Sunday, 26 January 2014


Ephesians 6:10-12, 16; Hebrews 11:1-39

The believer in Christ is faced with constant and continuous battle against the Kingdom of darkness. The battle is not a physical one but spiritual and needs spiritual weapons to fight and win. The believer needs strong faith in |God for protection, preservation and strength for life’s battles. Faith in God is so important and indispensable. The word, faith, appears many times in the bible. If we are going to get the best in life, we need to have faith in God. Our relationship with God is hinged on faith (Hebrews 11:6). To have faith in God simply means to believe Him, to take Him at His word, to rely on his promises and to put absolute trust in Him without questioning or doubting his faithfulness in doing what he says He would do. We shall consider three subheadings:-

Forces and battles against the saints.

Faith, the believer’s shield.

Foundation of faith as believer’s shield.


Forces And Battles Against The Saints
2Corinthians 1);3-6; Zech.5:6-7; Mark 9:23; Ephesians 6:10-12; Job 1:13-22; 1Samuel 17:1-11; 1Chronicles 4:9-10.

There are many forces against believers (SAINTS OF God) in their journey to the heavenly city. These forces and battles are both spiritual and physical. No saint of God is exempted from the battles. This differs from person to person. Satan is the author of the battles against the saints. His goal is to make the believer to regret, become confused and eventually backslide.

Satan fights and tries to weaken the believer through sin, fear, sicknesses, satanic attacks, worries, anxiety, persecution, false accusations, etc.  Those who fight with carnal weapons will become victims as Satan’s darts of fear, sicknesses, discouragement; regret will catch and weaken them. The weapons of faith as the believer’s shield will protect, preserve and make the believer conquer and remain strong like Abraham, Barak, Samson, Jephthae, David, Samuel and the prophets. (Hebrews 11:22-33).


Faith: The Believer’s Shield
Hebrews 11:1,6,32-37; Ephesians 6:16; 1samuel 17:45-47; 2Corinthians 10:3-5; Job 19:25.

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen”(Hebrews 11:1). By this biblical definition of faith, substance is tangible, and evidence is solid proof. Faith is not some hazy emotion without any grounding in reality. It is an irrefutable truth, it is real. A shield is something that defends and protects something or someone. In Ephesians 6:16. Paul tells us that the shield is something we must take up, something we are required to have. The shield by dictionary definition is a broad piece of defensive armour carried on the arm and used in ware for the protection of the body.
This faith we talk about is like the physical defensive carried by believers in the daily battle for the truth against the devil and his cohorts for the believer. To prevail in life, he must have the shield of faith.

The Roman shield was a very large, slightly curved rectangular shield featuring at it centres a large metal knob (called a boss). Because of its size soldiers were afforded a great deal of protection from enemies. Because of its slight curve, it was able to deflect attacks without transferring the full force of the assault to the man holding the shield. The shield of faith is not a real physical shield. It is faith that acts like a shield. Faith that deflects the armour of assault, fear and doubt that come toward us from our enemy.

Without faith no one can see God. Furthermore, without faith no one can snatch the wounded from the flames of Satan’s arrows. The weapon of faith is spiritual and mighty to tear down everything that tries to hinder the believer’s journey to heaven. A shield guides, while the physical shield protects physically, faith can protect our spiritual lives even in the middle of physical trials. When Satan (through Nebuchadnezzar) attacked the value and belief of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, they were able to withstand and prevail because of their faith, in their response, they essentially said God is able of delivering us from this fire.

Ephesians 6:16 - A shield deflects. Satan is always hurling his fairy darts of fear, doubt and worry in our direction. The only time they can hit us is when we put our shield of faith down, when we stop believing that God is in control, that He is working everything out for our good, that whatever happens is for the ultimate best of everyone involved. Matthew 14:28-31 - When our faith in God’s omnipotence and care is strong, it is impossible for Satan to break through our shield and land an attack. But when we allow doubt to creep in, as Peter did when distracted by the waves, we will start to sink. Moreover an actively raised shield of faith prevents the otherwise inhibiting fatigue.


