Wednesday, 20 February 2013


Eph. 6:10-20; 2Cor.10:3-5

There is a battle, a war, a conflict that has raged for generations, for thousands of years. It is the battle between good and evil, with Christ representing the Good and Satan the evil. It is a battle for the souls of men and women. In the Garden of Eden just after the Fall, God passed judgement upon Satan and at the same time He provided the means of salvation for fallen man (Gen.3:15). Jesus Christ is that Seed of the woman. From that time forth, Satan became an adversary to all who would call upon the name of Christ. Every leader, every Christian worker, every Christian must face this spiritual warfare. In (2Cor.10:3-5) the battle is described with terms such as strongholds, imagination, thoughts directed against our knowledge of Christ. The conflict is intense, personal and protracted. It calls for courage, determination and prayer. It is a battle that can only be won in the strength of God.

Before we go further let's read (Psalm 62:11; Mat.28:18). All power belongs God. All power has been given to Christ.

Therefore every Christian, every pastor, every leader can experience victory in spiritual warfare. And if you we ask, “How can I do that?” “How can I experience daily victory in spiritual conflicts?” I would respond by saying that you can be victorious if you follow the guidelines set forth in our text.

Let’s go back to (Ephesians 6:10-20). First we see a Description of the Spiritual Conflict (Eph.6:12). It is a highly organised campaign. It is based on wickedness and carried out by wicked spirits. Secondly we see a listing of the Divine Armour for the Spiritual Conflict (Eph.6:15-17). We are commanded to put on this armour in order to win the victory in spiritual battles.  Towards the end of the chapter we see Dedicated Prayer In Spiritual Conflicts (verse 18-20). This leads us to my first point – The Description of The Spiritual Conflict.

Description Of The Spiritual Conflict

It Is Spiritual (Eph.6:12; Zec.4:6; 2Cor.10:3-4; 4:3-4)

It Is Personal (Luke 22:31-32; Rom.7:23; 2Tim.3:12)

It is Strenuous (Hebrews 12:4; John16:33; Phil.1:29-30, cf. Acts16:22-23)

It Is Repetitive (Eph.6:13; 2Tim.2:3; Rev.12:10)

A wrestling match involves two people each wanting to throw the other. In Ancient Greece, the winner in a wrestling match was permitted gouge the eyes of the loser, or to spear his back. The Christians of Ephesus clearly understood the implication of this metaphor of wrestling.

Every Christian must fight this spiritual battle. No one is exempt, and we cannot afford to lose! Our enemy has no mercy.  His army is organized. Paul tells us to envelop ourselves in the whole armour of God in order to win.

The Battle is spiritual (Eph.6:12; Zec.4:6; 2Cor.10:3-4). Satan opposes the Gospel of Christ. So Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and teachers of the Gospel are in direct line of fire of Satan's fiery darts (2Cor.4:3-4; Mat.13:19, 38-39; 1Thes.2:18).

The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, fleshly weapons. They are mighty, impressive and impenetrable. How can we fight spiritual battles seeing that we are flesh and blood? We need God's complete armour.

This battle is also personal (Luke 22:31-32; Rom.7:23 2Tim.3:12). Satan sometimes directs his attacks on individual believers. For instance he wanted to personally sift Simon Peter like wheat (Luke 22:31-34), that is to shake his faith to the point of overthrowing it! Had Jesus not prayed for him, Peter’s faith would have failed. So many Christians do not even know that there is a spiritual war taking place around them! Their eyes are blinded.

The conflict could come in the form of temptations using members of your body, using your imaginations, your thoughts, to war against you. The word of God is full of exhortations such as,”Flee youthful lusts”, “Love not the world”, “Consent thou not” “Be ye not unequally yoked”, “Resist (Satan) steadfastly in the faith…” Satan brings the battle down to the personal level in these areas

The spiritual battle is strenuous (Hebrews 12:4; John16:33; Phil.1:29-30, cf. Acts16:22-23). The conflict can reach the point where the blood of Christians and their leaders is shed for the sake of Christ. This notwithstanding, we must stand our ground like soldiers defending a territory.

Paul the apostle faced many life threatening conflicts masterminded by Satan, but God delivered him from them all. Conflicts and spiritual battles did not prevent him from fulfilling his ministry. (2Tim.4:7-8).  I pray we will fulfill our own ministries to the Lord.

This battle is recurrent (Eph.6:13; 2Tim.2:3; Rev.12:10). After Jesus defeated Satan during His temptation we are told that Satan left Him for a season (Luke 4:13). He continued to attempt to subvert the ministry of Christ through the Scribes and Pharisees and also through some of His own disciples. When the Church was established, the devil stirred up persecution against her. Stephen was martyred. James the brother of John was martyred. Saul wrecked made havoc of the Church. After his own conversion, he suffered innumerable persecutions, out of which the Lord delivered him.  And God will deliver us from every evil work and preserve us unto His coming.

Divine Amour For The Spiritual Conflict

The Belt Of Truth (Eph.6:14)

The Breastplate Of Righteousness (Eph.6:14)

The Gospel Of Peace (Eph.6:15)

The Shield of Faith (Eph.6:15)

The Helmet Of Salvation (Eph.6:17)

The Sword Of The Spirit (Eph.6:17)

Prayer (Eph.6:18)

Paul the apostle used sports and military metaphor to drive home the point of the believer being adequately prepared for spiritual battle. A poorly dressed and ill-equipped soldier is a danger both to himself and to his company. Christian soldiers must therefore put on this special armour as shown in our text.

