Proverbs 23:23;
Matthew 13:44-46; 19:16-21
Pilate asked Jesus a question while He was brought to him for trial. He asked,
“What is Truth?” (John 18:37-38). This confusion about what is truth is still
in the world today. Though there are many scientists, philosophers, psychologists
and teachers of different religions who claim that they know and teach the
truth, but they bring confusion and error into the lives of many. Listen to
what Jesus told Pilate in (John 18:37), but Pilate did not understand. The voice of Jesus is the voice of
Truth. The word of Jesus is the Word of Truth. Jesus Christ is the Truth. If
you belong to Jesus, you belong to the Truth. If you believe in Jesus you
believe in the Truth. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6)
are therefore commanded to buy the truth and sell it not. This is the whole
body of truth of Jesus Christ – His birth, His death, and His resurrection.
This is the body of truth that leads to salvation; that produces
sanctification; that releases the baptism with the Holy Spirit. This is the
body of truth contained in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. This is the
body of Truth that leads to heaven, an eternity with God at last. All other so
called truth, whether scientific, philosophical, psychological or religious,
which are opposed to the Truth of Jesus Christ, are simply confusion and error.
Flee from such confusion and error. Buy the truth and sell it not.
1. The
Proposition and Purpose of the Truth to Purchase (Prov.23:23;2Tim.3:16; Isa.8:20; John 8:31-32)
buy the truth we need to acquire the precepts of the Word of Truth, which is
the word of God. To buy the truth means to possess the word of
God, to own the word of God, to be changed and transformed by the word of God.
This will lead to salvation, sanctification and baptism with the Holy Spirit.
To buy the truth means to practice the word of God, to live by the word, to be
governed and ruled by the word of God (1Tim.4:16). To buy the truth means to
preserve the truth of the word of God, to defend the word of God. To buy the
truth means to propagate the word of God. Propagation of the word of God will
counter the error that circulates around us today.
truth of the word of God is our source of true spiritual experience. God’s
truth is our shield and buckler. It is the source of our deliverance. It is the source of our freedom. The word
of God is the light that shows us the right way. The word of God is the bread
of life that satisfies our hunger and longing. The word of God is the sword of
the Spirit leading us to victory in the battles of daily life. He is a poor and
defeated Christian who neglects the word of God, who sells the truth!
2. The
Purchase and Possession of the Truth (Prov.23:23; Mat.13:44-46; Isa.55:1-2;
valuable thing you want to buy will cost you money. Sometimes we save money in
other to buy an appliance we need. Last year Michael and I began to save money
which we had intended for a holiday. As it turned out we did not go on holiday.
Michael would put all his gift money in the piggy bank. I was making regular
deposits into it too. When I came back from Lagos we broke the bank and
recovered nearly £800. Michael gave me another £80 and we put everything
together and two of us rushed to PC world and bought a 47-inch flat screen 3D
internet TV. It was a time of great excitement. If we can take all that trouble
to buy something that is perishable, that will go out of date after some years,
then how much more care should we take in purchasing eternal truth, imperishable
truth, and priceless truth?
used two parables to explain the importance of sparing no cost to possess the
riches and the blessings of the Kingdom (Mat.13:44-46).
man in the story finds (1) a valuable treasure, (2) but a veiled treasure. The
word of truth which leads to salvation and deliverance from sin and slavery to
Satan is a valuable treasure. The word of holiness and righteousness without
which no man shall see the Lord, is a valuable treasure. The value of this
treasure is not apparent to the world. It is hid from their eyes. Billionaires
of this world lavish spending in grand and opulent homes, on expensive cars, on
private jets, but the value of the riches of the Kingdom of God is hid from
their eyes!
much do you value these spiritual matters – the salvation of your soul; the
sanctification of your soul, the Holy Spirit’s baptism; righteousness; holiness
without which no man shall see the Lord?
much are you prepared to stake for the Kingdom of God? Are you sure that you
are putting the right value on spiritual matters? We are proposing to buy some
PA system for the Church which will probably cost us up to £2000. Are you
willing to stake your resources to help purchase the best for the Church? This is
just one little example. The men in our parable joyfully staked everything they
had to purchase that treasures.
(Rev.3:18), Jesus is counselling us to buy gold tried with fire – this is the
word of God that is pure, unadulterated and imperishable (Psalm 12:6-7). He
says to buy a garment of white. This represents the righteousness of the saints
righteousness, buy holiness, buy the truth and sell it not! A man came to Jesus
and wanted to know the thing he must do to enter into the kingdom of Heaven
(Mat.19:16-21). He wanted to justify himself. He claimed to be doing all the
right things. But Jesus bust his balloon. He deflated hid ego and pride. He
challenged him to go sell all that he had and come back and follow Him. He went
away sorrowful. He came face to face with the truth but valued his earthly
possession more!
3. The
Pitiful Poverty of Bartering the Truth (Prov.23:23; 2Tim.4:10)
of the most tragic stories of the Bible was that of Judas Iscariot. He was a
chosen disciple of Jesus, one of the twelve. He saw all the miracles of Christ.
He saw bread multiplied, lepers cleansed, blind and lame seeing and walking. He
saw Lazarus raised from the dead. Yet he literally sold the Truth! He was lost
forever. Demas sold the truth for the love of this world. We never heard about
him anymore.
the truth is like selling the soul to the devil. Any soul sold to the devil
will be lost in eternity.
Let us close with the challenge from the story of the sons of Rechab
(Jer.35). The children of Rechab are here presented as examples of consistent
obedience to their father’s commandment. We see how God responded to them. You
have been taught much in this Church about the whole counsel of God. Are you practicing
the truth as you have been taught? Are you going to preserve the truth? Will
you pass it on to the next generation?
Preserve the truth. Contend for the truth. Practice the truth and pass it on!
Preserve the truth. Contend for the truth. Practice the truth and pass it on!
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