Foundation Of Faith As Believer’s Shield
Romans 10:17; 1John 4:4; 5:4; Hebrews 11:6; Matthew 6:33; Eph.2:8,9.

The book of James 2:14-22 made mention of three kinds of faith, namely; Dead faith, Devils’ faith (Satan believes and tremble) and Dynamic faith. Dead and devil’s faith cannot be the believer’s shield. The dynamic faith, which is founded and strongly built on the word of God, is the believer’s shield. God has designed from the foundation of the world that it is only those who are born again, redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ can have faith that can protect, preserve like a shield. Faith as the believer’s shield must be founded and build on the word of God and such faith must be strong, spirit inspired, able to save, serve and be saturated with love. The believer with the shield of faith cannot be defeated in the battles of  life.

Friday, 24 January 2014


Matt. 21:21-22; 17:20; Luke 17:6, 19; Mark 9:23; 11:22-23
Faith is active and not passive, faith in God produces that which mere human nature or ability cannot produce (Heb.11:33-34). Great are the possibilities of faith. There is no limitation to what faith can do. Great blessings, miracles and mighty things from God are received by faith. By faith an impossible situation and a hopeless case can be changed. When all natural means fail, there is a supernatural means through faith. By faith we can pass through any red sea before us. Faith is confidence in the word of God. And God’s word cannot fail and so faith cannot fail. Therefore anyone who will receive blessings and have dominion must of priority have firm confidence in God. Those who will be recipients of God’s supernatural blessings must know God enough to be confident in His word, power and ability to do the impossible in their life.

The Precept Of Faith

Heb. 11:1; Matt. 8:8, 10; Rom 4:18-21; Heb. 6:18; Titus 1:2; John 11:21-22; Acts 27:25; II Cor. 4: 13, 18.

Faith in God is so important that the words faith, believe and trust appear so many times in the Bible. If we are going to get the best out of life, we need to have faith in God. To have faith in God simply means to believe Him, to take Him at His word, to rely on His power and promises and to put absolute trust in Him without questioning or doubting His faithfulness in doing what He says He would do. From our Bible passage above we are told what faith is how it operates and what it produces. Faith is believing the testimony of God. Faith is mere assent to anything revealed and declared by God. It is a firm persuasion of that which is hoped for, because the believer is assured that through the power and faithfulness of God he will possess it. And counting upon the ability and fidelity of God who has promised, we are confident of receiving the things promised. The centurion had assurance and conviction that if Christ spoke the word only his servant will be healed. Faith is a union of assurance and conviction. The situation in the life of Abraham appeared to be hopeless, but he against hope believed in hope. Faith trusts in God, independent of sight, feeling, emotion or circumstances. Our faith is based on the word of God alone regardless of what we see or how we feel. Whatever circumstances or difficulties you meet in life, have faith in God. God is faithful and he is to be trusted. His promises are more reliable than our fluctuating feelings. Circumstances will not change God but God will change circumstances for our good.

When our faith is real and scriptural we will not think or act like Thomas who refused to believe the testimony of Christ resurrection (John 20:26-29). The unbelieving like Thomas would say seeing is believing. But Jesus declared “blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed”.

The Possibilities Of Faith

Luke 7:48, 50; John 11:40; Matt 9:22; Mark 10:52; Mark 9:23

Faith in God will do a lot of things in our lives. It will accomplish the impossible. Great are the possibilities of faith.

·         It is by faith that the sinner is forgiven, saved and escapes judgment (Luke 7:48, 50; Acts 16:31; John 5:24; Acts 10:43).

·         It is by faith we are sanctified (Acts 15:9; 26:18; Rom. 5:17).

·         It is by faith that we receive the Holy Spirit and his fullness (Gal 3:2, 14).

·         It is by faith the sick are healed and made whole (Matt 9:22; Mark 10:52; Acts 3:16; James 5:15-16).

·         It is by faith mountains are removed, the red sea is passed through and Jericho wall is brought down (Matt 21:21; Mark 11:22-23; Heb. 11:29-30).

