Saturday, 22 March 2014


John 4:1-42

Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Master Soul Winner. We see it over and over again in the Scriptures. In John chapter 3 we see the classical encounter with a Pharisee – Nicodemus. And here in chapter 4 there is the beautiful story of the encounter and conversion of the woman of Samaria and many Samaritans. It is important that we learn from the Master the great lessons taught in this gold mine chapter of John on how to win souls: First there is an offer of the Water of Life, then there is the correction of the misconception of true worship, then comes the exposure of the immoral life and its effect on true desire to worship. Finally we have the confession of Jesus as Messiah! What follows is mass conversion of the Samaritans of the city of Sychar.

The city of Sychar is one of the most significant plots of ground in the Bible. Here God first appeared to Abraham in the land of Canaan (Genesis 12:6, 7). Here Jacob dwelt when he left Laban (Genesis 34). Here Dinah, Jacob’s daughter was defiled and a terrible slaughter of the Shechemites resulted (Genesis 34). Here Jacob sent Joseph to see his brethren on that fateful trip that resulted in Joseph being sold as a slave to Egypt (Genesis 37). Here Joshua addressed Israel for the last time (Joshua 24). Here Rehoboam (the son of Solomon) gave the answer to the Israelites that split the kingdom (I Kings 12). Here Jeroboam the first king of the northern split of the kingdom, set up the idolatrous kingdom (I Kings 12). And our text adds another significant event—Christ’s encounter with the Samaritan woman. [1] Everything in the Bible means something.

It was a devastating statement to say that worship would no longer be limited to the Jewish temple. This ties in with John 2:19–21 and also Stephen’s statement in Acts 7:48–50. John’s Gospel clearly reveals that there is a new sacrifice (John 1:29), a new temple (John 2:19–21; 4:20–24), a new birth (John 3:1–7), and a new water (John 4:11). The Old Covenant Law has been fulfilled and set aside.[2]

The Messiah has come, but many people are still like this woman of Samaria – lost in sins and trespasses, seeking for pleasure in things of the flesh and of this life but never finding satisfaction. Many like this woman seek to cover their sin with religion (Prov.28:13), but sin cannot be covered in the presence of God. Jesus is here today to cleanse, to heal to deliver. Open up to Him this morning. Let’s consider three points

1.   The Offer Of The Water Of Life (John 4:7-15)

2.   The Opening Up Of A Sinful Life and Pretence Worship (John 4:16-24)

3.   The Overspreading Of Christ’s Water Of Life (John 4:25-42)

The Offer Of The Water Of Life

(John 4:7-15; Mat. 11:28-30).

Water represents the pure and true word of God that gives life – everlasting life. God is the source of this living water (Isa.12:3; Jer.2:13). This living water is a symbol of the word of God. It is important for us to look at the word pictures used to describe the word of God in the Bible: (i) Fire (Jer.23:29) – it burns, it purges and cleanses all that is contrary to God’s will; (ii) Hammer (Jer.23:29) – it destroys evil; (iii) Lamp (Ps.119:105) – it illuminates our part and shows us the way; (iv) Mirror (James 1:23) – it reveals to us who we really are before God; (v) Milk (1Pet.2:2) – It nourishes; (vi) Rod (Rev.11:1-2) – it corrects us; (vii) Sword (Heb.4:12) – it is used by the Spirit for our defence; (viii) WATER (Eph.5:26; John 15:3; 17:17; Ps.119:5, 9) – life giving, refreshing and cleaning agent. It quenches our thirst ; (ix) Gold (Psalm 19:7-10) The Word of God is an inexhaustible goldmine where we can dig out priceless treasures forever; Silver (Ps.12:6) – very pure; (x) Honey (Ps.19:10; Rev.10:10); (xi) Bread (Deut.8:3; Mat.4:4); (xii) Rain (Isa.55:10) – it brings life! There are many other names used in the Bible to describe God’s Word.

