Saturday, 25 May 2013


Matthew 11:28-30; Isaiah 55:1-4; John 16:33; 20:19-26; John 14:26-27; Luke 24:49; John 15:9-14

We have all expressed shock and disgust at the senseless killing of an innocent soldier last week in the name of Allah. Such a barbaric act has left an indelible mark in the minds of many and have altered permanently the life of many. People are searching for solution and meaning. But as the scripture says, when they shall say peace and safety, but what they get is destruction, chaos, pain, hurt and disillusionment. The peace, the joy, the security, the rest and the love the world is searching for will continue to elude them because they are searching in all the wrong places. You don't need to look far to see the extreme wickedness of man to man, the indefensible shedding of human blood, the unbridled exploitation of the poor masses, and the flagrant promotion immoral lifestyles in many nations, and religious extremism. All these are the birth pains of a world laden with the sin of rebellion and rejection of the Prince of Peace. Jesus offers Rest from the burden and load of sin; He offers peace in place of violence and disturbances; He offers rest from the weary worldly activities; He offers joy in place of pain; He offers hope in place of hopelessness. All the world needs to do is come to Jesus! But we must tell them. Help us Lord to tell the world!

1. Jesus Offers Rest

(i) Come -
The Great Invitation (Mat.11:28; Isa.55:1-3). Christ is calling every man and every woman. He is calling one and He is calling all - Come! The invitation is free. There is nothing to pay. Jesus has paid it all (Mat.1:21). Your sins have been atoned for. All you need to do now is come to Jesus.
(ii) Unto Me - The Great Master -
Jesus (Mat.11:28). It is to Jesus that the world must come. Oh Thou that hearest prayer, unto thee shall all flesh come (Psalm 62:2). Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
(iii) All Ye Who Labour and are Heavily Laden -
The Universal Invitation (Mat.11:28). Sin is wrecking havoc on the inhabitants of the world. Creation is groaning for release. The burden of sin is weighing heavily upon the world.
(iv) And I Will Give You Rest -
The Universal Offer (Mat.11:28). Sin is a heavy burden. It cannot be removed except by Jesus's offering in the Cross. Jesus offered to die for the sin of the world. As many as will come to him will be saved (John 6:37; 10:9-11; Rom.10:13).
(v) Take My Yoke Upon You  -
The Great Offer (Mat.11:28). Repent and believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Isa.1:18-19; Mat.3:2, 7-10)
(vi) And Ye Shall Find Rest  -
The Great Discovery (Mat.11:29). When we come to Christ our load of sin is lifted, and we will find rest and peace with God. This is what the world needs now.

2. Jesus Offers Peace

The World needs peace and Jesus is offering peace. At His birth peace was announced to earth (Luke 2:1-16). As Jesus began to preach He offered peace to all who believe Him (John 16:33; 20:19-26) Peace is a product of harmony. When there is harmony between God and man, there will be peace in the heart of man. This peace will spread to all around. It is a fallacy, lying and deceit to think that God approved violence and disharmony. When people are converted, they begin to obey the commandments of God to love our neighbour as ourselves. When this happens there will be peace. Peace and love go hand in hand. Have you been justified by faith through Christ (Rom.5:1-2)?

3. Jesus Offers Joy

As peace on earth was announced at the birth of Jesus, joy was also announced (Luke 2:10). Oh that the world would believe in Jesus and accept and receive Him as their sin Bearer, then joy would flood the world; wars will cease; nation will no longer rise against nation; the world would imitate paradise. God is still going to bring such a hope into reality in the millennium - the time when Christ will reign on earth as King of the universe (Isaiah 11:1-10; Rom 14:17). At present disciples of Christ are enjoying a measure of that peace as a foretaste of the glorious peace that will come (Rom.14:17; Gal.3:26-27). Even when there is distress, Christ offers His followers peace and joy that pass understanding. Because we are in Christ Jesus we have a future that is glorious. We are therefore enjoined to shun the sinful ways of the unsaved world (Col.3:3-8). All believers must live in expectation of this glorious moment in history. Jesus our Saviour is the King of kings. Jesus will overcome all the evil of this present world. Jesus has defeated Satan, paid for sin and will overcome all evil. All nations, presidents, prime ministers and world leaders, both secular and religious will bow down to worship Him.

