Friday, 27 March 2015



Esther 4:15-27; Ruth1:16-18; 4:13-14, 17, 22; Genesis 43:13-14; Matthew 7:13-14

You must have heard this saying before that life is made of decisions. That is very true. The little and big decisions we make each day accumulate to determine our future. Some decisions are so sensitive that once we have made them, we will have to live with the consequences. And there are decisions that are irreversible. Those decisions must be taken very, very carefully. For example, decision to be or not to be born again; Decisions about who to marry; decisions about how and where to serve God; about what to study in school.


Genesis 43:13-14

When the brothers of Joseph decided out of envy to sell him to Ishmaelites, it was a historic decision. It changed Jacobs’s family forever. Was it the will of God to sell Joseph into slavery? Could God have achieved what He purposed for Israel without Joseph being sold into slavery? That decision went far beyond the thoughts of the brothers of Joseph. When eventually Jacob decided to leave Canaan and relocate to Egypt, it started a 450- year era of slavery which was not apparent when the decision was taken.

What we can deduce from the life of Joseph and his brethren was that God fulfilled His purpose of building a nation, and also to allow full justice to be done to the Amorites because of their iniquity.


Esther 4:15-27

Esther found herself in a great dilemma. Any action she took threatened the very life of the Jews who live in Persia, including her own life as a queen. She could not get away from the consequences of either acting or remaining silent. She needed divine wisdom. You must consider decisions carefully before you jump into them. Christians, like Esther are placed in the world for such a time as this. If we keep silence God will still find a way of fulfilling His divine will.


Ruth 1:15-18; 4:13-14;

Ruth’s decision was uncompromising. She did not think anything about the possible consequences of a Moabite widow relocating to Judah. Her decision could have meant a life and death struggle especially as Moabites were not welcome to Israel. Her sister in law obviously gave a serious thought, and in the end decided she would go back to idol worshiping. But Ruth’s decision brought her into direct contact with the royal family of Judah. Eventually, against tradition she was married by Boaz.

What if she began to consider what suffering might go through in Judah? God would find someone else to carry out His plan.

Why do people put off important decisions and others make life-threatening ones? (1)  Because of enjoyment of short time pleasure; (2) because of fear of present pain; (2) because of fear of man; (4) because of personal honour and self-esteem.

One of the most important destiny-shaping decisions is what you will do with Jesus? What will you do with His word, His message (Mat.7:13-14). Whatever you do you must get that decision right or life would all be in vain.

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