Saturday, 28 February 2015



Haggai 1:1-15; 2:1-7, 18-19

When King Cyrus died in war, Ahasuerus also called Artaxerxes, succeeded him and ordered the work of rebuilding the Temple to stop. At that time the Jews that had returned from Babylonian captivity went back to their own businesses. When King Artaxerxes died Jews continued attending to their private businesses – building houses, farming and livestock breeding. The rebuilding of the Temple was neglected. It was in this climate that Haggai was commissioned and began his work as a prophet. God called him to serve the returned exiles in Jerusalem.

In this book God was calling these remnants to reconsider their priorities and restart the rebuilding of the Temple of God. They were called to:

(I)  Consider Their Ways; (2) Be Strong and Rebuild The Temple of God; and (3) Expect The Greater Glory. Today we look at three Divine Injunctions.




God rebuked his people because of their misplaced priorities. We must remember that these were the 50,000 devout people who made the Aliyah back to Israel at the decree of King Cyrus. The rest of the Jews (an obvious majority) have now settled in Babylon. They had built houses, raised children and grandchildren, and had quite established themselves in Babylon.                  It is ironical that those Jews whose forefathers sat down and wept by the rivers of Babylon when they remember Zion, had no appetite to go back to Zion! Isn’t it similar in the UK? People feel satisfied with themselves, and there is no place for God anymore! But to those who had gone back to Israel God said, ‘Consider your ways’. Go up to the mountain, and bring wood, and build the house, and I will take pleasure in it.

What can we glean about these people to whom the prophet is speaking the word of God?

(i)                These were the remnant who came back from Babylon

(ii)              These were devoted to God and His worship

(iii)            They had been separated for something very important

(iv)            They were in the right place (Jerusalem) at the right time

(v)              They were fulfilling prophecy and the will of God (Jer.29:10-14)

These 50,000 strong batch were a favoured group of people. But let’s briefly come back to the reason God was rebuking them.

(i)                They were in Jerusalem for a divine purpose – to rebuild the Temple of God. And God was going to use them to restore the tabernacle of David which had fallen down.

(ii)              But they had got their spiritual priorities wrong (Hag.1:2-5). They were living for themselves rather than for God’s glory.

(iii)            They built paneled homes for themselves and their families; they built schools and businesses – all valid pursuits – but they neglected the Temple of God. They almost forgot why they came back to Israel.

This is applicable to us in the United Kingdom today. Where are those great Christians who so raised the profile of Christianity world-wide. Where are those Churches who sent out missionaries to every nation preaching the Gospel? Where are the people who attended the Churches I see every 500 meters around our city centres? We need to consider our ways. “Go up to the mountain, and bring wood, and build the house, and I will take pleasure in it”. We need to reorder our priorities.

As one retired G.P. put it, “Britain is now a post Christian and a postmodern nation”. Christian truth is no longer absolute. There is latent hostility against Christianity.  Beautiful Church edifices are being converted to public houses where Christian emblems and biblical doctrines are parodied. We need to consider our ways. Go up to the mountain, and bring wood, and build the house, and I will take pleasure in it. We need to reorder our priorities.

Christians all over the world are going through some of the greatest period of persecution. Stories from Syria this week says that about 300 people, mostly Christians have been taken captive by the Islamic State. Those who survive are forced into slavery of all sorts. Hardly anyone speaks for these people. Boko Haram has been slaughtering multiplied hundreds with sinister impunity in northern Nigeria. Hardly anyone cares for these anymore.

God calls us to consider our ways. Go up to the mountain, and bring wood, and build the house, and I will take pleasure in it. Let us respond by reordering our priorities.


Haggai 2:1-5

God says to His people, “Be strong”. God is encouraging us in an age of uncertainty. If we agree that we are now a post-Christian nation, we are saying that there is a religious vacuum in our country. Now science tells us that nature abhors vacuum. This implies that the vacuum created by the demise of Christian institutions and Churches, not only in the UK but also in Europe, will be filled with other things – things like Islamic fundamentalism, rape, child abuse, murder, greed and many other forms of lawlessness. As Dr John MacArthur put it, “We are not really evolving. We are devolving”.

God says to all who believe today, “Be strong and build the house, and I will take pleasure in it”. There are ways in which this command applies to us today.

