4:1-25, 28-30, 39-42
story we read in this Bible passage is an example of the compassion and care of
Jesus Christ to scarred and suffering humanity. There are three things at stake
in this passage, three questions must have been in the mind of the woman. (i)
Who is this man (Jesus)? (ii) What is the gift of God? (iii) What is living
water? Have you found the Messiah? Have you tasted the Living water? We will
explore this passage a little further and learn some life lessons.
Who Is This Man (Jesus)?
4:7-12; 6:35, 47-51; 8:12; 9:5; 8:56-58; Mat.12:42
personality of Jesus puzzled this woman, as it still puzzles some today. Being
the Master Communicator Jesus would lead the woman in our story out of her
protective shell to the everlasting truth. She would abandon her empty religion
and find Christ, the Messiah. She came to fetch perishable water but she would
go away with inexhaustible, eternally satisfying Living Water. On that day her
faint hope for a future Messiah became a present reality. The Messiah had come
and had found her. But she didn’t know it. He offered her the Living Water but
she did not understand. Are you greater than our father Jacob? Jesus did not
rebuke her for asking such questions. He was willing to reveal who He was to
this woman. (i) Jesus is the Bread of Life (John 6:35, 47-51) –
He is the Living Breath which came down from heaven, which if anyone eats, they
will live forever. This Bread is His body which He gave for the life of the
world. His blood was shed for the remission of the sins of the world. (ii) Jesus
is the Light of the world (John 8:12; 9:5) – Anyone who believes in,
and follows Him shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life. With
His light they will discriminate between good and evil, right and wrong. His
light shows the way of eternal life. (iii) Jesus is greater than Abraham
and Solomon (John 8:56-8; Mat.12:42) – Abraham was the great Patriarch
of not only the Jews, but also of Christians and Muslims also. To say that you
are greater than Abraham would be a preposterous delusion if it is not true!
Solomon is known to be the wisest man of all time. God promised Solomon that there
would be no one wiser either before or after him. To be greater than Solomon means
you are wiser. To be wiser than Solomon means you are not a mere man. Jesus was
not a mere man. (iv) Jesus is the Good shepherd (John 10:11-18,
27-30) – He guides. He leads. He protects. He preserves. He provides for all
who would follow him. (vi) Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Life
(John 14:6) – to get to God, to enter into life eternal you must go through
Him! This is the person offering the Samaritan woman the water of life. But she
did not know Him, and she is not alone…
What Is The Gift Of God?
4:10-15; Rom.6:23; John 17:3
next question that comes to mind is this. What is the “Gift of God”? Jesus said
that this woman did not know the gift of God nor the Person seating before her
and asking for water. If she had known she would have requested of Him living
water – meaning running water from a spring as opposed stagnant water collected
in a well. Christ is that Gift of God. Jesus is offering her the spiritual life
as opposed to the life she was living. Many people today are like this lady. The
Messiah has come but they do not know Him. The Lamb of God who takes away the
sin of the world has come but they do not know Him. He is offering to all the
gift of eternal life, but they do not understand Him. Question. Do you know the
gift of God? Have you received the gift of God? Have you received eternal life?
What Is Living Water?
7:37-39; Mat.11:28-30; John 3:16
Hebrew, Living water literally means running water from a spring. This woman’s
life was like the stagnant water of the Dead Sea. Her life was not worthy of
emulation. Everything was flowing into it but it wasn’t getting cleaned up. Jesus
came to clean up that life! He is the Great Gift of God. He is the fountain of
Living Water. He will clean up your life today if you only ask Him. All the
sinfulness, all the uncleanness, all the lies, all the deceptions, all the
covering up, all the gossip, all the immorality will be cleaned out. All the
inexhaustible blessings of salvation will be yours today freely. All you have
to do is ask (Mat.7:7-9). There is no other name by which you may receive this salvation
(Acts 4:12; John 14:6; Col.2:9-10). When you ask He will definitely condescend
to answer you (Mat.11:28-30). He will never say no to you (John 6:37).
in Him today and you have redemption, hope for the future, and hope of eternal
life. It is hopelessness that leads men to commit suicide when they feel that
life is no longer worth living. But when Christ gives you life, He gives it in
abundance (John 10:10). He gives you hope for the future. He gives you the
light of life in an age where many grope in darkness.
you ready to receive Him?
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