Saturday, 23 February 2013


God our Father showers us with many precious gifts but sometimes we carelessly lose these gifts. Now getting them back requires great effort. In our text David and his men lost all they had including their wives and children. But when he prayed and trusted in the Lord, they were able to recover all they lost. God’s gifts of salvation sanctification and the Holy Spirit are given to all believers. Spiritual gifts, ministerial gifts are available to all faithful disciples. If you lake any of these, you will need to join us this year in our effort to recover all that God has meant for us. The Holy Spirit is still baptizing people. God is still distributing the gifts of the Spirit to people. We will not be left out.

Loss Of God’s Special Gifts

A Result Of Enemy Activity (1Sam.30:1-4)

A Result Of Lack Of Watchfulness (1Peter 5:8)

A Result Of Personal Sin (Judges 16:20)

A Result Of Disobedience (1Sam.16:14-15)

A result OF Distrust (1Sam.27:1-4)
David lost some of the most precious things he possessed at a time of his life when he needed comfort most. He was still on the run from King Saul’s murderous pursuit. He lost his wives and all his men lost bot wives and children. Why did they lose so much? First, this story is set in Ziklag, which was in the land of the Philistines. Remember Goliath? He was the champion of the Philistines and David killed him in battle. So what was David doing in the land of the Philistines? He went to stay in enemy territory in order to protect himself from another enemy Saul (1Sam.27:1-7). But David did not join the enemies of Israel though he lived among them. He still fought battles on behalf of His nation Israel (1Sam.27:8-12).

Achish so trusted David that he ordered him to come fight alongside him against his people Israel (1Sam 28:1-2). The heads of the Philistine army recognised David and his victory over Goliath. They protested  to their King and He reluctantly sent David back to Ziklag. It was when they returned that they discovered that the Amalekites had raided Ziklag and burnt it with fire and made away all their belongings, wives and children, and they wept bitterly (1Sam.30:1-5).

What are some of the things that could make us to lose God’s special blessings today? These include (i) Enemy activity(1Sam.30:1-4), (ii) Lack of watchfulness(1Peter 5:8), (iii) Personal sin(Judges 16:20), (iv) Disobedience(1Sam.16:14-15). If we are not watchful we can lose the blessing of salvation, sanctification and the baptism of the Holy Spirit. If we are not watchful, sin can come in, and personal sin can cause us to lose God’s precious blessings. Outright disobedience to God, to His ministers, even to well meaning parents, especially godly parents can cause loss.

If you have lost any gift of God, or if you have not received some of these special gifts, yet, today you will pray either to recover what is lost or to receive for the first times these precious gifts..

Pursuit Of God’s Special Gifts

Taking courage (1Sam.30:6; Josh.10:25)

Enquiring From The Lord (1Sam.23:2,4; 30:8; 2Sam.2:1; 5:19; 5:23; 21:1)

Repenting (Prov.23:13; Mat.4:17)

Starting Again (Proverbs 24:6)

David took courage in the Lord before he could get the strength to fight the battle facing him. How did he do it? I don’t know, but he would remember how God delivered him from the mouth of the lion and the bear. He would remember how God gave him victory over Goliath. He would remember how God had saved him many times from the hand of Saul. He would come to remember how God had anointed him to be the next king of Israel. When David remembered these things, he would take courage in the Lord.
The song writer says, “count your blessing name them one by one”. I believe David would have done that. He did it before he faced Goliath. Counting you blessings, remembering the gracious dealings of God with you will bring courage into your life. If you have been saved, that is a blessing. If you have been sanctified, that is another blessing. If you have been filled with the Holy Spirit, that is another blessing. You have found a wife or a husband that is another blessing. God has given you children that is another blessing. If you find that you are healthy that is another blessing worth thanking God about.

This year take courage in the blessings of God and begin to pursue those blessing you may have lost or those you are yet to receive.
Then enquire from the Lord – ask of the Lord. This character of David was key to his success in life. Before He did anything that is of importance, he asked the Lord. In that way God delivered him from numerous enemies ((1Sam.23:2,4; 30:8; 2Sam.2:1; 5:19; 5:23; 21:1).  This month we will pray and fast and seek God’s face fill us with the Holy Spirit, to bestow spiritual gifts upon us, to give success in the ministry He has committed into our hands. Then our Church will increase and multiply. Miracles , signs and wonders will take place when we pray.

Recovery Of God’s precious Gifts

Concerted Effort Required

God’s Guidance needed

Prayer Of Paramount Importance

What Must I recover? (2Cor.12:1-11)



Baptism With The Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8)

Gifts Of Spirit (2Cor.12:7)

Fruit Of The Spirit (Gal.5:22-25)
David and his men recovered all that they had lost. In the same manner this month we will recover every lost blessing of God. This month, we will pray for and receive every blessing of God that we have never enjoyed. Are truly born again? Have truly confessed your sins and come to Jesus for cleansing of your sins. Is your name written in heaven? Do you have the witness of the spirit that you are now a child of God (Rom.8:14-16). If you do not have this witness, this is your time. You must pray to receive and recover all of God’s precious gifts.
What about sanctification, the removal of the Adamic nature from you, that tendency to sin, that pull of the flesh towards sin must be removed. Another word for it is circumcision of the heart. It allows you to have perfect love for God and for brethren (Ezekiel 36:25-27; Deut.30:6; 1Thes.4:3).
Our desire this year to live in the Spirit and walk in the Spirit. We will win more victory that before. We will enjoy God’s blessings more than ever before. Our General Superintendent talked about making the first week of each month of 2013 a special time with the Lord. Let us find ways of doing that so that we will make this year a year of great manifestation of God’s power.

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