(i)                We are commanded to rebuild the ruined Spiritual Temple of God – the Church as the Body of Christ (Acts 15:16-17)

(ii)              We are commanded to build up the believers (Ephesians 2:19-22; 4:11-13)

(iii)            We must continue our effort in cross-cultural ministry

(iv)            We must build up our strength in evangelistic outreaches

(v)              We must build up our children and the young people as future builders of God’s house.

God says to all of us as He said to Joshua (Jos.1:7), “…Be Strong and very courageous”.

You are here today to join hands with us in thanksgiving to God and to raise funds for the Regional HQ building of Deeper Life Bible Church in Scotland.

God is saying to you through me, “Be strong and very courageous”, and give to the building of the house for God.

God says to us, “I am with you”. “I will take pleasure in the building.” Your presence here today has encouraged us. And when you give towards this building project, you will encourage us even the more. And when the building is finally completed, it will bring glory to God. You be around to see it with your eyes, and worship inside it. It will be a glorious time.


Haggai 2:1-9; 18-19

God is repeating His encouraging words to us.

“Be Strong and work”. “I AM with you saith the LORD of hosts”

“My Spirit remains with you”.  “Fear not”

“I will the heaven and the earth and the sea and the dry land”. God will still shake the nations.

“The silver is mine, and the gold is mine”

Thus saith the Lord, “The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the LORD of hosts: “and in this place I will give peace, saith the LORD of hosts”. Jesus is coming back with the Glory of God the Father. And His Church shall no more be oppressed but filled with glory.

Now let us obey the Lord (Hagg.1:12), as Zerubbabel and Joshua the High Priest and all the returnee Jews obeyed the Lord. Then the Tabernacle of the Lord will be built up again.

 We will wrap up this message with God’s word of encouragement (Haggai 2:18-19)

Saturday, 21 February 2015


Acts 6:1-3; 1Pet.2:12; Phil.2:5-8; Heb.12:14; Acts 7:55-56; 6:3, 5, 8, 10, 15

The word disciple was used to describe believers who were saved in the early Church. But that word is fast losing its significance. As the number of believers multiply, so does evil, worldliness and corruption multiply. But the qualities that mark out true disciples then and now has not changed. These include:

(i)                Honesty: – hypocrisy, insincerity, deception and superficiality are not hallmarks pf true believers.

(ii)              Humility: – there are many today who claim to be saved but they are proud. Every true believer must possess the character of Christ (Mat.11:28-30)

(iii)            Holiness: – that was what Stephen possessed that made him to see the glorified Christ. Many talk about success, achievement, deliverance, healing, but they neglect holiness. They join the mad rush for materialism. They can do just anything to get wealth and prosperity. These are not true disciples.

(iv)            Heavenward Look: – It is not when, how or where the believer dies, but where he goes after death.

The true disciple is always on the lookout for the coming back of Jesus, his Lord and Saviour. Stephen had all the qualities of a true disciple. He was full of faith, full of power (to conquer self, sin, Satan, society, sickness). He stood for God. He did not draw back as a result of persecution. This is what God wants of us. Do not draw back in the time of difficulty, persecution or trouble (Heb.10:38). If you knew the danger that faces the Church in the UK you will throw your whole self, energy, resources and passion to serve the Lord and advance His cause. If as believers we possess the character of Stephen, we will easily evangelize the world.


Acts 6:5-8; 15:9; Prov.4:23; 1Pet.1:3-5; 1 Tim.2:15
Stephen was a man full of faith. This was the foundation of his fearless character. Faith in God cancels the fear of men. The disciple who is full of faith believes that there is nothing anyone can do against the truth or plan of God. Men may cry out, become enraged or tell lies against the truth, but they cannot withstand it. There is nothing anyone can do to the true disciple without the knowledge and permission of God (Luke 12:4-7). Stephen remained faithful and true before, during and after the persecution. So a true disciple we remain calm in the face of severe persecution, trial or trouble. Sanctification will produce calmness in your soul. No one can take your life except your work for God on earth is done. If you compromise in the face of persecution or hardship, you will have no reward in heaven. So every true disciple will continue in faith, endure affliction, and follow the Lord till the end. A crown of glory is waiting for you in heaven.


