Saturday, 24 January 2015


1John 3:1-24


1John 3:1; John 3:16; 1John 4:10-12; John 10:14-18
The love of God towards us is so great that it has a special name – AGAPE. Agape love is a sacrificial love. It loves and does not wait to be loved before loving (Rom.5:8). It gives and does not expect to receive again (John 3:16). It is ready at all times for the ultimate sacrifice.
Jesus was the Ultimate Shepherd, ready to lay down His life for the sheep of God (John 10:14-18). The love of God elevated us from the position of guilty and death deserving sinners to that of divine sonship’[1]
To understand the nature of God’s love for believers take a look at their names:
     i.        Sons of God (John 1:12; Rom.8:14)
    ii.        Members of Christ (Eph.5:30)
   iii.        New Creation (2Cor.5:17; Eph.2:10)
  iv.        Beloved of God (John 15:9)
   v.        Temple of God (1Cor.3:9, 16; 6:19-20) – demons are not allowed access to you. No demon is given power to hurt you (Luke 10:19)
  vi.        Kings and Priests of the Father (Rev.1:5-6; Eccl.8:4; Mark 11:23)
vii.        Heirs of God and Joint Heirs with Jesus Christ (Rom.8:17, 32)
viii.        Ambassadors of Christ (2Cor.5:20)
  ix.        God’s Peculiar Treasures Exod.19:5; 1Pet.2:9
    x.        Eagles (Isaiah 40:31)
  xi.        Sheep of the Great Shepherd (John 10:11-15; Psalm 23:1-6)
Any confession or attitude contrary to these is an unconscious declaration that God’s word is false or that our Heavenly Father is a failure! You dare not think or behave that way (W.F.Kumuyi)!


1John 3:1-3; Psalm 2:1-12; John 15:18-25
The world does not know the Father nor the Son nor the Holy Spirit. Therefore anyone who claims to be the son or daughter of God is rejected out of hand by the world (Psalm 2:1-12). Ask yourself why it is only Christians and Jews that are persecuted or marked for persecution the world over. Why not Hindus? Why not Buddhists? Why not Sikhs? Why not Satanists, etc.?
It is because of what we saw in section one of this message. We are special because God’s loves makes us special! We are not of the world.  That is why we are hated by the world (John 15:18-25).  Do not count it strange when you hear of the wickedness which world is perpetrating against Christians. This is according to Scripture. In such cases we will pray for those Christians that God will sustain them in the hour of temptation and affliction.
Importantly, if the world or your worldly friends love and appreciate you, it is a veritable sign that you are not of Christ. You are in danger. Come to Jesus today and be thoroughly saved so that when the wrath of God is poured out on all unbelievers you will not be swept away with them. Come out from among them (2Cor.6:17).


I.              WALKING IN SANCTIFICATION (1John 2:28-3:10)

There is a difference between the children of God and the children of the devil. God’s children do not persist in sin. Sin is no longer a habitual thing for them. They cannot persist in sin because they are born of God. Because we have the hope of Christ coming again, we children of God purify ourselves through the blood of Jesus.
Why must we purify ourselves? (i) Because of the nature of (1John 3:4); (ii) Because of the work of Christ (1John 3:5; Rom.6:1-7); (iii) Because of Christ’s sinlessness (1 John 3:5-6); (iv) Because of the significance of sin (1 John 3:7). If we practice sin we show that we are unrighteous (not saved). If we practice righteousness we signify that we are righteous (saved!). The false teachers (Gnostics) of John’s day taught that an ‘enlightened’ person can be pure (within) even though he practiced unrighteousness (without). But that is false! He that committed sin is of the devil. (v) Because of the source of sin (1 John 3:8a); (vi) Because of the Purpose of Christ (1 John 8b); Christ came to expiate the sins of sinners, and to destroy the works of the devil (to destroy the sins that the devil himself commits and the sins that he inspires)[2] . Finally (vii) Because of the new nature of the believer (1 John 3:9). The believer’s new nature is the nature of God. It is a holy nature. Though the believer will be subjected to trials and temptation, he or she must stand firm against Satan, self and sin the three great adversaries of the believer. He will overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of his/her testimony.

