Saturday, 25 May 2013


Matthew 11:28-30; Isaiah 55:1-4; John 16:33; 20:19-26; John 14:26-27; Luke 24:49; John 15:9-14

We have all expressed shock and disgust at the senseless killing of an innocent soldier last week in the name of Allah. Such a barbaric act has left an indelible mark in the minds of many and have altered permanently the life of many. People are searching for solution and meaning. But as the scripture says, when they shall say peace and safety, but what they get is destruction, chaos, pain, hurt and disillusionment. The peace, the joy, the security, the rest and the love the world is searching for will continue to elude them because they are searching in all the wrong places. You don't need to look far to see the extreme wickedness of man to man, the indefensible shedding of human blood, the unbridled exploitation of the poor masses, and the flagrant promotion immoral lifestyles in many nations, and religious extremism. All these are the birth pains of a world laden with the sin of rebellion and rejection of the Prince of Peace. Jesus offers Rest from the burden and load of sin; He offers peace in place of violence and disturbances; He offers rest from the weary worldly activities; He offers joy in place of pain; He offers hope in place of hopelessness. All the world needs to do is come to Jesus! But we must tell them. Help us Lord to tell the world!

1. Jesus Offers Rest

(i) Come -
The Great Invitation (Mat.11:28; Isa.55:1-3). Christ is calling every man and every woman. He is calling one and He is calling all - Come! The invitation is free. There is nothing to pay. Jesus has paid it all (Mat.1:21). Your sins have been atoned for. All you need to do now is come to Jesus.
(ii) Unto Me - The Great Master -
Jesus (Mat.11:28). It is to Jesus that the world must come. Oh Thou that hearest prayer, unto thee shall all flesh come (Psalm 62:2). Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
(iii) All Ye Who Labour and are Heavily Laden -
The Universal Invitation (Mat.11:28). Sin is wrecking havoc on the inhabitants of the world. Creation is groaning for release. The burden of sin is weighing heavily upon the world.
(iv) And I Will Give You Rest -
The Universal Offer (Mat.11:28). Sin is a heavy burden. It cannot be removed except by Jesus's offering in the Cross. Jesus offered to die for the sin of the world. As many as will come to him will be saved (John 6:37; 10:9-11; Rom.10:13).
(v) Take My Yoke Upon You  -
The Great Offer (Mat.11:28). Repent and believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Isa.1:18-19; Mat.3:2, 7-10)
(vi) And Ye Shall Find Rest  -
The Great Discovery (Mat.11:29). When we come to Christ our load of sin is lifted, and we will find rest and peace with God. This is what the world needs now.

2. Jesus Offers Peace

The World needs peace and Jesus is offering peace. At His birth peace was announced to earth (Luke 2:1-16). As Jesus began to preach He offered peace to all who believe Him (John 16:33; 20:19-26) Peace is a product of harmony. When there is harmony between God and man, there will be peace in the heart of man. This peace will spread to all around. It is a fallacy, lying and deceit to think that God approved violence and disharmony. When people are converted, they begin to obey the commandments of God to love our neighbour as ourselves. When this happens there will be peace. Peace and love go hand in hand. Have you been justified by faith through Christ (Rom.5:1-2)?

3. Jesus Offers Joy

As peace on earth was announced at the birth of Jesus, joy was also announced (Luke 2:10). Oh that the world would believe in Jesus and accept and receive Him as their sin Bearer, then joy would flood the world; wars will cease; nation will no longer rise against nation; the world would imitate paradise. God is still going to bring such a hope into reality in the millennium - the time when Christ will reign on earth as King of the universe (Isaiah 11:1-10; Rom 14:17). At present disciples of Christ are enjoying a measure of that peace as a foretaste of the glorious peace that will come (Rom.14:17; Gal.3:26-27). Even when there is distress, Christ offers His followers peace and joy that pass understanding. Because we are in Christ Jesus we have a future that is glorious. We are therefore enjoined to shun the sinful ways of the unsaved world (Col.3:3-8). All believers must live in expectation of this glorious moment in history. Jesus our Saviour is the King of kings. Jesus will overcome all the evil of this present world. Jesus has defeated Satan, paid for sin and will overcome all evil. All nations, presidents, prime ministers and world leaders, both secular and religious will bow down to worship Him.

4. Jesus Offers Love

Love is a common word, but I must sat that it is not common practice in the world today. Jesus offers love to the world (John 3:16)  and demonstrated it by dying on the Cross to pay for sin He sis not commit. Love is a balm that brings healing. Love is like cool water that quenches the fire of hatred. Love is like a jealous spouse that protects the object of her devotion. Love is kind, love is generous, love is forgiving. What more can I say. It has all been said in (1Cor.13:1-13). Oh that the world would know the love of Christ which passes all understanding. Jesus loves his Church that He gave His live for her (Eph.5:25-33). Like a good shepherd He gave His life for the world. We His disciples are commanded to love one another so much that through us the world may know Jesus (John 15:9-14; 13:12-17, 34-35).

5. Jesus Offers The Comforter

The blessedness of believing in Christ continues with Jesus giving the Holy Spirit through the Father to all who obey him (Luke 24:49; John 14:26-27; 15:26; 16:13-14). Jesus did not leave us comfortless. though there may be trials and tribulations, even distress around us, we have the comfort of the Holy Spirit. He is the teacher of truth. All other religious truth claims are false when scrutinized by the search light of Christ's message to the world. Christians can have peace in the midst of a storm. Christians can have joy in the face of apparent helplessness. Christians find their rest in Christ as we wait for His return to set up His everlasting Kingdom. We invite the world to come to Christ. We invite all religions to drop their claims and submit to Christ as Lord and Saviour. Then peace shall come to the world.

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