(I) The Belt of Truth (Eph.6:14) – Truth counters Satan's error. Sound teaching is important. A good understanding of God’s truth will counter Satan’s deceit (Eph.4:14-15; Col.2:8)

(ii) The Breast Plate of Righteousness (Eph.6:14) – Righteousness is a state of moral perfection required to enter heaven. Human righteousness without Christ is insufficient to enter heaven and cannot avail in spiritual warfare. Jesus Christ became sin for us and was offered as a sacrifice to God so that we may become the righteousness of God in Christ (2Cor.5:21). The assurance that we are righteous in Christ will counter Satan’s accusations (Rom.3:21-22; Proverbs 13:6; Zech.3:1-4; Prov.11:4; 11:15; 12:28; 16:31). Put on this robe of righteousness in Christ Jesus. Righteousness will deliver from death.

(iii) The Gospel of Peace (Eph.6:15) – Hold up the Gospel of Christ, the gospel of peace (Rom.5:1). When we are at peace with God, our faith, trust, dependence and confidence in Him are boosted. Fear is cast out. And like David against Goliath, we can stand our ground in the face of satanic conflicts.

(iv) The Shield of Faith (Eph.6:16) – Fiery darts represent temptations, imaginations, thoughts and every high thing exalting itself in opposition to our knowledge of Christ. When we exercise faith we draw strength from God. This will help us overcome temptation and other forms of satanic deception (Rom.1:17; 1Peter 5:8-9; 1John 5:14).

(v) The Helmet Of Salvation (Eph.6:17) – Not only are we saved in the present time but we have the future hope of eternal salvation as a solid anchor for the soul in the face of severe conflicts (1Thes.5:8-9; Tit.2:11-14; 1John 3:1-3).

(vi) The Sword of The Spirit (Eph.6:17) – the Word of God is truly the sword of the Spirit. It is a sure defense against the evil one (Psalm 119:11; 2Tim.3:16-17; Heb.4:12). With this panoply, this impressive array of armour, we are assured of victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Dedicated Prayer In Spiritual Conflicts

Pray with All Prayer (1Tim.2:1)

Pray At All seasons (2Tim.1:3; 1Thes.5:17)

Pray With All Perseverance (Acts 12:5; Luke 18:1)

Pray For All Saints (Eph.6:18)

Pray With Watching (Col.4:2; 1Peter 4:7)

Prayer is a major weapon of the spiritual warfare. Without it which victory will be impossible. R.A. Torrey gave an exposition on prayer based on Ephesians 6:18. He asked some very searching questions. “Why is it” many a Christian is asking, “I make so little progress in my Christian life?” Then he answered, “Neglect of prayer…” Ye have not because ye ask not (James 4:2). “Why is it” many a minister is asking, “I see so little fruit from my labours?” The answer, neglect of prayer. Ye have not because ye ask not. “Why is it”, many a pastor, many a search the scripture teacher, many a children/youth worker is asking, I see few people converted in my ministry?” The answer still is neglect of prayer.

What is PRAYER? Asking and receiving things from God! There are many things a believer can ask from God in prayer - personal revival, promises of God, power of the Holy Ghost, power over spiritual forces of darkness, material provision. So then what is prayer?

(i) Personal Revival At Your Express Request

What is Prayer?

(ii) Promise Received At You Express Request

What is Prayer?

(iii) Power  Renewed  AYour Express Request

What Is Prayer?

(iv) Powers  Routed  At Your Express Request

What is prayer?

(v) Provision Replenished AYour  Express  Request  

It is impossible to calculate the power of prayer. All things are possible through prayer. The apostle Paul enjoins us to pray with all prayer - a Hebrew language expression meaning all kinds of prayer. He tell us to be watchful as we pray. Pray in the Spirit - pray according to the Spirit's leading. Pray with perseverance.

This is the testimony of how one pastor's wife won the battle of prayer:
[As I stood [alone] between two large stones, the presence of God overshadowed me, and I acknowledged His presence with tears, and a delighted "Good morning, Jesus." I said:

"Lord, if You will bless my husband in the place You sent him to establish Your name, if You will break the bonds and destroy the middle wall of partition, if You will give him a church and congregation—a credit to Your people and all Christendom—I will walk with You for three years in prayer, both day and night. I will meet You every morning at 9 a.m. sharp; You will never have to wait for me; I will be there to greet You. I will stay there all day; I will devote all of my time to You.

"Furthermore, if You will listen to the voice of my supplication and breakthrough in that wicked neighbourhood and bless my husband, I will fast 72 hours each week for two years. While I am going through the fast, I will not go home to sleep in my bed. I will stay in church, and if I get sleepy, I'll rest on newspapers and carpet."

As soon as I had made a covenant, the heavens opened, and the glory of the Lord fell from heaven all around me. I knew He had prepared me to enter into prayer ministry.

At 9 a.m. each day the door knob of the church would turn, and I would greet the Lord with a hearty, "Good morning, Jesus." I would kneel and pray until I wore all the skin off my knees on those hard floors. I suffered. The flesh on my bones was numb, and I fasted, not eating or drinking natural food—but I had a direct supply from heaven.
Soon the mission was too small to accommodate the people...]

It is very encouraging to note that many have been very skillful in using the weapon of prayer. Like King David  we can say (Psalm 55:16-18). In (Hebrews 4:16) we are admonished to come boldly to the Throne of Grace to obtain mercy! The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much (James 5:16). Fear not for those who are with us are more than those who are with them (2Kings 6:15-16).


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