II.            WALKING IN THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD (1John 3:11-24).

Believers walk in the commandments of God. This commandment is love (1 John 3:11-24; Mat.22:36-40). Love in today’s language is the mother of all commandments. Some religious groups may claim that They practice love but that is a false claim. You cannot really know what love is until you have come to Christ. We can only love because He first loved us.

III.           WALKING IN BROTHERLY LOVE (1John 4:7-12)

How do we walk in brotherly love? (i) in giving of our lives for others (1John 3:16); Like Paul we should be ready to spend and be spent for our brethren (2Cor.12:15); (ii) In giving our material possession (1 John 3:17-18). Our love for the brethren should be practical, not empty talk.
The characteristics of agape love can be seen in 1Cor.13:1-13). This is risky love and this is the kind of live God is asking us to manifest among our brethren. Why is it risky? Because you stand to gain nothing from the subject of your love. Your reward is only from the Father of love. And He will reward you greatly.
Have you responded to the love of God? Have you been born into the family of God? Are you practicing righteousness now? Are you loving the brethren according to the commandment of God? What can you show to prove that you are now a child of God?


[1] Gingrich, R. E. (2005). The Books of I, II, II John and Jude (p. 18). Memphis, TN: Riverside Printing.
[2] Gingrich, R. E. (2005). The Books of I, II, II John and Jude (p. 20). Memphis, TN: Riverside Printing.

Sunday, 18 January 2015


1John 1:1-2:29

The epistles of 1John 1-3 were written by the Apostle of Jesus Christ. They were written to Churches in and around Ephesus. At this time there were things happening in the Church according to Paul the Apostles predictions (Acts 20:17-23, 26-32). Some false teachers have recently departed from the Church (1John 1); some itinerant false teachers were still moving around (1John 2); an autocratic despot called Diotrephes (1John 3). John is using these epistles to encourage them to remain in their faith and walk in the light they had received.

Some of the key verses are (1John 5:11-12;  2 John 9-11; 3 John 4).

Light is a symbol of the presence of God in the world. Light is used to symbolize the word of God (Psalm 119:105), and the salvation God brings to the world in the person of Jesus Christ (John 1:1-5, 9). Therefore when we say we walk in the light, we need to understand it in this term.

Light is also the symbol of the people of God. They are called the children of light. Believers are called the light of the word, just like Jesus their Saviour is called the Light (with capital L) of the world.

God Symbolized As Light

The word of god tells us that God is light. He is called the Father of Light. This signifies (i) the absolute purity of God (1John 1:5, 7; 1Tim.6:16). In the burning bush, God described a perimeter beyond which Moses was not permitted to advance towards God’s presence. (ii) The Glory of God (Ps.84:11; Isa.60:19-20); (iii) God’s Knowledge (Ps.139:11-12); God’s Immutability (James 1:17)

God’s People Symbolized As Light

The bible also uses light as a symbol of God’s people, especially in the manner in which believers are able and required to reflect the glory of God in an evil world of sin (Mat.5: 14-16; Isa.62:1; Dan.12:3; Acts 13:47).

The world is lying in darkness and the only light that can come to people must come from God through believers. By practicing the principles laid out in God’s word, we can be the light of the world. 

God’s Children Walk in the Light (1John 2:1-29)

To walk in the light means that you LIVE every day with a firm belief in the one true God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; that you have received Christ as your Saviour from sin; and that you are continuing to live by the words and teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ (John 8:31-32; Eph.5:14). To walk in the light means you are walking (living by) in the truth taught by our Lord Jesus Christ. Unless you are doing this, you are walking in darkness and the truth is not in you!