4. Jesus Offers Love

Love is a common word, but I must sat that it is not common practice in the world today. Jesus offers love to the world (John 3:16)  and demonstrated it by dying on the Cross to pay for sin He sis not commit. Love is a balm that brings healing. Love is like cool water that quenches the fire of hatred. Love is like a jealous spouse that protects the object of her devotion. Love is kind, love is generous, love is forgiving. What more can I say. It has all been said in (1Cor.13:1-13). Oh that the world would know the love of Christ which passes all understanding. Jesus loves his Church that He gave His live for her (Eph.5:25-33). Like a good shepherd He gave His life for the world. We His disciples are commanded to love one another so much that through us the world may know Jesus (John 15:9-14; 13:12-17, 34-35).

5. Jesus Offers The Comforter

The blessedness of believing in Christ continues with Jesus giving the Holy Spirit through the Father to all who obey him (Luke 24:49; John 14:26-27; 15:26; 16:13-14). Jesus did not leave us comfortless. though there may be trials and tribulations, even distress around us, we have the comfort of the Holy Spirit. He is the teacher of truth. All other religious truth claims are false when scrutinized by the search light of Christ's message to the world. Christians can have peace in the midst of a storm. Christians can have joy in the face of apparent helplessness. Christians find their rest in Christ as we wait for His return to set up His everlasting Kingdom. We invite the world to come to Christ. We invite all religions to drop their claims and submit to Christ as Lord and Saviour. Then peace shall come to the world.

Saturday, 18 May 2013


Matthew 12:1-15; Luke 13:10-17
The Church has the privilege of having Jesus Christ as her Lord. This means that heavenly teachings and revelations are available to her through the Bible and through the Holy Spirit. The forth commandment of the Decalogue says "Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy" (Exodus 20:8). Should Christians keep the Sabbath day, legalistically as it was (and still is) done by (some of ) the Jewish people. What did Jesus say about the Sabbath? The Pharisees accused Him of breaking the Sabbath. Did Jesus break the Sabbath? What does it mean to break the Sabbath? Should Christians worship on Saturday? What did the early Church do? What about Gentile Churches like Corinth, Rome and Ephesus? What was their practice?
Many have undertaken in-depth studies about the Sabbath and its symbolism. What does the Sabbath signify? What does (Matthew 5:17-18) mean?

1. Christ's Sabbath Controversies

i. Plucking ears Of Corn On The Sabbath (Mat.12:1-8)
ii. Healing The man With the Withered Hand (Mat.12:9-15)
iii. The Woman Bent Double ( Luke 13:10-17)
iv. The Man With 38 Years Infirmity (John 5:1-19)
The Pharisees and Scribes believed healing on the Sabbath day was work and thus a violation of the Sabbath. Christ reproved them for not understanding the moral and spiritual principles of the Law. Many times during His teachings He exposed the hypocrisy of human interpretation of the Law (Mat.23:1-27). He explained to them what He wanted (Mat.9:13; 12:7) - mercy and not sacrifice (Hosea 6:6-7). Tradition may have its place and time but tradition is not the commandment of God. It is better to do good on the Sabbath day - to save lives, to heal the sick. This was the type of thing Jesus did on the Sabbath days apart form preaching in the synagogue. This also poses a warning to us in the NT Church to be ware of covering the commandments of God with our traditions.

2. A Word About God's Commandments

When we think of God's Commandments we must take note of two factors:the Precepts as well as the underlying Principles; the Letter as well as the Spirit (2Cor.3:6); whether a particular commandment is Imperative (Prescriptive) or Indicative (lev.19:9-10); whether the command is Set in Stone or Modifiable (as a result of geographical location/national circumstances, or aspects of time (Deut.5:16)! God's commandments are relevant and universal, but some of them may have to be expressed in the context of our own day (Eph.6:3).

