Saturday, 9 August 2014


John 14:1-3; 1Cor.15:51-58; Tit.2:13-14; 1Thes.4:13-18

Unbelievers, non-Christians, cannot know the future. They can predict some things based on the pattern of past events. But it is clear that unbelievers do not have certain knowledge of any future event. But Christians who believe the bible are in a different situation. Although we cannot know everything about the future, God who knows everything and has timed the events the will ever take place in the universe, has written a book – The Bible in which He outlines the things that will happen as the present creation draws to a close.
Do you think that the heightened persecution and summary executions of Christians is mere coincidence? Do you think the global hatred of Israel as a nation is mere coincidence? Do you think that the alarming increase of wars and unrest in the Middle East is mere coincidence? I tell you no (Mat.24:21-25, 29-35). These are signs that something wonderful, something miraculous, something glorious is about to happen. Christians, though they suffer, can have absolute confidence because God is never wrong. Saints of God are soon going to experience one of the most exciting destinies of their life. OUR SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST IS COMING AGAIN to take us to His Home in heaven! That event is imminent (Acts 1:9-12). And every Christian needs urgently to prepare.


Mat. 16:27; 24:30-31, 37-39; John 14:1-3; 1Cor.15:21, 51-58; 1Thess.4:13-18.
It has been said that one out of every 25 verses of the New Testament is about the coming back again of Jesus Christ. It should not surprise us. Orthodox Christianity summarized the New Testament in three short statements titled the mystery of our faith: “Christ has died”. “Christ has risen”. “Christ is coming again.” This theme forms the central core of Paul’s gospel (1Cor.15:1-8).
Why is Jesus Christ coming again? He is coming to bring justice to the nations. He is coming to judge the living and the dead. And he is coming to inaugurate a new creation. To do this, he will first come and take away all the saints of the Church age in what has been called the Rapture (1Cor.15:51-52). This promises to be a great spectacle. It will usher in everlasting rest to troubled Christians worldwide (2Thes.1:7-10). This blessed hope assures us that our troubles, trials, temptations and persecutions will not be in vain. For many, the talk of Jesus coming back again bodily, is a matter for scoffing. But the apostle Peter warned of the danger of scoffing at the promises of God (2Pet.3:1-7). This promise of God is true and will be fulfilled in due time.


Mat. 24:1-3, 14, 29-33 John 14:1-3; 1Cor.15:51-58; 1Thes.4:13-18
(1)        The Rapture (John 13:31-36; 14:1-3; 1Cor.15:51-58; 1Thes.4:13-18)
The Rapture is a word used to express the taking away of the Church age saints from the world before the wrath of God is poured out upon the wicked and His judgement brought down upon the disobedient. The word Rapture is not found in our English bible. It is a translation of 1Thes.4:17 of the Latin Vulgate version of the Bible. Saints will be caught up together in the clouds to meet with the Lord in the air!
The word itself means ecstatic joy or delight. It captures the atmosphere that will prevail when this event takes place. It will be an occasion of rapturous joy. It will be an occasion of ecstatic excitement. It will be an occasion of incomparable happiness. It will be an occasion of immeasurable delight. You know at that time that you have made it to heaven. You know you have escaped hell and its punishments. You know you have overcome. You know you are on your way to seeing the Almighty God face to face. It is true what is written in (1Cor.2:9-10). It is beyond human comprehension what God has kept in store for those who make it in the end (Rev.2:7, 11, 17, 26-29; 3:5-6, 12-13, 21-22). I will overcome.
(2)        Universal Revelation Of Jesus Christ
Mat.24:1-3, 14, 29-33; Mark 13:24-27; Amos 5:18-20; Mat.26:24
The Rapture will be followed by what Jesus called the Great Tribulation. It is a terrible time of suffering that will come upon the whole earth. It is also described as the time of Jacob’s trouble (Jer.30:6-7). In many places in the Bible it is called the day of the Lord. Yes a day is coming and it will be the day of the Lord. The wicked man has had his day. The proud sinner has had his day. The unbeliever has had his day. But the day of the Lord is coming. It will be a day of dreadful judgement. There shall be no escaping it. Amos the prophet captures it vividly (Amos 5:18-20).
It is after the horror and terror of the great tribulation that the sign of the Son of man will appear in the sky and the nations of the earth will mourn (Mat.24:29-33; Rev.1:7). Israel will mourn also when they see Jesus coming in the clouds and recognize Him as the one they had rejected (Zech.12:10). It will begin the time of their restoration. Studies about the reign of the antichrist in the intervening period will be done at another time. Suffice it to say that he will be the personification of wickedness. He is called the man of sin (2Thes.2:3-10). Those Christians who through their carelessness miss the rapture will be particularly tortured. You may read more about the personality of the antichrist in Revelation 13.  But know this. He will be allowed to have great power and authority. He will cause deceit to prosper (Dan.8:25). He will do as He pleases (Dan.11:36). He will speak great blasphemies against God’s name and His Tabernacle and all that dwell in heaven. He will make war with the saints. He will have power over the nations of the earth. The people of the earth will worship him, all whose name are not written in the book of life! He will perform lying wonders to deceive the world. He will cause people to be given a mark (666) so that no one will be allowed to buy or sell unless they have the number of the beast or his name or his mark. But Jesus Christ will destroy him by the breath of his mouth and the brightness of His coming (2Thes.2:8).
There are many signs written in the Bible to help us to know that the time is near. (i) Deceptions (Mat.24:4-5, 11, 24); (ii) False Christs (Mat.24:5, 23-26); (iii) Wars and Rumours of Wars (Mat.24:6-7); (iv) Famines (Mat.24:7; Rev.6:5-6); (v) Pestilences (Mat.24:7; Rev.6:8); (vi) Earthquakes (Mat.24:7; Rev.6:12-18); (vii) Anti-Semitism (Mat.24:9; Mark 13:9, 13); (viii) Betrayals (Mat.24:9; Mark 13:12); (ix) Hatred (Mat.24:10; 2Tim.3:1-9); (x) False Prophets (Mat.24:11; Rev.13); (xi) Martyrdoms (Mat.24:9, 22; Dan.8:24; Rev.20:4-6); (xii) Carousing and Sexual Perversion (Mat.24:38; Luke 17:27-28; 21:34).
This whole section is a complete study in its own right. One thing will become clear here. It is that all these signs are being fulfilled in our time. We are witnessing martyrdom of Christians in great proportion in many parts of the world. There is turbulence and wars in almost every region of the world. Anti-Jewish sentiments on are the increase again! Diseases that seem out of control has gripped certain nations of the world. There is so much bad news in the world that people have forgotten that there was an earthquake recently in China which killed nearly 600 people. Can you look anywhere in the world today without witnessing sexual perversion? Things that should never be mentioned among believers have become commonly accepted practice among unbelievers. Marriage is being perverted. Family is being perverted. To make it worse these perversions are entering into the circles of some Churches. All these signs are telling us something. The Glorious appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ is near at the doorsteps.


