous men of God. But God always holds the trump card (1Kings 19:10, 19). He had 7000 men who have not bowed to Baal.


Elijah was fulfilling specific divine commands as he went back to Israel from Zarephat in the following ways:
(i)                  The Place to go: Israel.
God was still dealing with Israel not the gentiles at this time. He was preparing the ground for the coming of the Messiah. Gentiles would know God more intimately when the Messiah comes.
(ii)                 The Person to see: King Ahab.
King Ahab had gone into gross idolatry through the influence of his wife Jezebel, and together they had taken almost all Israel with them. Elijah was sent to confront him. We should not condone sin. If you see sin in your husband or wife do not condone it. If you see a brother/sister sin in the Church do not condone it (Rom.15:14; Gal.5:13; Gal.6:1). Seek in love to restore the person.
(iii)                The Purpose: To restore Israel to Himself.
Israel’s place in God’s plan was so important that though they had gone astray, God sought to bring them back to himself. Today God seeks to reconcile the world to Himself (2Cor.5:17-21). God wants us to be the Elijah of this age.
(iv)               The Promise: To send Rain after 3 years of drought.
The withholding of rain was a sign of God’s displeasure with Israel and a judgment against Baal, a fertility god who was believed to help fruitfulness of crops and women to bear children. God was showing His people that He God, not Baal controlled the rain (Psalm 65:9-13). A choice must be made between worshipping God and following the god of this world.
What do people worship today? People idolize money, music, sex, drugs. Some have erected the altar of materialism and acquisition-ism. Others build shrines of worldliness. All these will fail in time of adversity. God is calling everyone to repentance. He would send back the rain after Israel turns back to Him. He would send back His blessings when we turn from all forms of idolatry and evil. God will then restore His goodness to us.


1 Kings 18:17-29; Daniel 11:32; 2Cor.10:3-5
“The God who answers by fire, let Him be God”. This is a bold challenge. Elijah was a man of God. Israel had lost the true worship of God under the reign of Ahab and Queen Jezebel. King Ahab was a contemporary of King Jehoshaphat of Judah. He came to power 4 years into the reign of Ahab. He was a good king who feared the Lord and walked in His ways (Chron.17:3-6).
He heard from God. His word was from God. His action was from God. Therefore he had no fear of Ahab, no fear of Jezebel, no fear of Baal and no fear of his false prophets. If we must overcome the tough challenges of life, we must know our God. The people who know their God shall be strong and do exploits (Daniel 11:32; 2Cor.10:3-5). The righteous is as bold as the lion. When we pursue the life of holiness and purity and righteousness before God, we will be fearless.
God is calling them to make a choice (1Kings 18:21). Joshua gave a similar challenge to the children of Israel (Josh.24:15); Moses also (Deut. 30:15, 19). Have you chosen life? New life in Christ Jesus (John 14:6)? Have you been born again (John 3:3, 16)? Are you still between two opinions? Choose life! Jesus, or rather let Him save you. Let Him come into your heart. Let Him sanctify you. Let Him baptize you with the Holy Spirit. That is the blessed life!
Contrast the boldness of Elijah the prophet and the powerlessness of the prophets of Baal. Their God was a dumb idol that could not speak (Psalm 135:15-18). They mutilated themselves in their fruitless effort to rouse an idol. Their idol put them to shame. But those who trust in the Lord shall not be put to shame (Psalm 128:1-6). Therefore put your trust in God not the idols of this world.


1Kings 18:30-39; Hebrews 10:19-23; Lev.11:44-45; Heb.12:14
Elijah made some very important preparations before he called God to accept his sacrifice.
(i)                  He repaired the altar of God that was fallen down
(ii)                 He rebuilt the altar with twelve stones – representing the twelve tribes, showing deep connection between them and God.
(iii)                He put wood there and prepared the bullock and put them on the altar. He drenched it with barrels of water, so that when God answered, it will be unmistakable
We learn here the importance of preparation to approach unto God – by the new and living way (Hebrews 10:19-23). Do you rush into the presence of God without preparation? Have you repaired the altar of your heart? Did you know that your heart is the Temple of the Holy Spirit (1Cor.3:16-17; 6:19)?
When Elijah prayed, the fire of God fell from heaven and consumed all the sacrifice and the wood and the water and even the stones. That was intense fire. God is a consuming fire. Nothing that is unholy can stand before Him. If you want the fire of God to fall as a result of your prayer, sanctify yourselves and be holy (Lev.11:44-45; Heb.12:14). God will purge his creation by fire. Every sinfulness of man will be consumed with fire. Nothing unholy will be able to stand. Like the 850 prophets were slaughtered, so God will consume every unrepentant sinner with everlasting fire. Repent today and turn to God and hell will not be your portion.

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