3. Which Commandments Have Been Done Away With?

We start with a simple answer - the law of ordinances: Touch not; Taste Not. A fine example is the law of clean and unclean animals (Acts 10: ); The ceremonial laws of washings - washing hands before eating (7:1-23); The law of circumcision (Acts 15; Gal.5:1-8; 6:15); the Law of the Sabbath days and other holy days (Col.2:8-17). In (Gal.3:1- 29) the entire Law system. Paul argued that the job of the Law, as a schoolmaster, was to point us to Christ. When saving faith enters the heart of a man or woman, then the schoolmaster is no longer needed. The Law of God literally speaking, is written on the tables of the heart, not on stones anymore. Righteousness comes through by faith, and not by the Law.
Does this mean that we are now lawless? God forbid. The law of God is written in our hearts. The principle of the law, the Spirit of the law, the moral implications of the law is required of us today. We are no longer bound by the law of animal sacrifices. Christ became our sacrifice. We are no longer bound by the Old covenant. We have a better covenant (Heb.8:6).
The law of God is holy, just and good but was powerless to produce righteousness. It only revealed sin in the heart. It had no power to take away sin. The taking away of sin is an exclusive preserve of the Lamb of God (Mat.18:11; Luke 19:10; John 1:29; Rom.8:1-4).

4. Should Christians Worship On Sabbath Day (Saturday)?

From the foregoing you can see that observing the Sabbath Day in the strict and legalistic way that it was done before Christ is no longer required for Christians. Christ has fulfilled the law. He interpreted and brought out for us the true meaning and requirement of God's 10 Commandments. His interpretation was in-dept and far more rigorous than the one advocated by Jewish rabbis. He interpreted authoritatively all the commandments, bringing out the spiritual truth and principles of each (Mat.5:21-48). You will notice that Jesus never mentioned the Sabbath Day in this reinterpretation in the Sermon on the Mount. The Sabbath was a day of rest made for man, and extended to the land in principle so that both can rest and replenish (Mat.12:12; Mark 2:27; 3:4). Countless restrictions were placed upon people's lives under the law. the true principles of the law were lost under volumes of trivial details of interpretation (Mat.23:23).
Paul the apostle taught much on our freedom from the ordinances, and rituals of the ceremonial and typological laws (Eph.2:15). Christ is the fulfilment of the Law for the Christian. Mere conformity to external ideals of the law cannot bring righteousness, but the inner intent, the moral and spiritual intent is what Christ has taught and what we must follow. The Sabbath was a shadow of things to come (Gal.4:10; Col.2:16). What were the "things to come"? Christ and His salvation! Christ is the end of the law (Rom.10:4)

Christians should worship God on the day chosen by the apostles of the first century Church (Acts 20:7; 1Cor.16:2). The early Church in Jerusalem would go to the temple on days of worship, but would gather on Sunday to break bread and share fellowship with one another and here the apostles teach. For some time they were gathering daily in the temple and from house to house, sharing the joys of the birth of the New Church, having fellowship with one another. Imagine such a beautiful picture (acts 2:46-47). "...but this could not continue for long. A choice of special day must have must have become necessary, and this day would of course have been Sunday...Uncircumcised gentiles, however were free from any obligation of Sabbath observance...No observance of a special day of rest is contained among the NECESSARY THINGS (Acts 15:28-29) A given day as a matter of divine obligation was thoroughly denounced by Paul (Gal.4:10)" (International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia). F.J. Dake did an extensive study of the writings of the fathers of the Church following immediately after the apostles on the issue of the day of worship for Christians...

"In the early Christian Church, Jewish Christians continued to keep the Sabbath, like other points of the law, on the other hand, Paul, from the first days of Gentile Christianity, laid it down definitely that the Jewish Sabbath was not binding on Christians.." Encyclopaedia Britannica. Christians had been observing Sunday as a day of rest for 300 years before Constantine made it a day of rest for the Roman Empire.
The New International Encyclopaedia says, " For some time after the foundation of the Christian Church, converts from Judaism still observed the Jewish Sabbath to a greater or lesser extent, at first it would seem, concurrently with the celebration of the first day. But before the end of the apostolic period, Sunday... had thoroughly established itself as the day set apart from secular labour and by public worship..."
Ignatius the Bishop of Antioch was a disciple of John the Apostle, lived at the time of the apostles (30-107). He wrote, "And after the observance of the Sabbath (that the Jews kept), let every friend of Christ keep the Lord's day as a festival, the resurrection day, the queen and chief of all the days of the week...on which our life sprang again, and victory over death was obtained by Christ. It is absurd to speak of Jesus with the tongue and to cherish in the mind, a Judaism that has come to an end..."

All the early Church fathers are united in proclaiming that Sunday was established as a day for Christian worship.