·         It is by faith that demons are cast out (Mark 16:17; Matt 17:18-20).

·         It is by faith we obtain the promises of God (Heb. 11:30).


·         It is by faith we receive answers to prayer (Mark 11:24).

There is no limit to what faith can do in our lives. If we can believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.

The Power Of Faith

Matt. 9:28-30; Heb. 11:32-34; Mark 5:25-29, 34;

Faith is observable and can be seen by what it does. True faith is active and dynamic. It acts in conformity with the word of God to produce the expected results. Following Christ by faith makes us recipients of the extra ordinary. Our faith in God will move mountains in our lives and turn hopeless situations around. The life of faith is a triumphant life. The path of faith always leads to victory (I John 5:4). Trusting firmly in the Lord brings God’s all-sufficient power to act on our behalf. There are accounts in the scriptures to show us the wondrous power of real faith to bring to pass that which is beyond nature (Heb. 11:29-30; Mark 5:25-29, 34).
There is no mountain that cannot be made plain, no negative thing that cannot be reversed, no limitations that cannot be cancelled, no circumstance that cannot be crushed by faith in God (Rom. 8:32; Col. 3:20). The action of faith is not based on circumstances. Faith stands with Christ and focuses attention on the word of Christ until the situation and circumstances are changed by the power of God.

What the Lord will accomplish in your life as you put the force of faith in motion include:

·         Fallen sinful life is transformed (Luke 7:48, 50).

·         Frequent sicknesses are removed (Exodus 15:26).

·         Family situations are improved (Psalm 68:6).

·         Financial supply is guaranteed (1 kings 17:11-12).

·         Firm strongholds are demolished (2Cor. 10:4).

·         Fiery storms are calmed (Mark 4:37-39).

·         Familiar spirits are cast out.

·         Fainting saints are strengthened (Isaiah 40:29-31).

·         Future security is assured (Isaiah 54:15).

If you can believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.


Saturday, 18 January 2014


Proverbs 23:23; Matthew 13:44-46; 19:16-21

Pontius Pilate asked Jesus a question while He was brought to him for trial. He asked, “What is Truth?” (John 18:37-38). This confusion about what is truth is still in the world today. Though there are many scientists, philosophers, psychologists and teachers of different religions who claim that they know and teach the truth, but they bring confusion and error into the lives of many. Listen to what Jesus told Pilate in (John 18:37), but Pilate did not understand. The voice of Jesus is the voice of Truth. The word of Jesus is the Word of Truth. Jesus Christ is the Truth. If you belong to Jesus, you belong to the Truth. If you believe in Jesus you believe in the Truth. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6)

We are therefore commanded to buy the truth and sell it not. This is the whole body of truth of Jesus Christ – His birth, His death, and His resurrection. This is the body of truth that leads to salvation; that produces sanctification; that releases the baptism with the Holy Spirit. This is the body of truth contained in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. This is the body of Truth that leads to heaven, an eternity with God at last. All other so called truth, whether scientific, philosophical, psychological or religious, which are opposed to the Truth of Jesus Christ, are simply confusion and error. Flee from such confusion and error. Buy the truth and sell it not.

1.    The Proposition and Purpose of the Truth to Purchase (Prov.23:23;2Tim.3:16; Isa.8:20; John 8:31-32)

To buy the truth we need to acquire the precepts of the Word of Truth, which is the word of God.  To buy the truth means to possess the word of God, to own the word of God, to be changed and transformed by the word of God. This will lead to salvation, sanctification and baptism with the Holy Spirit. To buy the truth means to practice the word of God, to live by the word, to be governed and ruled by the word of God (1Tim.4:16). To buy the truth means to preserve the truth of the word of God, to defend the word of God. To buy the truth means to propagate the word of God. Propagation of the word of God will counter the error that circulates around us today.

The truth of the word of God is our source of true spiritual experience. God’s truth is our shield and buckler. It is the source of our deliverance. It is the source of our freedom. The word of God is the light that shows us the right way. The word of God is the bread of life that satisfies our hunger and longing. The word of God is the sword of the Spirit leading us to victory in the battles of daily life. He is a poor and defeated Christian who neglects the word of God, who sells the truth!

