Saturday, 2 August 2014


Matthew 13:1-39

One of the greatest features of Christ’s teaching is the use of parables. He used these stories to make clear the deep lessons He taught concerning the Kingdom of God and the citizens of this Kingdom. But what is this Kingdom of Heaven? From these parables, this is not the final state of the believer because:

(i)                  It is located here on earth.

(ii)                 There is scope to make wrong choices whereas in heaven all will be perfect.

(iii)                Evil is still active since the corrupting influence of the “enemy” is still operative. In heaven no evil will be found there.
In these parables the Lord is letting us know the activities of the children of His Kingdom on earth here while waiting for His return. The children of the Kingdom will be active in recruiting others into the Kingdom. In that process they will bring in many people with different levels of hearing and belief. For the first time He made it clear that the Kingdom will be universal. Many who will enter initially will be flushed out during the final state.
The Lord used these parables to reveal things that were hidden from the view of the Old Testament saints.

These parables show us how different people will respond to the Gospel of the Kingdom.

(a)       The Parable of the Sower shows with what kind of hearts people receive the Gospel.

(b)       The Parable of the Wheat and Tares shows how unbelievers would infiltrate the Church, pretending to be believers.

(c)        The Parable of the Dragnet shows the effort  of the disciples to draw in as many as possible into the net of the Kingdom
From these parables we learn a number of important lessons concerning this age of the Kingdom. (1)It will be an age of good-seed sowing (mat.13:1-9, 24). (ii) It will be an age of false-seed sowing (Mat.13:24-30). (iii) It will be an age of abnormal Kingdom-growth (Mat.13:31-32). (iv) It will be an age of doctrinal corruption (Mat.13:33). (v) It will be an age of treasure hiding (Mat.13:44). (vi) It will be an age of pearl forming (Mat.13:45-46). (vii) It will be an age of gathering for eventual separation (Mat.13:47-50).[1] We will briefly look at seven important lessons from the parables taught in this chapter


Mat.13:1-9, 24; Isa.55:10-11; 1Pet.1:23; John 17:17; Heb.14:12; Mat.28:18-20; Mark.16:15-16.
The word of God is the incorruptible seed that yields the fruit of righteousness and holiness in the life of believers. The word of God is the Truth which sanctifies us. Inspired by the Spirit of the Father, the word of God has power to save. The entrance of this word will give you light. The entrance of this word will lead you to the Truth, and this truth will set you free! It will set you free from sin, free from error, free from condemnation, free from bondage, free from eternal damnation.
This is the word we are commanded to preach in season and out of season. It is an urgent matter, for the time is coming, the time is already here, when men will no longer be able to endure sound doctrine (2Tim.4:1-5)! You must then receive the good seed of the Word yourself (Rom.3:10, 23; 5:12; 6:23; 5:8; 10:9-13). This is the Word of salvation which we preach (John 3:3-6; 14-18). This is the word that will bring you the salvation of the Lord.


Mat.13:24-30; John 14:6; Acts 4:12; 1Tim.2:5-6; Mat.24:4-5, 11, 24; 2Tim.3:1-5;
The world is full of religions all claiming to represent God. There is only one Saviour of mankind – Jesus Christ. There is no other name nor any other source of salvation for mankind. Only Jesus can save. He is the only mediator between God and man (John 14:6; Acts 4:12; 1Tim.2:5-6). There is only one place to look for the teaching that brings salvation – the Bible. Only one body is mandated to teach this word and lead men to reconciliation with God – the Church. All other claims of all other religions are false. Even in the Church today, there are many who are sowing false seed. It is becoming almost abnormal today for a church stand up against gay practices. Many churches have embraced what they call gay marriage, something that was unheard of in the true Church of the apostles (Rom.1:26-27). The Bible says “from such turn away”.


Mat.13:31-32; Acts 2:1-4, 41-47
This was seen immediately after the Holy Spirit came upon the Church. In spite what you see here in the West, the Church is still increasing and multiplying worldwide. Great examples are in South Korea, South America. USA has many mega churches. When you come to Africa, many of the so-called mega Churches in America will pale into insignificance compare with Churches Like Deeper Life Bible Church, Redeemed Christian Church of God, Living Faith Ministries, Christ’s Chosen Church, and Believers Love World. As you can see from the previous section, there are many false believers in many of these Churches in line with these parables of Jesus the Owner of the Church.


Mat.13:33; 1Tim.4:1-3; Gal.1:9; Eph.5:1-7; 1John 2:17-17
One of the methods of false seed sowing is doctrinal corruption. Did Christ preach the gospel of prosperity? No. The Purpose of the Gospel is and will always be to save men from sin and eternal damnation. Any teaching that leads people into worldliness and worldly lusts is false doctrine. The grace of God teaches us to deny all these things (Tit.2:11-15). John tells us that if any loves the world, the love of the Father is not in them, regardless of their claims!


Mat.13:44; Psalm 119:11; Prov.2:1-5
The Kingdom of God is like a treasure that must be protected. Those who are wise will seek for the true word of God which purifies their hearts, preparing them for return of our Lord Jesus Christ. Once they find salvation in Christ, they will protect it and guard it jealously.


Mat.13:45-46; Isa.53:5; 1Pet.1:7James 1:2-4, 12; 2Tim.3:12
Pearl is formed by oysters. Pearls are formed when the oyster is wounded by an irritating object. The Oyster, in order to protect itself would produce a substance called nacre which is a form of Calcium carbonate. This is what forms pearls which many people spend so much money to buy. What a great object lesson we can learn from this. Christ was wounded for our transgression, Through His shed blood we are saved. Through His mortal wound, multiplied millions have been saved and given life eternal.
But believers also are to be like oysters forming pearls of great price. By being patient in the time of tribulation, by being patient when your faith is severely tried. By standing your ground in the face of corrupting influences in the world, by holding on to your faith till the end, you are forming precious pearls which will be greatly admired in heaven, you are preserving your souls for that glorious day when Christ shall appear.


Mat.13:47-50; 7:21-23; Luke 13:23-30
Christ closed the parables by giving us a clear warning of what will happen to those who remain false believers till the end. There is coming a day of final separation. The seed that fell by the side, the ones that fell on rocky ground and among thorns may hide in the Church, but in the end the angels of God will flush them out! The tares may pretend to be wheat to human eyes, but not to the eyes of angels, false believers may deceive the pastor in the Church but they cannot deceive the angels of God. The bad fish may be brought in with the good fish, bad elements may be brought into the Church as we try to fulfill the great commission. They may hide till the end but in the end the angels of God will flush them out! Jesus declares to all who may be in that position,  "STRIVE to enter into the Kingdom". The Kingdom of God suffereth violence. You need determination in this age to enter into the Kingdom, you need courage. You need to stay undefiled. the road is narrow. But God’s grace is sufficient for children of the Kingdom.

[1] Gingrich, R. E. (1985). The Gospel of Matthew (p. 36). Memphis, TN: Riverside Printing.

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