Acts 7:60; Luke 23:34; John 13:15; 1Peter 2:21-23; Rom.12:14, 17, 18; 1John 2:6; Heb.12:2
Steven was clearly a man of prayer, full of wisdom, power and the Holy Ghost. He interceded for his persecutors. After seeing the vision of the glorified Christ, all the pain of stoning and false accusation receded to insignificance. He was like his Master Jesus, who prayed, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do

A true disciple need not be too conscious of society, self and situations, but of the Lord and how to be conformed to Him. Conformity to Christ is only possible when you have been saved, obtained sanctification and filled with the Holy Spirit. Then we become conscious of our true calling. “For even hereunto were ye called; because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that we should follow His steps”.

If Stephen conformed to Christ at such terrible time of persecution, the believer can also do so today when persecution is not as terrible as it was them. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego stood for God even in the fiery furnace (Dan.3:14-18, 21, 24-26). Joseph Stood for God in righteousness and holiness in the house of Potiphar. God is calling us to stand for Christ now. Do not deny Him for any reason, even under the threat of death.


Acts 6:5; Jude 19; Acts 7:55; Mark 13:9-11; 2Tim.1:7; Rom.8:1, 2, 5, 9-11; 13-16,29, 37-39
Stephen was a man full of faith, wisdom and the Holy Ghost. He was a life for all believers to emulate. What was the source of Stephen’s courage? It was the presence, prominence and the pre-eminence of the Spirit of God in his life! Some people who may not have the Holy Spirit will cringe and run from even little things. Little creatures of god will make them afraid. Stephen being full of the Holy Ghost remained bold and fearless, during accusation, during stoning. Jesus told his disciples, “When they shall lead you, and deliver you up, take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak, neither premeditate…” As believers we should not look at our persecutors or adversaries but we should look unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith, who endured the Cross, despising its shame.

Stephen was a defender of the Faith (1Pet.3:15). He used his life to defend and advance the Gospel. He was a true disciple. We are called to do the same. God has not given us the Spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of sound mind. We will fulfill our ministry and reach our destiny. Amen.

Thursday, 12 February 2015



Matthew 28:18-20; Luke 24:47; Acts 1:8; Num.13:16-30

By contextualised evangelism, I mean evangelism that takes into consideration the conditions, situations and culture of he united Kingdom and Europe. We have a standing mandate from our Lord Jesus Christ – to preach the Gospel to every creature. But we must have a strategy for fulfilling that. The sheer size of the mandate demands a workable strategy (Mat.10:23). In order to explore how we can reach the UK with the Gospel, a little bit of history will be necessary for our purposes. Europe has had a very colourful history filled with wars, conquests, inventions, revolutions, and revivals. During the middle or medieval ages the Church was at its strongest in Europe. Cathedrals were erected. Then came the modern age when religious and other structures began to fall apart and science gained the ascendancy. Today we are in a different age, the age of postmodernism.

1.   The Modern Age

To understand Postmodernism, we briefly note the effect of modernism in Europe. Modernism had a sweeping effect on the life and thought of Western Europeans. It ushered in
(i) Bureaucracy – impersonal social hierarchies that practice division of labour,
(ii) Disenchantment with the world, leading to loss of sacred and metaphysical understanding of all facets of life and culture;
(iii) secularization – the loss of religious influence and religious belief at societal level; (iv) alienation – isolation of the individual from systems of meaning (family, religion, meaningful work, clan); (v) individualism – growing emphasis on the individual as opposed to structures such as family, village, Church.

(vi) Disenchantment of the British society with religion (especially the Christian Religion) reached its height in the modern age. (vi) In the modern age, science answered everything. During the modern age Charles Darwin proposed his theory of evolution which has been instrumental to misguiding people and damaging religious belief (By the way Charles Darwin's father Erasmus Darwin was from Lichfield).

Since then the world has advanced to what is now called the postmodern age

 2.   Postmodern Age

We now in the postmodern era. Some of the distinctive factors can be seen in the following slides.

In the postmodern world image is everything. You see this among so-called celebrities, in the vision media. The catwalk figures of extremely thin young ladies, with hollow chicks and protruding collar bones are projected as desirable. Young people are persuaded to love such figure, leading to all sorts of health and emotional problems This is image.

Disney Land was described by someone as “Postmodernism illustrated”. It is colourful, artificial, yet “real”. (i) It is simulated reality, (ii) a place that exists and is accepted because our imagination makes it so. (iii) where the fine line between reality and fantasy is grayer. This is the power of symbol over substance!