What do we learn from all these things? Christ has died. Christ has risen again. Christ has fulfilled the law for us. The law has been written on the tables of our hearts. We are not under the law but under grace. Righteousness can only come through our faith in Christ. Keeping a particular day is not necessary for our salvation. We must gather together as the do the rest of the global Church to worship God and rest from our daily labours.

Saturday, 11 May 2013


Hebrews 11:1-40
Every man/woman has a form and level of faith, but the faith being shown in Hebrews 11 is a gift of the Holy Spirit given to every believer in a measure. Faith is used to appropriate the promises of God. When faith believes the promises of God, they become reality. Many great achievements are attributable to faith as we shall see in this chapter of Hebrews. Sixteen persons were mentioned in this chapter in connection with their faith in God - Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Rahab, Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David and Samuel. These are not the only heroes of faith in the Bible, but the Holy Spirit led the writer to choose these few names as a sample to encourage us to live by faith. Some of these men had failings in their lives but the author does not focus on these. The intention is to illustrate to us what faith looks like, what can be achieved by faith in God's promises

1. The Possibilities Of Faith

Hebrews 11:1-6; Matthew 19:26; Mark 9:23
Through faith we know that something God has promised, which is still in the future, which is not yet seen, will surely come to pass. All things are possible through faith. God created the universe through his word of faith, out of nothing! In a similar way whatever promise of God you are claiming will become reality for you if you have faith and patiently wait for its fulfilment. In this section the earliest saints were mentioned.
(i) Abel (Heb.11:4; Gen.4:4, 7). Abel's acceptable sacrifice shows the possibility of serving God acceptably - by faith. Faith is serving God acceptably.
(ii) Enoch (Heb.11:5; Gen.5:18-24). Enoch did not die for God took him. Why? Because he was righteous before God (Prov.11:4). The righteousness of faith pleases God. Nothing else would. Faith is living to please God.

2. The Persuasion Of Faith

Hebrews 11:7-16
(iii) Noah (Heb.11:7) was persuaded by God's word to build an ark to save his family and selected creatures. He acted on God's word. Faith is acting on God's word.
(iv) Abraham (Heb.11:8-10, 17-19; Gen.12:1-4; etc.). The bible calls Abraham the father of faith. Abraham believed God (Rom.4:3; Gen.15:5-6). Abraham obeyed God (Gen.22:16-18). What do we learn from Abraham about faith? Faith is believing God('s promises). Faith is obeying God's commands.
(v) Sarah (Heb.11:11-12; Gen.21:1-2). Sarah was Abraham's wife, but she was barren until late old age. Through faith Sarah conceived in her old age and had Isaac in her old age. Age is nothing in the face of faith. Faith makes the impossible possible. Faith will rejuvenate you if your body is failing. Old saints of God believed in God's word and promises, whether the promises are of physical, material things or whether they are for a better country! Faith is believing God for the impossible.

3. The Trial Of Faith

Hebrews 11:17-29
(vi) Isaac (Heb.11:20; ). In verse 17 Abraham's faith was represented again in the form of obedience in offering up Isaac to God. Isaac had the vision of faith. He saw the future and manifested faith in God's promises for the future and proclaimed blessings upon Jacob, the father of the nation of Israel.  Faith is obeying God even when it looks unreasonable and convenient. Faith is calling those things which are not as though they are.
(vii) Jacob (Heb.11:21). Jacob had strong faith in the promises of God for a better country, the Promised Land. He blessed his children accordingly. Faith is placing our hope in God's promises.
(viii) Joseph (Heb.11:22). He believed that God would surely deliver Israel from slavery and asked that his bones be carried along when this is fulfilled. It was fulfilled as he hoped and his bones were carried along as Israel came out of Egypt. Faith turns hopeless situations around.
(ix) Moses (Heb.11:23-29). Moses was the deliverer of Israel, a type of Christ. He was brought up as a prince of Egypt, instead of enjoying what may deemed an enviable position, he chose to suffer affliction with God's people (Exodus 2:10-12)! Faith is enduring reproach with God's people. By faith he brought Israel out of Egypt. By faith he caused the red sea to part and Israel walked through on their way to the Promised Land. What else can we learn from Moses about faith? Faith is attempting the impossible and achieving the incredible..


