Friday, 10 May 2013


2Timothy 4:1-8
I am pleased to be here with you again, this time to present to you your new pastor and to bid pastor Chuks fare well. I will greatly miss him as I am sure you would. But he has great responsibilities ahead of him both in family and in ministry. Your new is pastor is brother Olusegun Oduyoye. I have come here tonight to ordain and commission him to the task before him. Our text was Paul's charge to young pastor Timothy, and this is my charge to you brother Olusegun. The responsibility which you are about to undertake requires that you be made aware of what is required of you. This is a solemn charge.


1. Basis of The Charge

The basis of the charge is God our Father and our Lord Jesus. We are in their presence this evening. You must remember that Jesus is coming again to establish His eternal Kingdom and to judge the wicked (Titus 2:11-13). The Church is to be made ready for His return.

2. A Charge To Ministry

Preach the Word. The "word" is the message of Christ, not stories, or philosophies, or analogies. Don't just give a talk, preach Christ.

Be Instant - be ready at all times, be present, be urgent, persevere
In Season - when convenient, when agreeable; when well received.
Out of Season - when not convenient; when not received; let nothing stop you.
Reprove - bring the word to bear on the error till it hits home.
Rebuke with authority
Exhort - comfort, encourage, with all diligence and longsuffering.


3. Reason For The Charge

There is an increasing appetite for error rather than the truth. This danger was there in the time of timothy (2Tim.3:6-9). It has been building up ever since, hence the need to be biblical in preaching.


4. Endure Hardship

The Gospel sometimes comes with hardship. Remember the gates of hell shall not prevail against the Church.

And I charge the Church, the workers and the members, to lift up pastor Olusegun's hand in prayer and in unflinching support so that in the end we shall be present at the marriage supper of the Lamb.

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