The Word you hear today from the Bible is called the Word of God (Heb.4:12). It is called the Sword of the Spirit (Eph.6:17). You want the help of the Holy Spirit? Begin to study the word of God. It is the Word of Christ (Col.3:16) – it is to dwell richly in your heart. It is the word of Life (Phil.2:16); It is the word of truth (Eph.1:13) and it is the word of Faith (Rom.10:8). As our Lord did to the woman of Samaria, He is offering us the Living Water, the Word of life today (John 5:24).

Life is offered to you this this day. This is Salvation through Christ. Jesus describes Himself as the gift of God (John 4:10). He died on the Cross so that you may have everlasting life in Heaven *(John 3:16; 10:15, 17-18; Num.21:4-9)*. Jesus says to you today, “Come unto me and you will have life” (Mat.11:28-30)? He says to you, “Believe on Me” (John 14:1-3). Receive this Living Water and you will have everlasting life.

The Opening Up Of A Sinful Life and Pretence Worship

(John 4:16-24; Prov.28:13).

“Go, call your husband and come…”

Before one gets saved, they have to deal with this matter of sin. So it was with the woman at the well. First, the convicting of wickedness. “Go, call thy husband” (John 4:16). True Gospel preaching and witnessing lays great stress on condemning sin, uplifting the holiness of God, and thus showing the sinfulness of man. This creates in the heart of man a thirst for the living water. “Clearly Jesus by this sudden sharp turn gives the woman a conviction of sin and guilt without which she cannot understand His use of water as a metaphor for eternal life” (Robertson). Second, the compassion for the wicked. “Come hither” (John 4:16). Christ gave the woman two orders. The first was “Go” (John 4:16) and the second was “Come.” The first was for the conviction of sin; the second showed the compassion of the Savior. It was the truth and grace of the Gospel. The first order portrayed truth; the second order portrayed grace.[3]

Yes, Jesus wants to give you rest, but have you repented of your sin? Do you know that the wages of sin is death? But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ (Rom.6:23). No one likes to expose their errors to others. This woman became protective and wanted to change the subject. She had married and divorced five times, and was now living with a sixth man! She was a woman of questionable character. She brought in religion. But this is not about religion. It was about her sinful life. Getting exercised over the place of worship rather than the Person of worship or the (period rather than the) piety in worship or the (pastor or priest rather than the) proper way to worship is typical of the unregenerate. They will talk religion as long as you do not bring up the subject of their sin.[4] God is a Spirit, but most people try to worship him in the physical. The thing that will prevent people from enjoying the living water, the full life from Christ is their sinful lifestyle. They have to deal with it.

Have you acknowledged your sin? Have you asked God for forgiveness of your sin? Have you asked Jesus to save you from your sin? Remember why He was called Jesus (Mat.1:21).

When you trust in Jesus:

(i)          You have total forgiveness of your sins (Eph.2:8-9).

(ii)        You have peace with God (Rom.5:1, 5, 9).

(iii)       You are born again into God’s own family (2Cor.5:17; Gal.3:26).

(iv)       You have eternal life. You will live forever in Heaven with God (John 3:16; 1John 5:11).

(v)         God lives in you. You have become a temple, a dwelling place of God’s Spirit (1Cor.3:16; Gal.2:20).

(vi)       Nothing can separate you from the love of Christ (Rom.8:38-39).

(vii)     God has chosen to share His Kingdom with you (Luke 12:32; Rom.8:17).

The Overspreading Of Christ’s Water Of Life

(John 4:25-42).

Thank God that this woman was made to understand the mission of Christ; that Christ Jesus has come to seek and to save the lost. She was convicted of her sin and Jesus immediately tells her that He is the Messiah, the Saviour of the world. We can see she understood Jesus because she immediately leaves her water pot, goes into the village and brings all of them to come and hear Jesus! There was mass conversion! The Samaritans came out en mass to Jesus. This woman was truly saved!