4. The Triumph Of Faith

Hebrews 11:30-40
(x) Rahab (Heb.11:30-30): Rahab is a heroine of faith. Described as "the harlot", she contributed to the fall of Jericho by hiding and protecting the Israelite spies (Joshua 6:17-25). Faith brings deliverance for the unworthy.
(xi) Gideon; (xii) Barak; (xiii) Samson; (xiv) Jephthah; (xv) David also; (xvi) Samuel...
In this section the writer summarises by invoking great men of faith and some Judges also whose lives had many failings. The writer is not promoting their faults but pointing out how God through faith used them in the deliverance of Israel and in winning great victories over Israel's enemies.
We shall not have time today to expand on the condensed summary given here. It is better to read it as it is written (Heb.11:30-40). They subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, stopped the mouth of lions (Daniel, Samson and David), quenched the violence of fire (Shedrach Meshach and Abednego); escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant, put to flight alien armies; raised the dead!
Holding unto faith they endured great suffering and hardship and even death still holding unto their faith. Nothing could take their faith in God from them, not even death
I am persuaded that when the apostle Paul wrote (Rom.8:31-39) he had these heroes in mind, thus challenging us that like them, nothing should separate us from Christ.
Are you weak? You can be strong through Faith. Are you struggling? You can become stable by faith. Are you troubled? You can be delivered by faith. Are you in need? Your needs can be met by faith. Are you oppressed because of your faith in Christ? Look unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith and you will surely be delivered (Heb.12:1-2).

Friday, 10 May 2013


2Timothy 4:1-8
I am pleased to be here with you again, this time to present to you your new pastor and to bid pastor Chuks fare well. I will greatly miss him as I am sure you would. But he has great responsibilities ahead of him both in family and in ministry. Your new is pastor is brother Olusegun Oduyoye. I have come here tonight to ordain and commission him to the task before him. Our text was Paul's charge to young pastor Timothy, and this is my charge to you brother Olusegun. The responsibility which you are about to undertake requires that you be made aware of what is required of you. This is a solemn charge.


1. Basis of The Charge

The basis of the charge is God our Father and our Lord Jesus. We are in their presence this evening. You must remember that Jesus is coming again to establish His eternal Kingdom and to judge the wicked (Titus 2:11-13). The Church is to be made ready for His return.

2. A Charge To Ministry

Preach the Word. The "word" is the message of Christ, not stories, or philosophies, or analogies. Don't just give a talk, preach Christ.

Be Instant - be ready at all times, be present, be urgent, persevere
In Season - when convenient, when agreeable; when well received.
Out of Season - when not convenient; when not received; let nothing stop you.
Reprove - bring the word to bear on the error till it hits home.
Rebuke with authority
Exhort - comfort, encourage, with all diligence and longsuffering.


3. Reason For The Charge

There is an increasing appetite for error rather than the truth. This danger was there in the time of timothy (2Tim.3:6-9). It has been building up ever since, hence the need to be biblical in preaching.


4. Endure Hardship

The Gospel sometimes comes with hardship. Remember the gates of hell shall not prevail against the Church.

And I charge the Church, the workers and the members, to lift up pastor Olusegun's hand in prayer and in unflinching support so that in the end we shall be present at the marriage supper of the Lamb.

Saturday, 4 May 2013


Neh.2:17-20; 4:6, 13-23; Exod.17:8-13; Eph. 4:11-14

Believers are a privileged people, chosen to show forth the glory of God in Christ. We are privileged to be the building blocks for a spiritual house for the Lord. Putting it  in another scriptural parlance, or idiom or phraseology, we are vessels unto honour, prepared and meet (fit) for the Master’s use. We are also described as soldiers, on active service for the Lord. We may be called upon at any time to go into service anywhere for the Master. The true soldier will go without objection or questioning. As long as the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, He will serve the Lord anywhere on earth.
Pastor Chuks has served the Lord creditably in Edinburgh and Scotland and will now be moving on to another section of the work. I have come here today to congratulate him for a job well done and to thank you all for the great support and cooperation you gave to him. I would like you to give a standing ovation for the great job God has enabled him to do in Edinburgh!!!

