1Corinthians 13:1-13
Love is an indispensable ingredient of the Christian life. Unlike other religions of the world, Christianity cannot exist without love. It was originated by love, established by love, propagated by love. You may be a Hindu without love, a Buddhist without love, Muslim without love. But you cannot be a Christian without love. Our Founder is the Originator of love. He never fought a battle but has won more victories than any other organisation. The most famous verse found in the Bible is (John 3:16-17) and it is about God’s love. The Bible also tells us that Love is a Person (1John 4:8) love leads our God to great sacrifices even of His only begotten son, a mystery that we cannot still comprehend. This love has been revealed in us (1John 3:16-22). Love is a Gift (John 3:16). Love is a Commandment (John 13:34-35).
Love is an indispensable ingredient of the Christian life. Unlike other religions of the world, Christianity cannot exist without love. It was originated by love, established by love, propagated by love. You may be a Hindu without love, a Buddhist without love, Muslim without love. But you cannot be a Christian without love. Our Founder is the Originator of love. He never fought a battle but has won more victories than any other organisation. The most famous verse found in the Bible is (John 3:16-17) and it is about God’s love. The Bible also tells us that Love is a Person (1John 4:8) love leads our God to great sacrifices even of His only begotten son, a mystery that we cannot still comprehend. This love has been revealed in us (1John 3:16-22). Love is a Gift (John 3:16). Love is a Commandment (John 13:34-35).
The Indispensability of Love, (1Cor.13:1-3)
Love is a gift from God
(John 3:16). It is indispensable. It is greater than any other gift of the Holy
Spirit – greater than speaking in tongues, greater than prophecy, greater that
faith for working miracles. Love is greater than submitting yourself to martyrdom.
The Manifestation of Love (1Cor.13:4-7)
Love manifests itself in
many ways. We can see 14 characteristics of love in this chapter
The first mark of love is that it suffereth long (Patient)
It is kind.
Love envieth not. (Not Envious)
Vaunteth not itself (Does not boast)
Is not puffed up (Is not proud)
Doth not behave itself unseemly (Does not dishonour others) i. e., not
rude, ill-mannered,
Love seeketh not its own (not
Love is not provoked (or angered)
Love taketh not account of evil (keeps no record of wrongs)
Love rejoiceth not in unrighteousness (dot delight in evil)
Love rejoiceth with the truth
Love beareth all things (never gives up)
Love believeth all things
(Always trusts)
Love hopeth all things (Always hopes)
Love endureth all things (Always perseveres)
The Pre-eminence Of Love (1Corinthians
Love never fails. Prophecies
shall seize. Tongues shall be stilled. Knowledge shall pass away. But love will
remain. As a young man marries a very beautiful young lady. But when beauty
shall pass away love will still remain. A young lady marries a very brilliant
and intelligent young man. But when intelligence shall pass away, love will
still remain.
Love has many great
companions in Scripture:
Grace (Rom.1:7)
Joy (Gal.5:22; Rom.15:13)
Peace (Rom.14:17)
Gentleness (James 3:17)
Goodness (Gal.5:22)
Faith (2Tim.2:22)
Purity (James 3:17)
Holiness (heb.12:14)
Righteousness (Romans 4:17)
Mercy (1Tim.1:2)
Let us pursue love to its
logical end that will be when it is fulfilled in the Kingdom and presence of
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