Have you invited your friends to come see Jesus? Have you told them how God saved you? Or are you ashamed of Jesus while still claiming to be saved? I challenge you today to wake up and join us. We have a noble calling. Our vision of 200 members will be fulfilled. Call your friends, invite people, and preach every day. Tell the lost about the Saviour, and God will be with you!



[1] Butler, J. G. (2009). Analytical Bible Expositor: John (pp. 57–58). Clinton, IA: LBC Publications.
[2] Wiersbe, W. W. (1996). The Bible exposition commentary (Vol. 1, p. 300). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.
[3] Butler, J. G. (2009). Analytical Bible Expositor: John (pp. 59–60). Clinton, IA: LBC Publications.
[4] Butler, J. G. (2009). Analytical Bible Expositor: John (p. 61). Clinton, IA: LBC Publications.

Sunday, 16 March 2014


Luke 15:11-24
There are four things listed in the Bible that causes joy in heaven: (i) the night when Christ was born (Luke 2:13-14); (ii) the moment when a sinner gives his/her life to Christ and gets saved (Luke 15:7, 10); (iii) The Time when the Church arrives in heaven; and (iv) When Christ defeats his enemies on earth and returns to reign. The first has already happened. The two involves all of us. If you are a Christian today, you were once a sinner. And when you got saved, there was joy in heaven. Because sinners get saved every day, heaven is full of joy for them! It follows that heaven is joyful over those people who bring sinners to repentance and salvation (Pro.11:30; Daniel 12:3).

The heart of God is full of compassion for sinners (Ezek.18:32; 33:11). Our Saviour Jesus reflected this same compassion for sinners when He walked on earth (Mat.9:36-38). He said, “My Father loves me because I lay down my life for the sheep” (John 10:17). In the story of the prodigal son/lost son, Jesus is opening a window into the heart of God the Father. We will consider a number of lessons from this story: (i) the demands of sinful man; (ii) the degradation (ruin, destruction) of sinful man; (iii) the destitution (poverty, lack, need) of sinful man; and (iv) the deliverance of repentant sinners.

The Demands of Sinful Man

(Luke 15:11-13; Isa.53:6; Rom.3:10)

The lost son here represents for us lost humanity. People today are like lost sheep without a shepherd. Everyone does what is right in his own eyes. No one is listening to what God is really say to us through Jesus Christ. The commandments of God are disobeyed. People joke with God’s word! God says “Thou shalt not steal”. But people have perfected methods of stealing today. God says "Thou shalt not kill", but people kill everywhere today either in the name of God or in the name of politics or in the name of money. God says “Thou shalt not commit adultery”, but what do we have today? Sexual immorality is no longer regarded as sin. The say if it OK for you go ahead and do it! But as it is written, “What God has joined together, let no man put asunder”. This is more than biological pleasure. It is a spiritual matter! Fornication is breaking God’s commandment. Adultery is breaking God’s commandment.

The lost son was selfish – “Give me what belongs to me”, he demanded. Selfishness is the father of many sins. When you don’t care about others you are breaking God’s commandment – “Love your neighbour as yourself”. All the commandments of God are for our benefit. Yet people break these commandments and sin against God.

The Degradation (ruin, destruction) of Sinful Man

(Luke 15:13, 30; Rom.3:23; 6:23; Ezek.18:4)

This lost son embarked on a journey that ruined his life. He wasted all his money in sinful living. Just look around you today and you will see the decay and ruin of human life – broken homes, marital unfaithfulness, adultery, poverty, sickness and disease, wickedness, murder, abortion, homosexuality, suicide, drug/alcohol abuse and addiction, pornography, paedophilia. These are some the things that human beings do today. The Bible calls these the works of the flesh – the works of sinful flesh (Galatian 5:19-21; Mat.15:18-20). These actions show that men and women are lost in their sins. These sins bring destruction and ruin with them.

