Saturday, 22 March 2014


John 4:1-42

Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Master Soul Winner. We see it over and over again in the Scriptures. In John chapter 3 we see the classical encounter with a Pharisee – Nicodemus. And here in chapter 4 there is the beautiful story of the encounter and conversion of the woman of Samaria and many Samaritans. It is important that we learn from the Master the great lessons taught in this gold mine chapter of John on how to win souls: First there is an offer of the Water of Life, then there is the correction of the misconception of true worship, then comes the exposure of the immoral life and its effect on true desire to worship. Finally we have the confession of Jesus as Messiah! What follows is mass conversion of the Samaritans of the city of Sychar.

The city of Sychar is one of the most significant plots of ground in the Bible. Here God first appeared to Abraham in the land of Canaan (Genesis 12:6, 7). Here Jacob dwelt when he left Laban (Genesis 34). Here Dinah, Jacob’s daughter was defiled and a terrible slaughter of the Shechemites resulted (Genesis 34). Here Jacob sent Joseph to see his brethren on that fateful trip that resulted in Joseph being sold as a slave to Egypt (Genesis 37). Here Joshua addressed Israel for the last time (Joshua 24). Here Rehoboam (the son of Solomon) gave the answer to the Israelites that split the kingdom (I Kings 12). Here Jeroboam the first king of the northern split of the kingdom, set up the idolatrous kingdom (I Kings 12). And our text adds another significant event—Christ’s encounter with the Samaritan woman. [1] Everything in the Bible means something.

It was a devastating statement to say that worship would no longer be limited to the Jewish temple. This ties in with John 2:19–21 and also Stephen’s statement in Acts 7:48–50. John’s Gospel clearly reveals that there is a new sacrifice (John 1:29), a new temple (John 2:19–21; 4:20–24), a new birth (John 3:1–7), and a new water (John 4:11). The Old Covenant Law has been fulfilled and set aside.[2]

The Messiah has come, but many people are still like this woman of Samaria – lost in sins and trespasses, seeking for pleasure in things of the flesh and of this life but never finding satisfaction. Many like this woman seek to cover their sin with religion (Prov.28:13), but sin cannot be covered in the presence of God. Jesus is here today to cleanse, to heal to deliver. Open up to Him this morning. Let’s consider three points

1.   The Offer Of The Water Of Life (John 4:7-15)

2.   The Opening Up Of A Sinful Life and Pretence Worship (John 4:16-24)

3.   The Overspreading Of Christ’s Water Of Life (John 4:25-42)

The Offer Of The Water Of Life

(John 4:7-15; Mat. 11:28-30).

Water represents the pure and true word of God that gives life – everlasting life. God is the source of this living water (Isa.12:3; Jer.2:13). This living water is a symbol of the word of God. It is important for us to look at the word pictures used to describe the word of God in the Bible: (i) Fire (Jer.23:29) – it burns, it purges and cleanses all that is contrary to God’s will; (ii) Hammer (Jer.23:29) – it destroys evil; (iii) Lamp (Ps.119:105) – it illuminates our part and shows us the way; (iv) Mirror (James 1:23) – it reveals to us who we really are before God; (v) Milk (1Pet.2:2) – It nourishes; (vi) Rod (Rev.11:1-2) – it corrects us; (vii) Sword (Heb.4:12) – it is used by the Spirit for our defence; (viii) WATER (Eph.5:26; John 15:3; 17:17; Ps.119:5, 9) – life giving, refreshing and cleaning agent. It quenches our thirst ; (ix) Gold (Psalm 19:7-10) The Word of God is an inexhaustible goldmine where we can dig out priceless treasures forever; Silver (Ps.12:6) – very pure; (x) Honey (Ps.19:10; Rev.10:10); (xi) Bread (Deut.8:3; Mat.4:4); (xii) Rain (Isa.55:10) – it brings life! There are many other names used in the Bible to describe God’s Word.

The Word you hear today from the Bible is called the Word of God (Heb.4:12). It is called the Sword of the Spirit (Eph.6:17). You want the help of the Holy Spirit? Begin to study the word of God. It is the Word of Christ (Col.3:16) – it is to dwell richly in your heart. It is the word of Life (Phil.2:16); It is the word of truth (Eph.1:13) and it is the word of Faith (Rom.10:8). As our Lord did to the woman of Samaria, He is offering us the Living Water, the Word of life today (John 5:24).