Why do we need to be ready for the coming of the Lord?
(i)                  He will come suddenly (Mat.24:44; John 14:1-3; Acts.1:11; 1Thes.4:16; Mark 13:32-37).
We do not know the day and the hour that our Lord will appear. He may appear at any moment. He must not find us wanting. He must not meet us unprepared as in the story of the Ten Virgins (Mat.25:1-13)
(ii)                 We do not know the time or the hour or the day (Mat.24:44-51; 25:1-13; Mark 13:32-33; Luke 12:40; James 5:7-9)
Jesus is telling us that we do not know at what time He will come, but that it will be sudden. The point is to make believers always ready as people prepared for a journey. Anytime the Lord appears we must be ready and waiting for him.
Jesus declared over and over again that His coming is imminent. “Behold I am coming soon (Re.22:7, 12).
How do we get ready? Jesus tells us
(a)       Gird your loins (Luke 12:35) – don’t be careless with your Christian life. Don’t lapse back in sin and slumber. You have been called unto holiness. Do not get entangled with the lusts of this world. Blessed are the pure in heart.
(b)       Keep your lamp burning (Luke 12:35) – let your soul be on fire for God. Let your service to him be your consuming passion.
(c)        Be like those waiting for the Bridegroom (Luke 12:36) – there is no time to slumber and sleep. Keep watch over your soul.
(d)       Wait for Him because you don’t know when He will knock at the door (Luke 12:37-38) – if you relax and dose off he could come and knock at the door and find you sleeping!
(e)        Keep on doing all the work of the Kingdom of God. Preach the Gospel. Pray. Be in fellowship with household of Faith where you are planted. Do not forsake the assembly of the brethren as some people do (Heb.10:25)
All you do for Christ is not in vain. All you spent on behalf of Christ is not in vain. All you surfer for Christ is not in vain. All the labour you spend on behalf of Christ is not in vain (1Cor.15:58). In the end your happiness will know no bounds, your joy will flow like a river, and you will be satisfied beyond measure. And when you see Christ and look at His face you will wish you had served Him more, given Him more. Listen to the lyrics of an enraptured soul.

By and by when I look on His face,
Beautiful face, thorn shadowed face;
By and by when I look on His face,
I'll wish I had given Him more.
More, so much more,
More of my life than I e'er gave before
By and by when I look on His face,
I'll wish I had given Him more.

By and by when He holds out His hands,
Welcoming hands, nail riven hands;
By and by when He holds out His hands,
I'll wish I had given Him more.
More, so much more,
More of my love than I e'er gave before,
By and by when He holds out His hands,
I'll wish I had given Him more.

In the light of that heavenly place,
Light from His face, beautiful face;
In the light of that heavenly place,
I'll wish I had given Him more.
More, so much more,
Treasures unbounded for Him I adore,
By and by when I look on His face,
I'll wish I had given Him more.






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