The Destitution (poverty, need, lack)Of Sinful Man 

(Luke 15:14-17; Eph.2:1-3)

When adultery comes into to a home, it will cause shame and pain, it will bring hatred and division. It will tear apart the family bond. It will divorce with it. When fornication comes into the life of a young man or young woman, it will ruin God’s plan for his or her life. It will destroy his/her innocence before God. He could have been used like Joseph in Egypt to save the life of many, or like Daniel in Babylon to preserve the worship of the one True God, he/she will lose all.  He or she will begin to struggle like this prodigal son. This is God’s pronouncement: “The soul that sinneth it shall die”. “The wages of sin is death”. If a sinner does not repent, then he or she shall surely perish (Rom.6:23; Ezek.18:4). Sin will always bring poverty and want. Sin will finally bring death with it. Both physical death and spiritual death are a result of sin. Thank God that this lost son in our story came to himself. They only way out of the destruction of sin is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Deliverance of the Repentant Man

(Luke 15:17-24; John 3:14-16, 18)

Repentance means to turn back from sin and turn to Jesus. This lost son remembered all the blessing he had in his father’s house. And again he remembered how he was now suffering for his sinfulness. Then he decided to go back to his father.

God is in the same way calling all men today to repent and return to him (Mat.4:17; Acts 17:30; Isa.1:16-18). He has promised forgive all their sin. He has given Jesus Christ to die on their behalf. Jesus Christ dies for all sinners. 

If you have repented, if you have not turned your life over to Jesus do it today because there will be no mercy for anyone who fails to receive Christ as Saviour.

Believe on the Lord Jesus and you shall be saved.

Saturday, 8 March 2014


Luke 10:1-19; 9:1; Mat.10:1-20; 28:18-20; Acts 1:8

If Jesus was physically with us today what would be His priority? Soul winning! “For the Son of man has come to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10). With our world as lost as it is today, I don’t think anything would rank near in importance to soul winning. If you have been chosen as a disciple of Jesus what should be your priority today? Soul winning! The next important question is have we got our priorities right? Let us examine the scriptures and examine ourselves. I think many times we would provide what we think are cast iron excuses for not being involved in soul winning. But none of those excuses will hold water in the presence of Christ our Saviour. Jesus trained and commissioned His disciples to go and preach the gospel.
A.   The People Commissioned

(Luke 10:1; Luke 9:1; Mat.10:1).
The appointment to preach is from the Lord.
The people appointed are His disciples. If you are a born again Christian, then this commission is for you. These seventy people were distinguished, dedicated and so are disciples. The Great Commission (Mat.28:18-20) is an open commission given to all who would become disciples of Jesus. Everyone of us who professes to be Christ’s disciple must be out in the field of soul winning. Notice that first Jesus appoints twelve disciples and called them apostles and then commissioned them to preach. He gave them power over unclean spirits to cast them out, and to cure all manner of sicknesses and diseases. In (Luke 19:1), He appointed seventy other disciples and gave them the same commission and the same power to preach, heal, and cast out unclean spirits. Then He gave that universal commission called the Great Commission.
B.   The Prompting for the Commission

(Luke 10:2; Mat.9:37-38)
There is a statistic that says that 153000 people die every day, and most of these will go to hell. No wonder the heart of Christ is filled with compassion for the lost! Here we see the Heart of the Saviour, the heart of compassion. Can we pray for the same heart of Christ towards those who are lost? It was compassion that took Christ to the house of sinners, which made him to dine with them so he could save them. It was compassion that drove Him to the Cross. Great soul winners are men of great compassion. The Harvest is great – that goes without saying! The Helpers (or labourers) are few. You and I can bear witness to this fact. Compassion always filled the heart of Christ when He saw the lost wondering aimlessly without a guide of a shepherd. 

C.   The Praying For the Commission
(Luke 10:2; 18:1; 1Thess.5:17)
The Place of the Praying – pray alone with God. Pray together as a family. Pray together as a church. The prayer that brings results is unceasing prayer.
The Passion in the Praying – we need to pray or passion for lost souls.
The Problem for the Praying – the lost are like sheep without a shepherd. The labourers are few. Pray for labourers.
The Possibilities of the Praying – the Lord who has asked us to pray will send labourers. When praying for labourers do not be like a hypocrite – praying for others to be sent while you sit relaxing.