In spite of all we know of this age, there are still opportunities to preach the Gospel and there are yet people who will lend an ear to the Gospel message.
Some believe that faith could re-emerge as scientific thinking loses its significance. But faith is up for grabs, because the postmodern mind does not believe in moral absolutes.
Evangelism in the postmodern society requires vigour, tact and the ability to convince the postmodern man that what you are presenting is the real deal.

Strategy For Conquering The Promised Land

(Num.13:16-30; Prov.6:6-8; Luke 16:8)
Moses and Joshua were strategic leaders. They used spies to gather as much information as they could about nations on their way to the Promised Land. They won enormous victories. Strategy is a tool used by governments, by the military, by businesses. Businesses will do feasibility study. The military will do reconnaissance. Government use espionage; businesses also use questionnaire to gain vital information.
Our goal is to reach the whole of the United Kingdom with the Gospel of Christ. If we must evangelize Great Britain, we need a sound strategy. If one plan fails, we change it to another, but the goal remains the same.
We take the example from Moses the man of God. With a mandate to conquer the Promised Land and divide it up for the children of Israel, he sent out twelve spies into Canaan with the detailed instructions:
(i)                See the Land
(ii)              The People who dwelt there, whether few or many – what is the population
(iii)            Find out the type of development – what type of dwelling places do they have, tents, solid houses, or mansions?
(iv)            Is it Wealthy or Poor – what areas are wealthy and what areas are poor?
(v)              Bring Some Evidence – Fruit.
After spying for forty days they came back and told what they found. Their findings were very comprehensive.
(i)                A very fruitful land evidenced by large clusters of grapes, pomegranates and figs.
(ii)              The People were strong, the Anakim, tribe of Giants dwelt there.
(iii)            Amalekites dwelt in the South
(iv)            The Hittites, the Jebusites, and the Amorites dwelt in mountains
(v)              The Canaanites dwelt by the sea.
These findings obviously helped Moses and Joshua in planning. In spite of the discouragement of many by ten of the twelve spies, in spite of the giants in the Promised Land, Israel conquered and occupied it. In the same way whatever giants may pose threat to us we will overcome and win this land for Christ.
To reach the people of this land, we may need a comprehensive mapping of the United Kingdom, which should be similar to Patrick Johnstone’s Operation World, albeit a smaller version concentrating only on the UK. We need to learn as much as we safely can about the culture, the ethics and general lifestyle of UK residents.
We note that multiculturalism is promoted in all regions of the UK. Migrants come into the country with their own cultures, foods and religion. In most cases integration is not possible. The nation has become a vast field of miniature, monolithic subcultures thriving within the larger British culture. In the evangelism field we will encounter many within these groups. How do we reach out to them?

The Mind Of The Postmodern Briton

(Psalm 137:1-4)
The children of Israel were shocked as they landed in Babylon to begin their 70 years of captivity. Babylon was a strange land, overflowing with idolatry. Their tongues cleaved to the roof of their mouths. How could they sing the Lord’s song in a strange land? In a sense the Church in the UK is like Israel in Babylon. What can we see in the UK today that can make us cry out?
i.                    Society is secularized – society is now not only postmodern but also post-Christian. I was shocked when I first heard that description.
ii.                  The church is now on the margins. 
iii.                The Christian story is unknown to majority – in the past many read the Bible and lots went to Church or Sunday School, but no more.
iv.                There is apathy or even hostility towards Christianity.
v.                  A new twist is the emergence of what is known as new atheism.
These are atheists who are determined to destroy belief in God. Foremost among them are the so-called the four horsemen of atheism – Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens (late), Daniel Darnett and Sam Harris. Most people actually believe the teaching and preaching of these famous atheists. Their books sell millions of copies. Dan Brown’s book, “The Da Vinci Code sold millions of copies. Such esoteric, non-historical stories about Jesus usually sell like hot cake.
vi.                There has been a colossal demise of biblical family structures, and replacing it with something contrary to nature. Homosexuality is the one thing ruling the media at the moment, with threats of prosecution if you protested against it.
vii.              Recently MPs voted into law the motion for Three-Parent babies. The nuclear family has now been redefined.
viii.            The Bible and its message have suddenly become incompatible with the British society.
So when you go out for evangelism these are the things you will face in greater or smaller degree.
In light of all these, the question we must answer is, Will the traditional method of evangelism still work? Are there things we would need to modify in our methods to allow us more chances of success? These will be handled in greater detail during the second part of this planning program. 

