Friday, 11 November 2011


1KINGS 18:30-46
How important is prayer in your personal life? It should be of utmost importance, for how else could you communicate with God? The Patriarchs of Israel show us how prayer can be used as a powerful tool of communication with God. Remember Abrahams argumentative, intercessory prayer for Sodom and Gomorrah? Remember Jacobs Night of wrestling with God? Remember King Solomons Temple Dedication prayer?
Come to the New Testament and you see Christ pray all night before choosing his apostles. Notice the early Church hurdle together in unceasing prayer for Peter release from Herods prison.
To pray successfully, you need to learn the ABC of prayer even as a Christian, some of which are mentioned below.
ASK: Matt.7:7-8, 11; John 16:24; 14:12
BELIEVE: Matt.21:22; Mark 11:22-24
EXPECTATION: Ps.9:18;23:18
FAITH: Mk.11:22; Heb.11:1-6,
Below is what I have titled seven woes of the prayer-less. These are scripture based though I did not attach any quotations to them. Read them patiently. Later I will also show Seven Beatitudes to the prayerful.
1. Seven Woes of The Prayer-less
1.      Woe unto them that know not how to pray, for they cannot communicate with God
       Woe unto then that cannot pray for they cannot hear what God is saying
2.      Woe unto then that cannot pray, for they shall depend on the world for solution
3.      Woe unto them that cannot pray for they shall be overpowered by temptations
4.      Woe unto them that cannot pray, for they shall not know the Joy of the Lord
5.      Woe unto then that refuse to hear Gods call for their prayers shall not be heard
6.      Woe unto them that pray with sin in their hearts the ears of God will close against them
Although the Devil is usually accused as the chief prayer hinderer, the greatest
hindrances come from the person who is praying. And there are many things that can hinder answers to prayer in a believer’s life. A few are given here.
1.    WRONG RELATIONSHIPS (1Pet.3:1-7)
2.    WRONGS UNRIGHTED (Mt.5:23-24)
3.    UNFORGIVENESS (Mt.6:14-15; 18:21-35;Mk.11:24)
4.     COVETOUSNESS (Mal.3:7-9)
6.     INDIFFERENCE TO GODS COMMANDS (Ps.1:1-3; Pro.28:9; Josh.1:8)

  A farmer who wants to reap good crops will clear his farm and break up the fallow ground. Similarly God commands us to break up our fallow grounds (Hosea 10:12; 2Chro.7:14). Elijah had to repair the Altar of God that had broken down. For prayer to become effective you must repair the altar of your heart. Your heart is the temple of God and sacrifices are to be offered in that temple. If you want your prayers answered prepare your heart. You can then achieve the impossible through prayer.
Repair The Altar (1Kings 18:30-32)
Putt on the Whole Amour of God (Eph.6:11).
Continue in Ceaseless Prayer (Luke 18:1-8)
Gain the Support of the Holy Spirit
Seven Beatitudes To The Prayerful
1.      Blessed are the prayerful, for they shall Communicate with God
2.      Blessed are those who can pray, for they shall Hear and know what God is saying
3.      Blessed are the prayerful, the Joy of the Lord shall be their strength
4.        Blessed are the prayerful, for trials and temptations shall not overpower them
5.      Blessed are the prayerful, for they Shall not depend on the world for solution
6.      Blessed are those who hear Gods call for their prayers shall be heard and answered
7.      Blessed are those whose hearts are purged from sin for the Lord shall hear them
Remain blessed and enjoy the Saviours love and bounties.
God Bless,
The Prayer Of PowerPastor Chima Dioka, DCLM, Glasgow, Scotland

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