2.    The Purchase and Possession of the Truth (Prov.23:23; Mat.13:44-46; Isa.55:1-2; Rev.3:18)

Any valuable thing you want to buy will cost you money. Sometimes we save money in other to buy an appliance we need. Last year Michael and I began to save money which we had intended for a holiday. As it turned out we did not go on holiday. Michael would put all his gift money in the piggy bank. I was making regular deposits into it too. When I came back from Lagos we broke the bank and recovered nearly £800. Michael gave me another £80 and we put everything together and two of us rushed to PC world and bought a 47-inch flat screen 3D internet TV. It was a time of great excitement. If we can take all that trouble to buy something that is perishable, that will go out of date after some years, then how much more care should we take in purchasing eternal truth, imperishable truth, and priceless truth?

Jesus used two parables to explain the importance of sparing no cost to possess the riches and the blessings of the Kingdom (Mat.13:44-46).

The man in the story finds (1) a valuable treasure, (2) but a veiled treasure. The word of truth which leads to salvation and deliverance from sin and slavery to Satan is a valuable treasure. The word of holiness and righteousness without which no man shall see the Lord, is a valuable treasure. The value of this treasure is not apparent to the world. It is hid from their eyes. Billionaires of this world lavish spending in grand and opulent homes, on expensive cars, on private jets, but the value of the riches of the Kingdom of God is hid from their eyes!

How much do you value these spiritual matters – the salvation of your soul; the sanctification of your soul, the Holy Spirit’s baptism; righteousness; holiness without which no man shall see the Lord?

How much are you prepared to stake for the Kingdom of God? Are you sure that you are putting the right value on spiritual matters? We are proposing to buy some PA system for the Church which will probably cost us up to £2000. Are you willing to stake your resources to help purchase the best for the Church? This is just one little example. The men in our parable joyfully staked everything they had to purchase that treasures.

In (Rev.3:18), Jesus is counselling us to buy gold tried with fire – this is the word of God that is pure, unadulterated and imperishable (Psalm 12:6-7). He says to buy a garment of white. This represents the righteousness of the saints (Rev.7-8).

Buy righteousness, buy holiness, buy the truth and sell it not! A man came to Jesus and wanted to know the thing he must do to enter into the kingdom of Heaven (Mat.19:16-21). He wanted to justify himself. He claimed to be doing all the right things. But Jesus bust his balloon. He deflated hid ego and pride. He challenged him to go sell all that he had and come back and follow Him. He went away sorrowful. He came face to face with the truth but valued his earthly possession more!

3.    The Pitiful Poverty of Bartering the Truth (Prov.23:23; 2Tim.4:10)

One of the most tragic stories of the Bible was that of Judas Iscariot. He was a chosen disciple of Jesus, one of the twelve. He saw all the miracles of Christ. He saw bread multiplied, lepers cleansed, blind and lame seeing and walking. He saw Lazarus raised from the dead. Yet he literally sold the Truth! He was lost forever. Demas sold the truth for the love of this world. We never heard about him anymore.

Selling the truth is like selling the soul to the devil. Any soul sold to the devil will be lost in eternity.

Let us close with the challenge from the story of the sons of Rechab (Jer.35). The children of Rechab are here presented as examples of consistent obedience to their father’s commandment. We see how God responded to them. You have been taught much in this Church about the whole counsel of God. Are you practicing the truth as you have been taught? Are you going to preserve the truth? Will you pass it on to the next generation?
Preserve the truth. Contend for the truth. Practice the truth and pass it on!

Sunday, 12 January 2014


Psalm 1:1-6; Job 11:13-20

The year 2014 is still very young. It has so much that will be discovered, so much wealth waiting to be acquired, so much discoveries to be made. Many who were poor in 2013 will become rich in 2014, but also many who were rich in 2013 may become poor in 2014. The Lord is waiting to guide those who will come to Him this year, even through rough terrains to their havens of rest.