Evangelizing The Postmodern Briton

(Psalm 14:1)
In trying to reach the people of our nation, we need to bear in mind all of these facts about the British society. When you encounter a person for the first time in the field of evangelism, note these facts:
(i)                Regard them as an unbeliever, knowing little or nothing about the Bible story or its significance. Do not assume they know anything about the great history of Christianity in this land.
(ii)              They are likely to be steeped in secular thoughts, i.e. they have a secular mindset – do not necessarily believe in the supernatural, at least not in Christianity.
(iii)            They might be hostile to the Gospel
(iv)            They are most likely not open to consider the gospel you present.
(v)              Note also that many religions of the world are now represented here and they have their own world views.
(vi)            You will need to have a good grasp of apologetics.
Suppose someone said to you (and many of them will do), "I don’t believe in God", how would you convince them that their worldview is absurd (Eccl.1:1-3)? The following facts may be useful to you. 
If God does not exist, then life is meaningless, purposeless and valueless.
(i) life is meaningless – it does not matter whether you existed or not,
(ii) life is purposeless – if life just ends in death and the grave, then it is all for nothing. It has all been in vain.  
(iii) life is valueless – if life ends in the grave it makes no difference if you lived like Jesus or if you lived like Hitler or Stalin,
(iv) there is no objective moral value. Who is to say whose values are right and whose are wrong if there were no God? You cannot condemn war, oppression, evil or crime. You cannot condemn ISIS or Boko Haram. Neither can you praise, love, self-sacrifice or generosity (see On Guard, W. L. Craig). What is the value of a good knowledge of apologetics in presenting the Gospel to the non-believer (2Cor.4:3-5)?


(Acts 17:15-34)
In light of these, our usual method of evangelism will need revisiting. Is door to door evangelism likely to still be effective? How does the average UK citizen view “intrusion” by strangers? Are there other methods apart from street evangelism that may be workable? When people receive the Gospel that we preach, what cultural distinctive are they allowed to keep (Acts 15:18-20)? What are the pros and cons of appointing local pastors to lead Deeper Life Churches?
Paul ministered to the heathen from a different standpoint. He did not confront them directly with the facts of biblical revelation. Being led by the Holy Spirit he started at their own level (Acts 17:16). How can we incorporate this into our method of evangelism? Since the Bible and its story is alien to many in the UK, we need to revisit our methods of communicating the message.
The Athenians regarded Paul as a babbler, but he was preaching to them the eternal Gospel. He even quoted their own poet (Epimenides) to convince them (Acts 17:28-29).

What does it mean for us to be made all things to all men in order to win some by all means (1Cor.9:19-23)? What method should we adopt ministering to or mentoring people whose culture is vastly different from ours? We should look for suitable methods but our Gospel message should never change.
Let us close with the parable of the sower (Mat.13:1-9) Our ultimate God in evangelism outreach is to win as many as the Lord will grant us the ability to win. It is necessary to do whatever we can as the Holy Spirit leads us to reach these people. We must pray that our message will penetrate confused hearts and minds and bring forth fruit an hundredfold!

Sunday, 8 February 2015



Matthew 6:19-34

This teaching about possession is part of the great Sermon on the Mount. Wealth is very addictive and very possessive. In general, the more wealth you have the more possessive of wealth you become and, the more you are possessed by wealth. Just as some people can be demon possessed, some can also be wealth possessed, and both need deliverance! As a matter of fact it is easier to deliver a person possessed of demons than it is to deliver a person possessed of wealth. Why? Because the person possessed of demons cries out for deliverance, but the person possessed of wealth clings to his wealth and refuses to be delivered (Mark 10:19-24)! In this teaching Jesus shows us how to handle possession.



In the world today there is a craze for wealth. The five richest men in the world together possess over 300 Billion dollars. At the same time there are people who die of poverty, who are made homeless because of poverty. There was news a few weeks ago that 1% of the world will soon own 90% of all world wealth! People are pursuing wealth. Even Christians seek after wealth. But should wealth seeking be the priority of Christians? Let us hear from the Master.