D.   The Perils in the Commission
(Mat.10:22-31; Luke 10:3, 19).
We are sent as Sheep among wolves. Wolves howl at night! The want to terrify us. Wolves are ravening – they are ready to devour anything that comes their way.
But the Lord will care for faithful disciples. He gives them power to overcome the enemy.
When we preach, we should not worry about those who do not hear us. When people refuse to hear us, it is Christ they are refusing!
What is our commission? To preach the Gospel; to heal the sicknesses and diseases; to cast out unclean spirits. This we will do by God’s power in this Church.
It is true that our enemy the devil raises opposition and hindrance to our preaching the Gospel, but I believe that the greatest hindrances come from ourselves. Listen to what our Lord says in (Luke 14:26-27).

You can make anyone of these groups listed here a hindrance to your winning souls. Again let’s hear Jesus speak (Luke 14:16-20). Business concerns, family, education, personal preferences, family concerns, etc., are always given as excuse not to come out and win souls. We must bear in mind that the greatest blessing we have received is to be called children of God through Christ; and if children, Disciples of Christ.

E.   The Promise In The Commission
(Mat. 10:1, 29-31; Luke 9:1-2; 10:8-9,19; Acts 1:8)
The commission to preach is filled with precious promises from our Lord! Jesus also provides us with the power to preach, power to heal every sickness and every disease, power to cast out unclean spirits. May the Lord help us not to be blind to these! Why would the Lord give these promises?  He knows there are perils involved. He wants us to overcome these and obey Him. He knows we will have to give up many things – business opportunities, educational opportunities, money making opportunities, socially enhancing ventures, family concerns… Listen to what He tells Peter (Mat.19:21-22, 27-29). Whatever we give up in accordance with our individual circumstances, the Lord promise to give us hundredfold more! All who are faithful to the Lord must obey His command.

Saturday, 1 March 2014


Mat.12:28-29; 16:9; 18:18; Mark 3:27

Jesus made reference to a wicked, stubborn, Satanic and diabolical personality in Mathew 12:29 called a strong man. This strong being has determined to hold humanity captive and hinder every good blessing of God that is meant for them. He binds men and women; he blinds them and blocks their ways to the throne of grace for the Supernatural. This ancient dragon, called Satan or the devil has refused to release his captives since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. He has vowed to stop Christian pilgrims from connecting the God of power in order to possess their possessions. But thanks be to God, One that is stronger than the strong man came and triumphantly disgraced the strong man, bound him and openly conquered him on the cross where He declared that "It is finished!" Now, through his victory on the cross, we can authoritatively bind the strong man, the devil, that old serpent and all his agents in order to connect the God of power for the Supernatural and the extra-ordinary. Today, whatsoever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven (Mathew 18:18).



Mat.12:29; Mark 3:27; 1Chron. 21:1; Job 2:7; Isa 14:12,17; John 10:10; Mat.4:24; Luke 13:16.

The strong man referred to by Jesus in our text is the devil, Satan, that wicked one. He is totally evil, completely wicked and wholly anti-God. He hates every human being with absolute hatred. He has no good intention for anyone. He is the thief that comes to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). He deceives people by presenting attractive toys which serve as a trap to drag them into long term captivity, perversion, pollution, sinfulness, oppression, affliction, bondage, imprisonment, slavery, suffering, sicknesses, torment and pains in this present evil world and into eternal and everlasting doom in the hereafter. This strongman is characterized and described in the scriptures as follows:-

 .                    Cunning serpent. Gen 3:1-2.

i.                   Opposer. 1 Chr 21:1.

ii.                 Enemy. Mathew 13:25, 28,39; Luke 10:19.