There are spiritual blessings waiting to be appropriated. The power of the Holy Spirit is there just waiting to be received. Souls are there waiting to be brought to Christ. Miracles are there waiting to happen. But who will be the instrument that God will use to bring these things to reality?

2014 is a year of possibilities. All things are possible to him that believeth. There will be no lack, no loss and no limitation. The whole earth is full of the blessings of God. God is waiting to change many lives this year. But unless you put yourself in the position for the outpouring of God’s blessing, the year may end without any blessings without any tangible blessings.

1.    Rejection of the Path of Sin and slavery (Psalm 1:1; Job 11:13-15)

God’s instruction to us this morning starts by showing us what to avoid to be in line for His uninterrupted blessings in the New Year. None of us has seen a panoramic view of the year 2014, but God already has (Isaiah 46:9-10). It is awe-inspiring to note that God has already seen every day of 2014 and knows the path you will be play during this year. He already knows if that path is going to lead you to blessing or failure. But thanks be to God that he has given all men the chance to make the right choice this year (Deut.30:15-16, 19-20). Reject that path of sin and slavery to Satan and the flesh. Reject that counsel of sinners whether they are family members, relatives or friends. Put iniquity far from you. Purge out the old self, old sins, old habits, and old behavior (Eph.4:22-29). When the heart is defiled it is not receptive of God’s word and God’s blessings. Jesus gave us a list of the things that can defile the heart (Mark 7:20-23; Gal.5:19-21). If you are bound with sin come to Jesus for cleansing and He will save you.

2.    Reception of the Path of Righteousness and Holiness (Psalm 1:2-4; Exodus 15:26; Deut.28:1-2)

His delight is in the law of the Lord. God is calling us to strong purpose of heart this year, to delight greatly in His word, His law and His commandments. Here is the challenge. Do you want to walk with God this year so as to be filled with His blessing and divine approval? There is a path to that – take delight in God’s word, God’s commandments found in the Bible. Take delight in holiness and righteousness. Meditate on God’s word day and night. You have got to be a man of purpose, a woman of purpose this year, just like Daniel (Dan.1:8). Many believers easily fall prey to the spirit of compromise, but you be a man of purpose. You can literally flee from youthful lusts like Joseph of Old. You refuse to bow down to the idols of the age. We must pursue righteousness and true holiness. That is God’s path to blessing. We must take our stand side by side with those great men of God who had gone before us.

3.    Rain of blessings Upon the Righteous (Psalm 1:1-3; 84:12; 112:1-10; 92:12-15; Isaiah 32:17-18; Deut.12:3-14)

Listen to the declaration of God oracle (1Cor.2:9). Those who love God will unfailingly be blessed by God this year. They shall be like the tree planted beside the river. They will never thirst. They will never lack. They will forever be refreshed from Heaven (Psalm 92:12-15). They shall bear fruit – the fruit of righteousness all the year round. Material wealth shall be added to them. Peace and joy shall be their portion

4.    Regret of the Unrighteous Sinners (Psalm 1:4-6; Deut.28:15)

The only way out for any sinner is to repent and turn to Jesus. Failure to do that will incur that wrath of God. Their life will be like chaff that will be blown away! All their plans will be blown away. All their wealth will be blown away. All they boast of will be blown away in the wrath of God’s judgment. The wicked shall not stand in God’s presence. The only way out for the wicked is to repent and turn to Jesus for salvation.

In conclusion, there is a choice before you today. It is a choice of blessing or curse, a choice of life and death. Choose life, choose blessing that it may be well with you this 2014. If you do not receive any blessing, if you do not make any spiritual progress, if there is no advancement in your life and circumstance, you will be solely responsibly.
(Testimony from the just concluded Lagos strategy Congress)
But if you from today make up your mind to purge yourself of all filthiness, and pursue righteousness and true holiness, you will see God work for you like you have never seen before. This year promises incredible blessings from God. This year will be filled with moments of shout of victory and triumph. It will be a year when you will forget all your misery, a year when your mouth shall be filled with the praise of God.