Lay Not Up Treasures on Earth (Mat.6:19) – Rabbi Hillel was one of Israel’s greatest teachers before Jesus came. His grandson was said to be Rabbi Gamaliel – the teacher of Paul the Apostle. In his teachings he acknowledged the corruptibility of earthly treasure. Thieves would dig through walls and carry of the strong box of wealth. So wealthy people would store their wealth in the Temple or invest it with money changers, or burying it underground, where Moth can eat expensive fabrics; money would Rust and become useless. Also you cannot take your treasure with you when you die!

Lay Up Treasures In heaven (Mat.6:20) – Jewish texts speak of people laying up treasure with God. Those destroying perils – thieves, moth and rust and death are not in Heaven. Since you cannot physically store money in heaven, there are standard ways of laying up treasure in heaven – (i) by giving your treasure for the service of the House of God, (ii) by supporting those Christians in need, or other causes that have to do with God’s kingdom, (iii) by using your skills and gifts to promote God’s glory rather than to seek your own glory or the praise of men (Mat.6:16; 1Cor.12:4-7).


(Matthew 6:21)

Wealth has a pulling force on the heart. Since the heart cannot be divided, it is either attached to possessions or it is attached to God. If your treasure is in heaven you will show much earnestness and eagerness for the things of God and of heaven. But if your treasure is on earth, then you will not have appetite for the things of God, or those things of God will become secondary to you (Mat.19:16-30). In this state of heart, if you give to God, you will be stingy and miserly with your giving. If you give to God in this way, you get no reward (2Cor.9:7). See how God challenged Israelites regarding their offering to Him (Mal.1:6-8, 14).



Matthew 6:22-23

Here the Master is pursuing the fact of singleness of heart. How do you see possessions How do you perceive wealth. If your eye is sanctified, good, pure, true and righteous then you will use possession in the right way to serve God. But if your eye is sinful or evil, that is if your valuation of treasure or wealth is distorted and worldly. So many folks today have a distorted view of possession. All they value is earthly and temporal things. Temporal things may be useful here and now but they become valueless compared to heavenly treasures.

(Prov.13:7) – tells us that you can accumulate possessions and still be poor, and you can make yourself poor by using wealth in the service of God, and will be rich before God.

(Luke 12:15-21) – Abundance of possessions does not make a man. The man in this reference worked hard, and through his hard work wealth came. Why did God call him a fool? Because he was not rich towards God (verse 21)! He did not lay up his treasures in Heaven.


Matthew 6:24

From what Jesus is teaching, Mammon is a master. It demands to be served so much that if you serve God, you can’t serve mammon. If you serve mammon, you can’t serve God. This similar to (Mat.6:21). It is with the heart you serve God. If the pursuit of wealth occupies your heart, then you cannot serve God. So question: Is it possible for those who are rich to serve God (Mat.19:23-29)? You cannot be worldly and spiritual at the same time.


(Matthew 6:25-34)

Presentiment is apprehension, anxiety, worry about possession or the lack of it.

The Rich do not worry about possessions. They worry about preserving what wealth they have. While the poor worry about everyday needs and how to provide them. Jesus teaches his disciples not to worry. Poor people worry about what to eat, what to wear and about tomorrow – the future.

The master tells us not to worry about these things. That you are alive and well is more important than the things you worry about (Mat.6:25).

Consider other God’s creation:

(i)                The birds of the air (Mat.6:26; 10:29). Our heavenly Father feeds and protects them. Are we not more valuable to God than they? Can feed us? Can God provide for us? If you resort to worrying, it can only increase the problem. You get hypertension, you get heart disease. But if you set yourself at ease, then God takes care of you as He does the birds of the air.

(ii)              The lilies of the field (Mat.6:28-30) – so temporary that they grow today, and tomorrow they are cut down. In spite of that short life span, God specially takes care of them and beautifies them. Jesus compares their beauty with that of King Solomon and His glory. Surely you have more worth before God than the flowers of the field.

In closing this teaching the Lord gives us such clear solution to worry and anxiety. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness (Mat.6:33), then food and drink, clothing, your future, will be abundantly taken care of!

To recap, (i) do not lay up treasure on earth. (ii) Lay them up in heaven where they will be preserved. (iii) Serve the Lord (not wealth or riches) with singleness of heart because you cannot serve two masters. Serve the Lord abundantly. (iv) Cast aside worry and anxiety.

(v) Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, then He will add all the things you need both for yourself and for His service.