(1)        When we walk in the light, we have fellowship with God – fellowship with God is fellowship with the Light. Light will reveal the walks of darkness – sin. When sin is revealed, children of God will walk away from it. Those who have been caught in darkness unknowingly will be revealed by the light. So they can ask for forgiveness and receive cleansing by the blood of Jesus (1John 1:6-7).

(2)        We Walk in the Commandments of Christ (1John 2:1-6). The Commandments of Christ are the light that shows whether we have fellowship with him or not. We say according to Scripture, there is no truth in saying that we know Him (Jesus), or that we are saved if we do not keep His commandments (1John 2:4). Imagine for a moment a world where there is no law, where there is no Ten Commandments, Where everyone is free to do and act as they please, including steal, kill, rape, hate, destroy, etc. What kind of world would that be? Jesus wants us to show this light to the world, practicing living by His commandments, loving one another so that the world would know that we are His disciples!

(3)        We Love the Brethren and Keep His Commandments (1John 2:7-11). Many so-called bible scholars today would want to prove to you by different means that is not necessary to obey the commandments of God to be a true believer. But that is a false claim because Jesus Himself tells us otherwise (John 15:9-10; 14:15, 21-23). In fact John says here that anyone who claims to know Jesus or to be saved but does not keep his commandments is a liar (1John 2:3-5). By keeping god’s commandments and loving the brethren, we show that we know Him.

(4)        We Desist From Loving The World (1John 2:15-17). This is where many Christians are easily caught up – loving the world – lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, pride of life! There are many Christians who are covetous.

What their eyes see of the bright and shiny things of this world, they world have it, even if their money cannot buy it. If they have enough money to buy it, they rather buy it than commit those resources in the service of god.

Such Christians can argue or make excuses about giving their tithe to God but they don’t mind spending lots of money buying the latest gadgets, latest TV, latest clothing fashions.

Lust of the flesh belongs to the world. Those describe themselves as gay, lust after strange flesh. Those who describe themselves as straight, lust after the opposite sex.

The apostle tells us that all these lusts are not from God but of the world. The world is passing away with the lusts and the dazzling things in the world (2Peter 3:10-11). I pray that you will not build castle for the antichrist. You will not so your seed to the wind. We are charged to live soberly and godly in this present world.

Let us walk in the light, love the brethren, love Lord and keep His commandments. We are the children of light and not of darkness, children of God and not of the devil. We have passed from death to life. We love the truth and have falsehood. We expect Him to return any time to change us into His glorious image.

Friday, 9 January 2015



Welcome to 2015. We declare it a year of success; a year of progress; a year of divine blessings; a year of divine breakthrough; a year of the favour of the Lord; a year of divine visitation; a year of miraculous exploits; a year of expansion; a year of great outpouring of God’s Spirit on the Church.

All these blessings will become possible through the grace of God as we declare this year A YEAR OF PRAYER. We believe in prayer and the power of prayer. Though prayer in 2015 for us in Deeper Life Glasgow, there will be no lack, no loss, and no limitation.

But how shall we pray? What will be the content of our prayer through the year 2015? Bruce Wilkinson published a book titled The Prayer of Jabez in 2000 based on 1Chro.4:9-10. We use some of his thoughts here.

1.  OUR PRAYER IN 2015: ITS COMMENCEMENT (1Chron.4:9-10)

Jabez was singled out for recognition from a crowd of more than 600 people. There are three qualities displayed by Jabez: (i) Great Ambition, (ii) Great Faith, and (iii) Great Prayer. The beginning of Jabez was not a good one. His mother named him Jabez because she said she bore him in pain! It is not clear why she said that because child birth is a painful thing for all women. So there must be something else that made her to give her son the name PAIN!

