Saturday, 12 July 2014


Readiness For The Great Wedding Banquet

Mat.22:1-13; Luke 14:16-24; Rev.19:7-9

The message of the Kingdom of Heaven was prominent in the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ. On many occasions He used parables to describe it. The Kingdom of heaven is like a farmer who sowed good seeds; the Kingdom of Heaven is like vineyard first given to the Jews but they did not bear the desired fruit, so the vineyard was taken away and given to the gentiles. The Kingdom of Heaven is like a marriage invitation open to all and sundry but many will reject the invitation. This message is therefore meant to challenge us to readiness for the coming of Jesus for his faithful people. There is going to be a great Wedding Banquet. It is the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. All are invited. Blessed are those who will make it to that banquet.


Mat.22:1-6; Luke 14:16-24; John 3:16-18

What is the meaning of this parable?

God is the King, and the wedding of His Son is the feast of the Messiah’s kingdom. The invited…are the Jews… who rejected the gospel

The city burnt is Jerusalem.

The second sending of the servants is the mission of the Apostles.

The highways are the heathen world. Good and bad are the whole body of heathen, receiving a… proclamation of the gospel…,

The wedding garment is Christ Himself: we regard it as the moral excellence of the Christian character.

But the man without the wedding garment represents the collective Antinomian belief (belief that moral law is of no use in the dispensation of grace) in the New Testament economy.[1] Today this invitation is extended to the whole world. The gospel message is being sent out by disciples of Jesus.

All things are ready:

Christ has died. Christ has risen. Christ is coming again. The price for sin has been paid (1Cor.15:1-4; Acts 1:11). The human race can be free from the tyranny of sin and Satan. Fellowship with God has been restored. Mansions are prepared in heaven for overcomers. Rewards are waiting for faithful disciples.

What is the purpose of the Gospel Message? Let’s explore the scriptures. (Rom.3:10; 3:23; 5:12; 6:23; 5:8; 10:9-13). To be qualified to attend and partake in the Marriage banquet of the Lamb, you must be born again! Your wedding garment must be the righteousness of the saints! Have you got this garment (Rev.19:7-9)?


Mat.22:1-6; Luke 14:16-24; Mat.21:18-20; Mark 12:1-9; Luke 13:34-35; Mat.24:2; 2Pet.2:18-29; John 3:18

A wedding banquet in ancient Israel was a joyous occasion and lasted for 7 days and sometimes longer. Those invited must remain till the end. Here it is the King inviting citizens to the banquet. For these invitees to say “no”, is a sign of rebellion.

God through Christ brought the message of Salvation to His chosen people and they said no! Jewish leaders rejected Christ’s message and His invitation to repent and believe the Gospel. The Pharisees and the Scribes instead opposed Him, trying to trip him up at every turn. They were the invitees who made light of the banquet. They went their own ways. In Luke 14:16-20, they said, “I have just bought a field, and I must go and see it. Please excuse me”. Another said, “I have just bought five yoke of oxen, and I am on my way to try them. Please excuse me.” Still another said, I just got married, so I cannot come.”

They were the unfaithful vineyard husbandmen of Mark 12:1-9; they were like the fig tree that had only green leaves but no fruit and were in danger of drying up (Mat.21:18-20). Jesus gave eventually chilling warning over Jerusalem, after which He left the Temple and never returned till He was crucified (Mat.23:37-39; 24:1-2). The Apostle Paul grieved for them in Romans 9.

“I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart. For I could wish that I myself were cursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my brothers, those of my own race, the people of Israel. Theirs is the adoption as sons; theirs the divine glory, the covenants, the receiving of the law, the temple worship and the promises. Theirs are the patriarchs, and from them is traced the human ancestry of Christ, who is God over all, forever praised! Amen.” (Romans 9:2–5, NIV84)

The consequences of the rejection of Christ is still haunting the Jewish people till this day. Jerusalem was destroyed in 70AD, 35 years after the death of Christ. The Temple was destroyed as Jesus prophesied. All sacrifices ceased till this day. Israel ceased to be a nation till 1948. Even then tribulation has beset them until Jesus comes to deliver them.

Rejecting the gospel of Christ is rebellion against God. People give excuses for not accepting invitation to come to Christ today. Like the days of Noah, they are marrying, giving in marriage, eating, drinking, having parties, doing business, looking after their families, working, studying, trying to make wealth and endless other activities.

People may give excuses why they would not come to Christ. All those excuses would not hold when death comes! You may be too busy to come to Christ, but no one is ever too busy to die! There is no business that has the power of necessity when the gospel invitation calls us! So be wise today and come to Jesus.

If there was severe judgement for the Jews for rejecting Christ and His message at that time, how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation (2Pet.2:4-9)? There is a mark of condemnation upon every soul who has not believed in Jesus (John 3:18; Rom.2:9). There is danger for those who make light of God’s righteousness, who have itching ears (2Tim.4:3).


Luke 22:8-10; Luke 14:24-26; Mark 16:15-16; Mat.28:18-20; 25:1-13

The King in the parable wanted his house to be full (Luke 14:23). This shows the generosity of God. Salvation is not only for the Jews but also for the whole world. God has charged every believer with the preaching of the gospel and extending the invitation to all the world. We are charged with preaching the Gospel (Mat.28:18-20). Our implicit obedience is critical at this moment. The world is passing through birth pains. We must not fail God.

Everyone who hears the invitation and responds is welcome to the banquet. The Jews first then the Gentiles. The rich, the poor, blind and the lame are given equal opportunity to enjoy the blessings of the Gospel.

The gospel invitation is a privilege, but privilege brings with it responsibility! When you are called you must respond. Blessed are you if you respond. Your response however has consequences. You must wear the wedding garment – the righteousness of the saints. If you do not have the garment of righteousness you will be cast out into outer darkness. Admission to the Church is not everything. There will be inspection and scrutiny made of all invitees. Those who make it to the banquet are called the Bride of Christ, the Church. They have the righteousness of Christ within (Mat.5:20; Eph.5:25-27). They are washed in the blood of the Lamb. No defilement will be permitted.

When you become a Christian you must watch for the Trumpet, announcing the coming of the Bridegroom and the commencement of the Banquet. The Lord may delay His coming. If you sleep (spiritually) you may lose your privilege. Remember the parable of the ten virgins. The wise were ready. The foolish were not. Don’t say it does not matter to be holy. That would be foolish. Don’t say, it does not matter to be righteous. That would be unwise. The grace of God leads to salvation, godliness and righteousness (Titus 2:11-14). Remember Lot’s wife (Luke 17:32)! Remember apostle Peter’s warning (2Pet.2:18-29). And for those believers who think that once saved always saved, go and meditate on (Ezekiel 18:24).



[1] Lange, J. P., & Schaff, P. (2008). A commentary on the Holy Scriptures: Matthew (pp. 391–392).

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