But the work here must continue even when pastor Chuks has gone. And God has blessed Edinburgh with very capable hands to carry on with the work. After much prayer and deliberation, I have been enabled choose someone to take over the responsibility pastor Chuks, is leaving behind. The Brother will now be the new pastor of this great Church, Deeper Life bible Church, Edinburgh, with all the honour, respect and responsibility accorded to that position. I will again be with you on Friday to formally present him to you and to ordain him and pray for him. I have three points to share with you today in my exhortation.


Trowel On One Hand Sword On The Other

Neh. 2:20; 1Chro.22:11-19; Luke 9:57-62

Praise God For What Is Already Done!!

Cooperation (with our new pastor)

One Purpose (To spread the good news)

One Goal (To be Rapture ready)

One Enemy (Satan)

One LORD (Jesus Christ)

Arise and build! Arise and be doing! This is a positive directive, given to Solomon by his father David, to build the house of God. David considered that as a most important job and therefore adequately prepared for it. He therefore charged his son saying, “Arise and build!” “Arise and be doing!” I have come here today first to thank God for the work He has done using Pastor Chuks and all the worker and members of this Church.

This was made possible only by the fact that all of you had a mind to work (Neh.4:6). Nehemiah completed the work of building the walls of Jerusalem because the people had a mind to work. You have sown that same characteristic in Edinburgh. Let me therefore charge you to keep up the good work and move it onward and higher.

We must give hundred percent support and cooperation with our new pastor (1Thes. 5:12-13). We must also support all our other workers. This spirit of cooperation is the hallmark of true Christianity. Unity is strength (Rom.12:6; 1Cor.1:10; Phil.3:16). We have one enemy, Satan whose intention is to come to steal, to kill and to destroy. He goes about as a roaring lion, seeking to devour. We must join hands together to resist him in the faith.

We have one Church and one Lord, Jesus Christ. He will give us the victory.
The enemy comes to fight and to hinder God’s work in may ways. He can use people to oppose the work – Samballat, Tobaiah and Geshem opposed Nehemiah and the workers that come together to build the house of God. When we are united under the same purpose, same goal and same Lord, we will defeat the enemy.

Lift Up The Hands That Hang Down

Neh.1:1-11; Heb.12:12-13; Exod.17:8-13

Lay The Foundation Of Prayer

Have A Mind To Work

Spend More Time In More Prayer

Exact More Effort In More Work

Nehemiah laid the found of prayer. Look at the steps He took:

He sought information  from those who came back from Jerusalem concerning the Jews who were there; When He heard the words, (i) he wept (ii) he mourned for some days, (iii) He fasted (Neh.1:4, and (iv) he prayed (Neh.5-11). After this he now took a decisive action to ask the King for supplies to go to Jerusalem and build the walls of the city that has fallen down.

In this new era for the Church in Edinburgh, we must lay a solid foundation of prayer. Prayer is the key to Church growth. Prayer is the key to miracles. Prayer is the key to obtaining favour from God. Prayer is the key to success (2Chro.7:12-14).
When Moses lifted his hands with the rod of God heavenward, there was victory for Israel, but when his hands hand down… (Exod.17:8-13). Prayer will overcome your enemies. Prayer will win you decisive victories. But… all prayer and no work will not win the victory we are seeking after, but prayer and work, work and prayer is the combination that will not fail to win the victory.


Defending The Master’s Inheritance

Neh.4:13-18; Exod.17:8-13; Acts 20:18;

Every Child of God Important

Every Weak Believer Needs Strengthening

Every Young Person Needs Godly Mentoring

Every Worker Needs Encouraging                                   

“…not an hoof will be left behind…” (Exod.10:24-26). Moses was a man who would not allow any of God’s inheritance to be neglected or left behind. That also is the charge we receive from the Lord, to feed the flock of God which  purchased by His own blood. We will take the oversight of God’s inheritance. We are not lords over God’s inheritance, but servants of the Lord (1Peter 5:1-4). I therefore by the word of the Lord charge the new pastor and all the key leaders and workers in this Church to feed the flock of God. We are not hardhearted taskmasters, but we are to be under-shepherds under Christ the Chief Shepherd.

Just as Jacob would not allow Esau to drive the young along with his footmen,  so are we to be gentle over God’s inheritance. God will give us the grace to serve him.



A New Era For Edinburgh Church

A New Era For Scotland Region

A New Opportunity For All Workers In The Church

A New Opportunity For All Members Of The Church