Jabez must feel that pain his mother was talking about. However, he refused to be controlled by that, he decided that that pain must cease, and that name must change. This is what we must do this year. What is that thing that has been causing you pain? That thing must cease! That name associated with pain or with poverty or with sickness, or with lack, loss and limitation must change! It is time to seek the Lord (2Chron.7:12-14; Hosea 10:12)

2.  OUR PRAYER IN 2015: ITS CONTENT (1Chron.4:9-10; Mat.6:9-13)

Are you willing to do more to change your circumstances in 2015? Then heed the word of God. Prayer is the key. Then determine to call upon the Lord as David did (Psalm 27:4; 55:16, 17, 22). What will be the content of our prayers for 2015? Let’s take the prayer points one by one.

                                                                                   i.   More Blessing –

Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed”. Jabez wanted God to bless him “indeed”. That little word, “indeed” tells me that the kind of blessing Jabez asked for was something noticeable, something great, unique. What do you want God to do for you this year? What do you want God to do in the Church, with the Church and for the Church this year? When the blessing of God comes upon you, every weakness will flee!

                                                                                ii.   More Territory –

“And enlarge my coast”. We want to ask for more territory for the Lord. Scotland is our mission field. God must enlarge our vision to appreciate how big this is. Let Him open great doors of ministry everywhere in Scotland; in every city, every town, every village, and every clan! We will ask the Lord to create opportunities for ministry.

This year we are taking an outreach mission to Stirlingshire. We will no longer sit in Church and hope that it will be filled with people! But as we go, God will make us more appointments with people we need to minister to. He will create formerly nonexistent opportunities for ministry.

What about our HQ building. God will offer us places to use that shock and surprise all!

                                                                                  iii.   More Power –

“That Your Hand would be with me”. What is the connotation of the hand of God? Power! “Ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you (Acts.1:8). When the ministry expands as we are requesting form the Lord, then more power is needed. That power must come from God! How can we move into new territory and take it over for God? By receiving more power. How can we roll back the powerful influence of evil in our land? By receiving more power. How can we expand the influence of the Kingdom of God throughout Scotland? By receiving more power. How can we change the things we have always wanted to change in our lives this year? By receiving more power! The bigger our territory, the more power we need.

                                                                           iv.   More Protection –

“And that You would keep me from evil that I might not cause pain” For Jabez, he wanted nothing more to do with that name of pain, that apparent curse must be erased! He needed God’s protection from the evil. We need that too. Success comes with a lot of temptation. Power and influence can bring pride and other sins, even complacence. We can forget continue to pray and fast because we think we have arrived.

 3.  OUR PRAYER IN 2015: ITS COMMITMENT (1Chron.4:9-10; Luke 18:1)

What is it that sets some students apart from their colleagues? Knowing God. Doing something extra! Studying harder (Prov.10:4; 12:24; 22:29). Jabez did something extra. He went out of his to seek the Lord for a change of his circumstances. Our Lord Jesus tells us to pray and not faint (Luke 18:1). How else can we put it. Whatever you have seen or have not seen, keep on praying, keep on believing, and keep on expecting. God never fails. The vision may be for an appointed time (Hab.2:3), but at last, in the future ahead, it shall speak, it shall come to pass, it shall be fulfilled!

This PRAYER OF THE BELEIVER will be prayed by you every day through this 2015. Write it out, put it inside your bible, paste it on your mirror that you may see it day and night and be reminded to keep raying till all be fulfilled.
How will you pray for me this year? You pray 1 Chronicles 4:10 for me every day! How will I pray for you this year? I will pray 1 Chronicles 4:10 for you every day!

4.  OUR PRAYER IN 2015: ITS CONSEQUENCE (1Chron.4:9-10)

Do I need to tell you what the outcome of such praying will be? “And the Lord granted unto him that which he requested”. That is going to be our testimony by the end of this year as we carry this prayer to its logical end (2Chron.7:12-14).

Then 2015 will be a year of tremendous success; a year of unprecedented progress; a year of divine untold blessings; a year of divine breakthrough; a year of the unlimited favour of the Lord; a year of divine visitation; a year of miraculous exploits; a year of incredible expansion; a year of great outpouring of God’s Spirit on the Church.