iii.              Adversary. 1Peter 5:8.

iv.               Thief. John 10:10.

v.                 Killer. John 10:10.

vi.               Destroyer. John 10:10; 1Cor. 5:5.

vii.            Tempter. Mathew 4:3; 1Thess 3:5.

viii.          Deceiver. Rev. 12:9; 2Cor. 11:14.

ix.               Murderer. John 8:44.

x.                 Accuser. Rev. 12:9-12.

xi.               Liar. John 8:44; 2Thess 2:9.

xii.            Wicked one. Mathew 13:19.

xiii.          god of this world. 2 Cor. 4:4.

xiv.          Usurper. Isaiah 14:12-17.

xv.             Jailer. Luke 13:16; Rev. 2:10; Isa 14:12,17.

xvi.          Tormentor. Mathew 8:6; Luke 9:42.

xvii.        Sifter. Luke 22:31.

xviii.     Hinderer. 1Thess 2:18.

xix.          Oppressor. Acts 10:38; Mathew 4:24. Etc.

But we thank God that if you are a born again child of God, you have the power to conquer, capture, defeat and bind the strongman in order to connect the God of power. Through the name of Jesus, the blood of Jesus, the Word of God and the power of the Spirit, the adversary and the strong man can be removed out of the way.


Mat.12:29; Mark 3:27; Mat.16:19; Luke 4:18; Acts 10:38; Acts 13:6-12; Luke 9:38,39,42,43; 13:11-13; Mark 5:1-9,13-15;  Isaiah 10:27; Zech.4:6,7; 2Cor 10:3-5

Children of God who understand spiritual warfare must realize that there are battles raging in the spirit world. The devil is behind all the mysterious sicknesses, afflictions, oppressions, spiritual defeat, backsliding, lukewarmness, iniquities, hardness of sinners' heart, closed doors, and evil happenings around the world. We must know our authority to take charge, bind and loose, conquer and demolish every plant that our heavenly Father has not planted so that we can freely connect the God of power for all His provisions for us       (Mathew 15:13). We must employ all our spiritual weapons to fight against the principalities and powers, rulers of darkness of this world and the spiritual wickedness in high places (Eph 6:10-18). This can only be done through the power of the Spirit, not our natural courage, wisdom or intelligence. You must operate under the power and anointing of the Spirit that breaks the yoke and remove mountains, (Isa 10:27; Zech. 4:6,7) before you can bind the strong man. This comes after genuine scriptural salvation, entire sanctification, holiness of life and heart as well as enduement of power from on high (baptism or immersion in the Holy Spirit). Stand for your right, conquer the strong man and take your possession today.


Jeremiah 32:27,27; Isa 44:24-27; Mat. 28:18; Mark 10:27; Luke 1:37.

To connect the God of power, you must come into true relationship with the Almighty, All-powerful and the never failing God. The man that is into real partnership and fellowship with the Creator of the universe can never lack the power of God that breaks every yoke and opens every door. He says "I am the Lord, the God of all flesh; is there anything too hard for me?" (Jeremiah 32:27). Obviously, there is nothing too hard for Him (vs 17). He can save, He can sanctify, prosper, provide, open your closed door, give children to the barren, make impossibility possible, turn your darkness to light. He can do all things. He can show you His supernatural. You only need to connect Him through:

i)                   Salvation and pardon from all your Sins. Isa 55:6-7; 1John 3:7-10.

ii)                 Sanctification and Righteousness. 1Thess 5:22-24; 1Peter 1:14-16.

iii)               Spirit baptism and enduement with power. Luke 24:49; Acts 13:9-12.

iv)               Supplication and prayers. Jeremiah 33: 3; Ephesians 6:18.

v)                 Systematic study of His Word. 2 Tim 2:15; John 5:39.

vi)               Steadfast fellowship with Him and His Church. Rev 1:10; Acts 2:42.

vii)             Scriptural faith in the God of power who can do all things.   Acts 27:23-25.