Joshua 1:1-11; 2Samuel 10:1-14; 1Cor.9:25-27; Phil.3:7-16
Life is often described as a journey. The Christian life is
also portrayed as a battle. In the battle of life, victory is assured for us
through faith In Christ Jesus. However, there are certain elements of character
we need if we must win victory.
Faith in God
Obedience to His commandments
Courage is a mental or moral strength to resist opposition,
danger or hardship; firmness of mind in the face of danger or extreme
difficulty. Many Christians in many parts of the world where there is extreme
persecution have shown so much courage both in defence of their faith and of
Christianity. Faith in God is very vital if we must win victory. Kings in the
Bible, generals, and ordinary people through faith in God have won great
victories. Obedience to God’s commandments is the next important element
for the Christian in his/her daily battle. With faith in God and obedience to
His commandments, we will gain access to divine strategies for victory.
God’s Victory Charge To Joshua (Joshua 1:1-11)
Joshua’s Divine assignment (Joshua 1:1-4)
Joshua’s Path To Victory (Joshua 1:5-7,9)
Joshua’s Divine Order (Joshua 1:8)
God gave Joshua a great assignment. He was to succeed Moses and bring Israel into the Promised Land. But there would be battles on the way with many fierce nations. God promised Him victory.The seed of Joshua's Victory lies in God's command.
Joab’s Victorious War With The Ammonites (2Sam.10:1-14)
David’s Good Gesture Misinterpreted (2 Sam.10:1-2)
The king’s men Shamefully Treated (2 Sam.10:3-5)
Joab’s Charge/Strategy For Victory (2 Sam.10:7-14)
It is amazing how a lot of people misinterpreted goodwill. King David meant no harm. He was just displaying that sort of kindness that earned him the title, "the man after God's heart". A wicked person only sees wickedness and trickery in the action of other.
Believers Victory Through Christ (Rom.8:32-39; 1John 4:4;
5:4-5; Eph.6:10-18)
Parents Must Strive For Victory
Students Must Strive For Victory
Believers Must Strive For Victory
Satan has unleashed his forces against true Christian
families. That is why everywhere you go in the western world, you see a
twisted, ungodly and unbiblical definition of marriage. God has a purpose for
each family (Malachi 2:15). Parents must strive for victory and stay together
and bring up godly children. We must not yield to westernised forms of the
Teach your children Christian culture, not western or even
African or any other culture.
Forgive them when they go wrong and encourage and empower
them to be good and do good. Majority of criminals come from dysfunctional and
non-Christian homes.
Help them build confidence in God and in themselves
The weapon of prayer must be employed to overcome any
satanic influence over our family.
Students also must strive for victory. They must have a strategy
for good success. All our students must develop those virtues that always lead
to victory and success – clear cut goals, firm purpose and determination to
pursue their studies till they receive their awards. They must also manifest
faith in God and in their own ability to succeed.
For all Christians, victory is a must. Christ has already
purchased victory for us. He has overcome the power of sin, Satan and death on
our behalf. Does nit mean we have nothing else to do? No! (1John 4:4; Rom.6:14;
8:11; 2Tim.1:7)
We must fight Scepticism and Secularism
We must fight Materialism and Self-indulgence
We must fight Satanic deceptions and imaginations
We must also combat Self
We must resist temptations to sin or do the wrong thing.
The weapons of Christian warfare are listed in Eph.6:10-18 –
(1) Truth, (2) Righteousness, (3) the Gospel of Peace, (4) The shield of Faith,
(5) the Helmet of Salvation, (6) The Word of God (called the sword of the
Spirit), (7) Prayer.
1. Introducing the
baby and his family.
2. Pastor explains the significance of Baby
Dedication. He leads into the importance of God’s Word being a lamp to our feet
and a light to our path as we seek to raise our children in accordance to God’s
3. Pastor directs the
parents to read the following portions of scripture as a pledge to God as they
dedicate their child and themselves to Him.
Almighty God, we give
our child to You for all the days of her life. (I Samuel 1:11)
We will show her how to love God with all of her heart, soul and
strength. (Deuteronomy 6:5)
We will teach her
about the Lord, both at home and as we go, in the morning and in the evening.
(Deuteronomy 6:7)
We will train her up
in the way of the Lord so that she will not depart as she grows older.
(Proverbs 22:6)
We thank God for our
child. He is a blessing from the Lord. (Psalm 127:3)
4. Pastor addresses
the church and charges them with the duty of helping these families in growing
their children up in Christ. Then, the pastor asks the church to stand as they
read the following portions of scripture as a pledge to help nurture these
little ones.
Church Reads
We will love you as
God has loved us. (1 John 4:11)
We will encourage you
to love others and do good deeds in the name of Christ. (Hebrews 10:24)
We will rejoice with
you in times of rejoicing. (Romans 12:15)
We will help you
through difficult times and carry your burdens. (Galatians 6:1-2)
We will pray for you
throughout your life. (I Thessalonians 5:17)
You are a blessing
from the Lord. (Psalm 127:3)
5. Pastor closes in a
prayer of dedication looking forward to the day these children receive Jesus as
Adapted from Kyle Meadors Script 2008
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