Life is offered to you this this day. This is Salvation through Christ. Jesus describes Himself as the gift of God (John 4:10). He died on the Cross so that you may have everlasting life in Heaven *(John 3:16; 10:15, 17-18; Num.21:4-9)*. Jesus says to you today, “Come unto me and you will have life” (Mat.11:28-30)? He says to you, “Believe on Me” (John 14:1-3). Receive this Living Water and you will have everlasting life.

The Opening Up Of A Sinful Life and Pretence Worship

(John 4:16-24; Prov.28:13).

“Go, call your husband and come…”

Before one gets saved, they have to deal with this matter of sin. So it was with the woman at the well. First, the convicting of wickedness. “Go, call thy husband” (John 4:16). True Gospel preaching and witnessing lays great stress on condemning sin, uplifting the holiness of God, and thus showing the sinfulness of man. This creates in the heart of man a thirst for the living water. “Clearly Jesus by this sudden sharp turn gives the woman a conviction of sin and guilt without which she cannot understand His use of water as a metaphor for eternal life” (Robertson). Second, the compassion for the wicked. “Come hither” (John 4:16). Christ gave the woman two orders. The first was “Go” (John 4:16) and the second was “Come.” The first was for the conviction of sin; the second showed the compassion of the Savior. It was the truth and grace of the Gospel. The first order portrayed truth; the second order portrayed grace.[3]

Yes, Jesus wants to give you rest, but have you repented of your sin? Do you know that the wages of sin is death? But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ (Rom.6:23). No one likes to expose their errors to others. This woman became protective and wanted to change the subject. She had married and divorced five times, and was now living with a sixth man! She was a woman of questionable character. She brought in religion. But this is not about religion. It was about her sinful life. Getting exercised over the place of worship rather than the Person of worship or the (period rather than the) piety in worship or the (pastor or priest rather than the) proper way to worship is typical of the unregenerate. They will talk religion as long as you do not bring up the subject of their sin.[4] God is a Spirit, but most people try to worship him in the physical. The thing that will prevent people from enjoying the living water, the full life from Christ is their sinful lifestyle. They have to deal with it.

Have you acknowledged your sin? Have you asked God for forgiveness of your sin? Have you asked Jesus to save you from your sin? Remember why He was called Jesus (Mat.1:21).

When you trust in Jesus:

(i)          You have total forgiveness of your sins (Eph.2:8-9).

(ii)        You have peace with God (Rom.5:1, 5, 9).

(iii)       You are born again into God’s own family (2Cor.5:17; Gal.3:26).

(iv)       You have eternal life. You will live forever in Heaven with God (John 3:16; 1John 5:11).

(v)         God lives in you. You have become a temple, a dwelling place of God’s Spirit (1Cor.3:16; Gal.2:20).

(vi)       Nothing can separate you from the love of Christ (Rom.8:38-39).

(vii)     God has chosen to share His Kingdom with you (Luke 12:32; Rom.8:17).

The Overspreading Of Christ’s Water Of Life

(John 4:25-42).

Thank God that this woman was made to understand the mission of Christ; that Christ Jesus has come to seek and to save the lost. She was convicted of her sin and Jesus immediately tells her that He is the Messiah, the Saviour of the world. We can see she understood Jesus because she immediately leaves her water pot, goes into the village and brings all of them to come and hear Jesus! There was mass conversion! The Samaritans came out en mass to Jesus. This woman was truly saved!

Have you invited your friends to come see Jesus? Have you told them how God saved you? Or are you ashamed of Jesus while still claiming to be saved? I challenge you today to wake up and join us. We have a noble calling. Our vision of 200 members will be fulfilled. Call your friends, invite people, and preach every day. Tell the lost about the Saviour, and God will be with you!



[1] Butler, J. G. (2009). Analytical Bible Expositor: John (pp. 57–58). Clinton, IA: LBC Publications.
[2] Wiersbe, W. W. (1996). The Bible exposition commentary (Vol. 1, p. 300). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.
[3] Butler, J. G. (2009). Analytical Bible Expositor: John (pp. 59–60). Clinton, IA: LBC Publications.
[4] Butler, J. G. (2009). Analytical Bible Expositor: John (p. 61). Clinton, IA: LBC Publications.

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